Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

I Was Scared That I'd Find You Two Kissing Or Something.

“Are you sure this is where they wanted to meet to eat supper?” I asked uncertainly as I looked over the old building that had vines growing everywhere around it. Jason had texted me an hour ago, telling us that everyone was going out for supper.
“That’s what they said.” Matt replied shrugging as he parked his car in the back.
“Oh,” I said spotting my sister-in-law and nephew. “There’s Erica and Maddox.”
“Looks like we’ve got the right place then,” He replied as we got out of the car.
“Hey Mad,” I cooed at Maddox when we reached them. “Come see me baby.”
“How was the drive here?” Erica asked me as I took my nephew from her, I rolled me eyes.
“They drove me crazy; I just plugged in my music and slept.” I replied.
“Where are Jase and Tom?” Matt asked looking around.
“They’re already in there with their parents and the others.” Erica told him.
“I’m not even that hungry.” I said as we started to walk towards the entrance.
“That’s because you ate so much candy.” Matt teased elbowing me in the side gently.
“Oh shut your mouth Sanders, I didn’t eat that much.”
“Hmmm, alrighty then,”
As soon as we walked in to the restaurant there was a big table to the left of the entrance where everyone was sitting. I followed behind Matt and when he sat down leaving a space between him and my grandmother, I handed off the baby to my mom and sat down.
“Did you find a gift for Jenny?” I asked Ally who was on the other side of the table with Tom.
“Yeah after a couple more stores we did.” She replied.
“Well that’s good.” I said and picked up a menu.
“What’re you getting?” Matt asked me as he copied my movement and opened his too.
“Caesar salad,” I replied. “What about you?”
“Steak, you’re only eating salad?” He said giving me a weird look.
“I told you, I’m not hungry.”
“Shouldn’t have eaten so much candy,” Matt told me with a grin and I shot him an annoyed look.
The waitress showed up at our table to take our orders and after I told her mine, I dug out my cell phone and flipped it open. I found my games and decided to play Pac man, ignoring the conversations around me. I was about to win the game when my phone vibrated and a text popped up. Groaning, I read it. <Why are you ignoring me?> It was from Matt. I looked over at him and held up my cell.
“You just made me lose my game.” I told him with a slight pout.
“Sorry,” He replied flashing me an irresistible grin showing off his dimples. “Let me win one for you.”
I exited the message and handed him my phone. I leaned closer to him and watched him start to play the game. There was a flash from the other side of the table and I looked up to see Tom grinning as he held up his camera. I glared at him.
“Did you just take our picture?”
“I had to,” He replied with a grin. “It was a good shot.”
“Ha!” Matt exclaimed proudly. “I won.”
“You suck.” I told him and stole my phone back.
“Says the person who just lost,”
“I didn’t lose,” I replied. “You texted me, making me lose.”
“Smile you two.” Tom said from his seat and I looked up glaring as the flash went off again.
“Tom, you’d better friggin’ delete those.” I threatened and he grinned at me.
“Love you too sis.” He replied and aimed his camera at someone else.
“Moron,” I grumbled glancing back down at my phone.
I was in the middle of another Pac man game when Matt’s phone rang, pretending that I didn’t even hear it I listened in on his conversation.
“Hello?” He answered. “Oh, hey…I wish I could, but I’m all the way in Jasper, sorry…Yeah, maybe once I get home tomorrow…That’d be good, I can’t wait to see you too.”
“Who was that?” Tom asked Matt once he had hung up.
“Karrie,” He replied shifting in his chair.
“Ooo, what did she want?” My brother questioned with a smirk, obviously knowing who this Karrie was.
“She wanted to get together tonight.” Matt told him.
“Oh, you know what she wanted.” Tom laughed smirking.
“Yes, yes I do.” Matt chuckled smirking back at him.
“Is she the crazy one?” Ally asked.
“Ohh yeah, that would be her.”
“Why are you still seeing her?”
“Babe, he only sees her when he needs to get laid.” Tom told Ally. Oookay… This is getting awkward.
“I avoid her mostly.” Matt said with a grin.
“You need a girlfriend Matthew.” Ally told him with a laugh.
“I’m perfectly fine being single, then I can do whatever I want with whoever I want.”
“Man-whore.” I mumbled.
“What’d you say Vanessa?” Matt asked. I knew that he had heard me.
“Oh nothing,” I replied and focused my attention on my cell.
I just wanted to go back to the hotel and hide out all by myself. Crowds were not my thing, I got a bit edgy when I was around a group of people and liked to keep out of the spotlight. Sometimes I felt like an outsider, watching through the window as everyone else sat around talking and laughing with one another. People made me feel awkward, Matt made me feel awkward. I suppose it just depended on the day, because sometimes I was fine with the crowds and socializing and other days I just wanted to disappear. Today was one of those “I wish I was invisible” days.

Finally after everyone had eaten and chatted we made our way back to where we were all staying the night. I didn’t talk to Matt during the drive to the hotel, we were both silent as I looked out the side window. Matt sighed into the silence and reached over to put the radio on, turning up the volume. When we got to the hotel, Matt parked beside Tom’s car and shut off the engine. He twisted in his seat to look at me.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I replied turning my head to look at him.
“Then why the hell are you being so quiet?” Matt asked. I shrugged.
“I’m tired.” I told him, he gave me a frustrated look before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car.
I opened the car door and stepped out, slamming it behind me. I followed the others up the stairs and down the hall to the suite my parents and Jason had booked. When we entered, I immediately headed for the couch and plopped down. Tom followed me and sat beside me, placing his arm around my shoulders.
“What’s up?” He asked pulling me closer.
“I’m tired.” I replied laying my head on his shoulder.
“Go have a sleep then.” Tom told me.
“No, I want to spend time with you.” I said. “I can’t believe that you’re getting married tomorrow.”
“I know,” He replied grinning. “I’m glad you could come.”
“Me too, are you nervous?”
“No, I’m just excited.” Tom said grinning.
“I hope it doesn’t snow.”
“It’d be sweet for pictures.” He said and I rolled my eyes at his photographer logic.
“And freezing cold.” I reminded him.
“Oh well, we’ll just have to see what happens.”
“Want to go swimming?” Ally asked as she walked towards the couch.
“Yeah let’s go,” Tom replied. “You coming Van?”
“No I’m fine thanks; I think I’ll go sit in the sauna.” I told them. Tom hugged me tight before letting me go and standing up.
Pulling myself from the couch, I went to find my suitcase and brought it into the bathroom. I changed from my skirt and shirt to my little shorts and tank top and went in to the sauna. I sighed happy to finally be alone and laid my head against the wall.
I was in there awhile before I heard the door open and close again. I groaned wanting to be left alone and opened my eyes to see Jason beside me and Matt on the other side of him. At least he didn’t sit beside me, I thought.
“Why aren’t you in the pool with everyone else?” I asked Jason.
“There’s no point,” He replied. “The hot tub is cold and the pool is shallow.
“Hmmm,” I hummed, so you had to come and ruin my peace and quiet.
My brother and Matt began a conversation. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore Matt’s deep sexy voice. Get a grip Vanessa, I scolded myself. He’s eight years older than you and sleeps with anything that’ll spread their legs.
“Jase can you help me with Maddox please, I’m kind of busy.” Erica said as the door of the sauna opened and a gush of cold air filled the tiny room.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” He replied and I waited until I heard the door close before I opened my eyes.
“Faking are we?” Matt chuckled from his spot on the complete opposite side of the bench. I gave him a confused look.
“You were faking sleeping.” He replied.
“I wasn’t sleeping.” I told him and moved so that I was lying down on the bench with my legs up on the wall.
It was quiet between us for awhile as I stared up at the ceiling, wondering what Matt was thinking or doing and then suddenly his face was staring down at me. I blinked my eyes a couple times to see if he was actually there and then frowned when he didn’t go away.
“Would you like something?” I asked.
Matt didn’t reply, he just leaned down and lightly pressed his upside down lips to mine. In shock, I didn’t respond and he pulled away just as the door opened. Matt quickly moved to the other side again. Jason walked in and sat down between us.
“I was scared that I’d find you two kissing or something.” He joked with a laugh. I didn’t say anything and Matt let out a nervous chuckle.
“Sure man.” Matt replied punching my brother’s shoulder.
“I’m getting out,” I told them. “It’s too hot in here now.”
“Alright,” Jason said as I got up and left the sauna, a wall of cold air hitting me.
What the fuck just happened? I groaned as I walked into the bedroom where my parents were sleeping and flopped down on the bed. He did not just kiss me, he didn’t. Gorgeous Matthew Charles Sanders did not just kiss plain ole Vanessa Marie Berry, it didn’t happen…Okay, maybe it did. Fuck my life.
“Why didn’t you come swimming?” My mother said as she came into the room.
“I didn’t feel like it, I was just in the sauna with Jason and Matt.” I told her as I sat up.
“I ironed your dress for you.” She said as she dug through her suitcase.
“Thanks.” I replied getting up off the bed.
“Do you want me to iron the shrug too?”
“No it’s fine,” I told her. “I’ll let you change.”
I walked out of the room and into the dim living room. Matt was sitting on the couch, with Jason on the floor at his feet while Matt rubbed his shoulders. When Matt saw me, he sent a little smirk my way and winked.
♠ ♠ ♠
here's the second chapter.. I was gonna update last night but the computer crashed while I was in the middle of it. Anyways, comment please and tell me what you think :)