Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

Half The Fun Is Worrying About Whether Or Not You'll Get Caught.

Once we were back at the hotel, I walked into the room with Matt following behind me and I shut the door, locking it. I moved towards the bed and flopped down on it, Matt following beside me. The awkward tension started to seep back into the atmosphere, but this time mixed in with a nervous butterfly stomach feeling. Matt lay on his side, his head propped up on his hand as he stared down at me.
“What time is it?” I asked breaking the quiet that had been between us.
“Eleven thirty.” He replied after looking at his watch.
“The wedding’s at one.” I told him.
“I know that.” Matt said grinning down at me.
“Oh right,” I replied and my cheeks tinted pink.
We were quiet again; Matt brought his hand towards my face and brushed a strand of hair from my face. I didn’t know what to do, I mean yes he was gorgeous and I kind of liked him, but he’s my brother’s friend. I was going back home on Sunday and I’d most likely not see Matt for another couple years, if even then.
“What’re you thinking about now?” Matt chuckled snapping me from my thoughts.
“I was thinking that I leave Sunday and I probably won’t see you for a long time.” I admitted.
“Well can’t you come out when school is finished?” He asked with a little frown spreading across his brow.
“I don’t know if I want to.” I replied.
“Why not?”
“Well what am I going to do here?” I asked.
“Go to school, stay with your cousins and then you can see me.” Matt replied a grin taking the place of his frown.
“I don’t know,” I told him. “I didn’t apply to any schools out here.”
“Take some time off then, and apply next fall.”
“Who knows what’ll happen.” I said.
The last thing that I wanted was to come all the way out here to live and be close to my brother’s friend. Matt’s such a womanizer that I’d probably end up broken hearted and have go to crawling to my brother. I didn’t even know if that’s why Matt wanted me to move out, maybe he was just being friendly. Friends don’t kiss, I told myself and sighed. This weekend was ending up to be a very confusing one.
“Vanessa, you should stop thinking for at least five minutes.” Matt said yet again shaking me from my thoughts. I glanced at him and he had an amused expression on his face.
“Sorry,” I sighed. “I just can’t seem to stop.”
“I can help you with that.” He said as a mischievous grin suddenly appearing across his face. Before I could reply his lips were pressing on mine and I had no choice but to respond.
After awhile, I tugged on his body trying to pull him on top of me and he finally got the hint and rolled over. I liked the feel of Matt’s heavy body on mine, his knees on either side of my waist and his lips on mine. Matt’s hands began roaming down my sides to the bottom of my shirt and suddenly his calloused fingers were on my skin. I shivered at his touch, his hands slowly inching their way up my stomach and reached my breasts, cupping them in his palms. I moaned into Matt’s mouth and felt him grin against my lips. I began tugging on his shirt, wanting it off when there was a loud knock on the door. I jumped in shock and almost hit my head against Matt’s. He quickly scrambled off the bed and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Just a minute,” I called out rushing to find my wedding outfit in my bag. I found it hanging on the back of the chair and then walked to the door and opened it.
“What were you doing?” Ally laughed when she saw me, she was standing outside with Kate and Becky.
“I was laying down and just about to go get ready.” I lied as I let them in and shut the door.
“Do you like my hair?” She asked spinning for me to see.
“I love it, it looks so good.” I replied grinning at her.
“I hope it doesn’t rain.” Ally said as she began digging through her suitcase.
“I didn’t know that you were coming back, you scared me.” I told her letting out a tiny laugh.
“We weren’t supposed to but I forgot some things in my bag, and then we decided to just come get our stuff and bring it all out at the same time.” She explained and my eyes grew wide when I saw Becky open the bathroom door and walk in.
“Oh I see,” I replied trying to keep my breathing regulated.
“Are you just going to stay here or are you coming to Jenny’s room with us?” Kate asked as she zipped up her bags.
“I think I’m just going to stay here, there’ll be too many people over there anyways.” I replied sighing in relief as Becky left the bathroom and didn’t look as though she had seen Matt.
“Alright, I guess we’ll see you later then.” She said and they all grabbed their suitcases before heading for the door.
I opened the door for them, shutting it behind them and locking it again before leaning against it and sighing. This is why he shouldn’t be here, I thought to myself as I hit the back of my head on the door.
“Can I come out now?” Matt called from the bathroom and I groaned.
“No you fuckhead, they’re still here.” I said opening the door to an empty room.
“Hi,” he said grinning as he sat up in the tub.
“You are such a moron, if they had seen you we’d be dead right now. I’d be dead.” I grumbled walking back into the room and laying back down on the bed.
“They didn’t see me though, Becky didn’t even see me.” Matt reminded me as he appeared and laid himself down on top of me.
“Yeah, but I almost had a heart attack, I thought for sure that she’d see you.”
“I thought she would too, I had to find somewhere to hide and I figured my best bet was to lay in the bath.” He said with a grin as he kissed my nose.
“Never again,” I groaned. “I don’t think my heart could take it.”
“I thought that it was a bit of a thrill,” Matt replied. “Half the fun is worrying about whether or not you’ll get caught.”
“Maybe in your world,” I grumbled running my hand through his soft dark hair as he closed his eyes.
“Well I should probably go and let you get ready.” He said leaning his face down so that our foreheads and noses were touching, pressing his lips to mine.
“Yes you should,” I replied after kissing him back.
“Are you coming with me?” Matt asked as he stood up.
“If you want, I don’t really feel like being squished in the van with everyone.”
“I’ll come and get you when I’m ready, alright?”
“Sounds good.” I replied sitting up as Matt moved towards the door.
“I’ll see you soon.” Matt said with a wink as he left the room.
Oh, fuck my life. I groaned as I ground my head into the bed. What the hell is going on? Matt was completely confusing me and I didn't know what was going to happen with us. I mean, it's Matt, mister man-whore himself. Did he just want in my pants? I wouldn't doubt it… Or was it something else? I had no fucking clue, all I knew was that I had to deal with him for the rest of the day and then I wouldn't see him for a very, very long time. Hopefully
Groaning, I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. My hair was all messy and my lips were red. I pulled the elastic from my hair and shook my head, deciding to completely redo it. After I had my hair finished, I walked back into the room and found the dress that I had bought specifically for my brother's wedding. Changing out of my clothes, I pulled the dress over my head and smoothed it out. Grabbing my purse, I found my lipgloss and applied some, before dropping my purse on the bed.
Gathering up all my things from around the room, I replaced it all in my suitcase and shut the top, zippering it closed. I set it down on the floor beside the table and found my vibrating cellphone. <Hey, where have you been all morning? Do you want to put your stuff in Becky's car?> Mom had texted me. I hit the reply button and texted back, <I went out to eat with Matt, I was just about to do that.> Closing my phone, I tossed it in my purse and slung it over my shoulder. Finding my heels, I put them on and grabbed my suitcase, leaving the room.
I walked along the open deck to the stairs and carefully walked down them, not wanting to fall. Walking through the parking lot, I saw Matt and Becky beside his car looking like they were arguing. I headed over to them and as soon as Matt saw me his eyes widened like he had something to tell me. Stopping in front of them, Matt reached over and took my suitcase. I frowned at him and went to take it back.
"You're going to kill yourself in those heels if you try and carry this thing any farther." He told me with a grin that didn't quite reach his dimples and I rolled my eyes at him.
"I made it down here perfectly fine without killing myself." I replied.
"Is your car unlocked?" Matt asked as he turned his attention to Becky.
"No," she replied taking the keys from her pocket and unlocking the door. "It is now."
"Thanks," he said with a grin.
"I'll talk to you two later." Becky said giving Matt a warning look and I frowned knowing that I was missing something.
"What was that about?" I asked as she walked away and Matt and I headed for her car.
"I'll tell you later." He replied lowly his smile gone as he opened the trunk and placed my bags in.
"What happened?" I asked again as he slammed it shut.
"I said that I'd tell you later."
"Matt, you're worrying me." I told him searching his face for a clue or something that would tell me what was wrong.
"It'll be fine, don't worry about it now," Matt replied and nodded towards my parents rental van. "Your mother wants to talk to you I think."
"I'll be right back." I told him and headed across the parking lot to where my mother was standing.
"Who are you driving with?" She asked me.
"Matt, no one else has enough room." I replied.
"Alright, I'll see you at the wedding then. Be good." Mom told me and I rolled my eyes.
"I always am." I replied and walked back to Matt.
"Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded, getting into his car and immediately putting on my seatbelt.
"Are you going to tell me what happened now or am I going to have to guess?" I questioned watching Matt's face as he backed out of his parking space.
"She saw me." Was his reply and my heart stopped.
"What?" I asked hoping that I had heard wrong.
"Becky saw me in the bathroom, she just didn't say anything." Matt repeated keeping his eyes on the road.
"Oh fuck," I groaned. "What did she say to you?"
"She asked me why I was hiding, I told her that we thought it was Jason and that he'd overreact if he saw me and you in the room alone."
"Did she believe you?" I asked praying that she did.
"No," Matt replied. Of course she wouldn't with my luck…
"Shit, what's she going to do?"
"I have no clue, she said that she wouldn't say anything if I promised that it wouldn't happen again." He replied as he shrugged.
"What did you say?"
"I denied that anything happened and then she was yelling at me until you showed up." Matt told me.
"This is just great." I groaned leaning my head back on the headrest.
"You look gorgeous by the way Ness." Matt said as he glanced over at me with a smile, changing the subject.
"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself Matty." I replied giving him the once over, loving what he looked like in his black suit.
"What did your mother want?"
"To tell me to be good." I told him and he chuckled.
"You didn't tell her that you were being bad did you?" He asked.
"I'm always good."
"Sure..." Matt replied dragging out the last of the word.
"Want some candy?" I asked as I dug through my purse.
"No thanks, I'm cutting back."
"Since when?"
"Since you called me flabby." Matt said and I laughed at him.
The rest of the drive into the mountains was quiet as I stared out the passenger window and watched the trees go by. I hope Becky doesn't say anything, I thought to myself. She always did have a thing for Matt, well really, who doesn't? But if she thinks that Matt and I have something going, maybe she'll tell someone in hopes that they wouldn't let me see him. I shook my head, not wanting to think about it or anything that had to do with Matt for that matter. I kept my attention on the blue-green water of the lake that had appeared, admiring its beauty.
"Do you want to wait in the car for everyone or do you want to go wait down on the island?" Matt asked forcing my gaze away from the window.
"Let's go down there, I want to walk around it." I replied taking my seatbelt off and opening my door.
I waited for Matt to walk around the car and then we walked together down the stairs through the woods. We came to the boardwalk that led out to the island and I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep warm. Matt stepped closer to me and wrapped his big arm around my waist tugging me closer to his warmth. We stepped on to the wooden walkway and I glanced around at the snowy mountains that surrounded us.
"It's awesome isn't it?" Matt said.
"Amazing, I love it." I replied not saying anything about his arm or the awkward tension that was once again filling the air.
When we got on to the tiny island, it took us about ten minutes to walk around the whole thing, stopping once in awhile to look at the scenery. Following the trail, we came around to where there the wedding was going to take place, and noticing that there were already people there, I slipped out of my brother's friend's grasp. Matt didn't say anything as we kept walking closer to the area, Becky and Kate spotted us and came to meet us.
"It is so cold!" Kate said shivering as we stood in front of them.
"I know, poor Ally is going to freeze." I replied hugging myself tighter.
"Hey Vanessa, can I talk to you for a minute?" Becky asked abruptly changing the subject and I nervously looked up at Matt.
"I'll go and save us a seat." He told me after giving me a reassuring smile and I nodded. Becky took my arm and led me away from the crowds.
"I just want to talk to you about Matt." My cousin said, a serious expression on her face.
"What about him?" I asked frowning.
"Vanessa," she sighed. "He's twenty-five years old, I don't think that it's appropriate for you to be so close to him all the time."
"Becky. there is nothing going on between Matt and I." I told her.
"Then why was he alone in our hotel room with you earlier, I don't think that your parents would be too happy about that."
"Nothing happened, he was just bored and came to keep me company and we thought that it was Jason that came to the door."
"Hmm, well maybe it'd be best if you kept away from each other until you leave. I know what Matt's like and he knows all the right things to say when he wants something."
"I'm quite capable of looking after myself thank you, and Matt has been nothing but friendly since I got here." I told her and left her standing there as I walked away and went to find Matt.
"What did she say?" He asked quietly as I sat down beside him on the wooden bench in the front row.
"She said that she didn't think it appropriate for us to be so close and then asked me what you were doing in my room." I replied rolling my eyes at him.
"What did you tell here?"
"The same thing you did, that you were bored and came to see me and we thought that it was Jason at the door. Then she said that we should stay away from each other until I leave and that you knew exactly what to say when you wanted something." I told him.
"She really likes to meddle in other peoples business doesn't she." Matt grumbled.
"No, she just wants you and thinks that I'm in the way." I replied.
"You are in the way," he said throwing me his most seductive charming smile. "But, she never had a chance anyways."
"You're a moron." I told him rolling my eyes.
"And you think I'm sexy."
"You're so full of yourself." I groaned reaching over to smack him in the chest, before wrapping my arms around myself.
"Do you want my jacket?" Matt asked looking at me concerned.
"Then you'll be cold."
"I've got a long sleeved shirt and a vest on under this, I think I'll survive." He told me as he shrugged the coat from his shoulders.
"Thanks." I replied taking it from him and draping it over my freezing bare legs and Matt's.
"How've you Matt?" My grandmother asked as she sat down on his other side.
"I've been good," he replied politely. "How have you been?"
"Oh, I'm living. It's chilly out, isn't it."
"Yeah, it's quite cold." Matt said with a smile as she edged closer to him and brought her arm through his by the elbow. Matt glanced at me and held out his other arm for me with a grin. Rolling my eyes, I wrapped my arm around his and hugged it close, trying to get warm. I slipped my foot under his legs and between his feet, as I cuddled closer watching the little boy and girl walk up to the front through the rows of benches.
"I feel special." Matt leaned down to whisper in my ear and I laughed quietly, before turning my head so I could reach his ear.
"You should." I replied after stealthily placing a kiss on his earlobe. Matt shot me a look after I pulled away and I grinned, turning to face the wedding that was about to take place.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can a have maybe 5 comments before the next chapter? Please? I need some feedback. Motivation to keep writing. Anyways, sorry I always take so long to update, life is not fun. I've got a sinus infection and bronchitis..

Here's a link to the island where they got married. My brother got married here. Pyramid Lake