Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

Honey, I'm Far From Flabby.

Once Jason was gone, I closed the door locking it and then opened the one to the bathroom. Matt was sitting on the lid of the toilet grinning.
“I thought you said that they wouldn’t notice you were gone?” I asked smirking at him.
“Who says that I'm taking you out for breakfast?” He questioned following me to the bed.
“Me,” I replied sitting down on the edge.
“What if I don’t want to go out for breakfast?” Matt asked as he stood in front of me and leaned his upper body down, his hands placed on my thighs.
“Then you’d be nice and bring me anyways.” I replied giving him a sweet smile.
“I’m not nice though.” He said moving even closer so that I could feel his breath on my face. I shifted, uncomfortable at his closeness and placed my hands on his elbows.
“You’re nice to me.”
“Well, I suppose I could bring you for breakfast,” Matt said with a grin. “After all, we wouldn’t want you to starve, would we?”
“N-No we w-wouldn’t.” I stammered as his lips pressed against my jaw and trailed wet kisses down my neck. Matt pulled away and grinned.
“Let’s go then.”
“That was mean.” I grumbled glaring at him as he tried to look innocent.
“I told you that I was mean.” He replied sweetly and pecked my lips.
“Screw you.” I said and stood.
“So where do you want to go for breakfast Nessy?” Matt asked as we left the hotel room.
“Doesn’t really matter, you pick.” I told him with a shrug.
“What about McDonalds?”
“I can get a milkshake then.” I replied with a grin and Matt laughed.
We got into his car and I put my seatbelt on as Matt turned the car on. What am I getting myself into? I thought as Matt turned the radio on and we drove out of the parking lot in silence. Maybe I should tell him to go back…No it was me who suggested that we go out to eat. Oh, what am I doing?
“You're being all quiet again.” Matt told me glancing at me before turning his attention back to the road.
“Sorry, I'm just thinking.”
“About what?” He asked and I shrugged.
“I don’t know, just stuff.” I replied.
“What kind of stuff?”
“Matt,” I sighed. “Shut up.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just curious as to what’s going on inside that mind of yours.” He replied sounding a bit offended.
“Well I don’t want to talk about what’s going on inside my head, alright?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to piss you off.” Matt grumbled tightening his grip on the steering wheel.
“It’s alright; I’m just kinda tired and hungry.”
“That’s okay, we’ll get some food and milkshake into you and you’ll be just fine.” Matt said as he looked over and grinned at me.
“Yes, milkshakes solve everything.” I replied and smiled back. I hadn’t meant to snap at Matt, but I was so confused about what was happened and I didn’t feel like talking about it with him.
“Are we sitting in or is it gonna be drive thru?” Matt asked pulling into the parking lot.
“Let’s eat in, it’s easier that way.” I replied unbuckling my seatbelt.
“Whatever you want,” He said as he parked his car.
What if I want you? The thought entered my mind before I shook my head and began cursing myself for even thinking that.
“Are you ready, or are you just going to sit here and daydream?” Matt asked a hint of laugher in his voice.
“Oh shut up,” I replied shoving his shoulder before stepping out of the car.
“You’ve really got a lot on your mind.” He said as we walked towards the entrance to the fast food restaurant.
“I’m fine, just tired; my mind is just running steady today for some reason.”
“Did you have a good sleep last night?” Matt asked opening the door for me.
“Not really, I couldn’t get comfortable and my thoughts wouldn’t settle.” I told him truthfully.
“Maybe you should have a nap before the wedding.” Matt suggested. “You’ve got a long day ahead of you and then the drive back into the city.”
“I can’t, checkout is at twelve.”
“You can always nap in my car,” He said with a grin. “Not too sure how comfy that’d be though.”
We walked up to the counter and I scanned the menu looking for something half decent to eat. Matt pulled out his wallet and ordered.
“I’ll buy you breakfast,” He told me. “Order whatever you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure,” Matt replied with a grin. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn't.”
“True,” I said and then turned to the lady. “Can I get a small vanilla milkshake and a hash brown please?”
“That’s all you got?” Matt asked as we stepped back to wait for our food.
“Yes, that’s all I wanted,” I replied. “What did you get?”
“Two egg breakfast sandwiches and a coffee.” He told me and smiled as I yawned.

“When are you leaving?” I asked Matt once we had gotten our food and were sitting at a booth in the corner of the restaurant.
“Probably right after supper, I’ve got another wedding to go to tomorrow.” He replied taking a bite of his sandwich as I made a face.
“Who’s getting married?” I asked before motioning to his breakfast. “How do you eat that?”
“My buddy, I’m in the wedding.” He told me and held the sandwich up to his mouth. “Watch, this is how I eat it.” Then he took a bite, I rolled my eyes.
“Okay smartass, I meant how can you like that?”
“It’s good, try some.” Matt said, holding it up in my direction.
“No thanks,” I replied. “I hate eggs.”
“Oh come on, how can you hate eggs?”
“Easy, I do.” I said with a grin and took a drink of my milkshake.
“Now who’s being the smartass?” Matt laughed as he shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth.
“Me,” I replied and gave him a cheeky grin.
“We used to do this all the time.” He said randomly.
“I know,” I laughed. “We did everything together.”
“It was fun, remember when we used to play Crazy Eights, I used to ask you how many two’s you had and I could always tell if you had any cause you’d grin and turn red.”
“I remember that,” I replied laughing. “And then I used to trick you.”
“Yeah, I remember that too. We spent the whole week together.”
“You must have been bored out of your mind.”
“No, I had fun with you.” Matt said giving me a dimpled smile.
“Hmm, I’m sure you had fun sitting around with a fifteen year old.” I replied giving him a look.
“I actually didn’t mind, you were fun to be with and you weren’t an immature fifteen year old.” He pointed out.
“I’m still sure that you’d have rather spent it differently.”
“Whatever you want to think, but I didn’t mind.”
“Alright then,” I said shaking my head.
“Everyone always used to say that you had a crush on me.” Matt blurted out and I instantly flushed red.
“That would have been Jason and Tom no doubt, they teased me constantly.” I replied looking away from him.
“Yeah it was, did you?”
“Did I what?” I asked playing dumb.
“You know, did you have a crush on me?” Matt repeated giving me a sly grin.
“Maybe,” I laughed. “You were pretty sexy.”
“I was? What about now?”
“Oh, now you’re just getting flabby.” I joked keeping a serious face.
“I’m flabby?” He said in disbelief and then grinned, flexing his arm. “Honey, I’m far from flabby.”
“Okay…” I replied pretending to give in. “Maybe you aren’t that flabby.”
“Come on Nessy, you’ve got to admit that you think I’ve got a nice body. After all, you were checking out my ass yesterday.” Matt said with a smirk.
“Oh shut up,” I mumbled. “How did we get on this topic anyways?”
“So you were checking out my ass then.”
“Oh would you stop being so cocky.” I grumbled and Matt gave me an innocent smile.
“Do you want to go back and get ready now?” He asked as he crumpled up his wrappers.
“Yes we might as well; I’ve only got to get dressed.” I told him as we stood.
“Is there anyone in your room?”
“No, they’re gone to Ally’s appointment and then going up to Jenny’s room. Why?” I replied frowning up at him as we left McDonalds, Matt just shrugged.
“I’m coming to hang out in your room with you then.” He said and got in his car.
“What if I don’t want you to?” I questioned teasingly, raising an eyebrow at him as I got in the passenger side.
“Oh course you want me to and besides, how could you deny my sexy body.” Matt replied running his hands down his sides suggestively with a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at him.
“You are way too cocky.” I told him and put on my seatbelt, looking out the side window.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the wait. I started a job, and school so life is hectic at the moment. Anyways, comment and tell me what you think :) thanks to everyone who did !