Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

I'm Sorry.

"I'm sooo sore." I complained as I laid sprawled across the bed.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have jumped me in the bathtub." Matt replied with a chuckle leaning over the side of the bed to kiss my forehead.
"Oh, shut up." I mumbled lazily reaching out in a failed attempt to hit him.
"We've got to go soon." He pointed out as he looked at his watch.
"What time is it?"
"Six," Matt replied. "You might want to get dressed.
"I don't feel like it." I groaned closing my eyes. I felt the end of the bed dip down and fabric brushing against my ankle. Opening my eyes slowly, I watched as Matt began pulling my panties up my legs.
"Lift your hips for me." He chuckled and I did what he asked with a whimper.
"I wish we could call them and tell them that we don't want to eat."
"Except it's your brother's wedding and I am hungry." Matt replied sitting me up only for me to fall back down again with a groan.
"Don't remind me."
"Come on you big baby," he laughed sitting me back up and pulling my bra straps up my arms, fastening it in the back. I leaned into his chest and pressed my lips to his tattooed skin.
"I don't think I'm gonna be able to walk."
"Sure you will," Matt said. "You can just lean on me."
"Or you could carry me." I suggested with a grin as Matt pulled away from me and stood, hauling me up with him.
"I'm sure your family would appreciate that." He replied with a chuckle and I stiffened in his arms.
"Yeah," I said with a fake laugh.
"What's wrong?" Matt asked with a frown, looking down at me.
"N-Nothing, I ummm….nothing." I replied not wanting to tell him.
"You don't regret it, do you?" He questioned with a frown, cupping my chin in his hand and forcing me to look at him.
"No, that's not it, it's just ummm." I stuttered trying to come up with something to say.
"Fuck, you do too."
Matt let go of me and I had to grab his arm when I almost fell on my wobbly legs. Shaking my hand off of him, he stormed around the room picking up his clothes and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I felt like crying as I stood there not knowing what to do. Slowly, I picked up my dress and smoothed it out before pulling it on. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I leaned my elbows against my knee and rested my head in my hands. I really shouldn't have done that, it wasn't that I regretted it, but it just made me feel guilty. I mean, what happens if I find the one now, I can't even give him my virginity because my brother's best friend who's eight years older and doesn't give a rats ass about me took it. Sniffling, I let the tears fall down my face and my mind continued to reel. What happens if Jason or Tom find out? What happens if my parent’s do? Sex before marriage is completely frowned upon in our family and religion. I mean, fuck, you don't even get to see your boyfriend's dick until then, if you were really that angelic.
"Are you ready?" Matt's voice reached my ears as the bathroom door opened.
"I need to fix my hair." I told him wiping my eyes and nose as I stood.
I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked past Matt and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Sighing, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and took in my appearance. My lips were red and swollen, my hair was a disaster and there were traces of love bites down my neck. Just fucking great, I thought letting out a sigh. Tugging the elastic from my hair, I shook my head and let it all fall to my shoulders.
After fixing my hair as best I could, I scowled at myself in the mirror one last time and opened the door. Matt was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands on his knees and his face blank. Digging through my purse, I found my cover up and stood in from of the mirror/closet door.
“Are you ready?” I asked when the hickeys on my neck were invisible.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He replied standing from the bed and brushed past me.
Things were awkward not, I mean he’s my brother’s friend and we had just slept together. Not to mention the fact that he thought I regretted it and I didn’t tell him otherwise. Following him from the hotel room, we walked back to his car and got in.
“Matt,” I sighed as he pulled out on to the road and began driving, completely ignoring me. “It’s not that I-“
“Forget it.” He grumbled cutting me off.
“I don’t regret it.” I told him and Matt looked over at me.
“Then why were you crying?”
“I don’t know, just emotions I guess.” I shrugged. “It’s heard to explain, I mean you’re twenty-five, I’m seventeen. My brothers are your best friends.”
“I get it,” Matt replied. “It was a complicated situated, neither of us thought it through. It shouldn’t have happened.”
“I didn’t say that it shouldn’t have happened.” I argued.
“It shouldn’t have.” Matt said firmly, eyes straight ahead and his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“But I don’t-“ I started to argue again, but he cut me off for the second time.
“It doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t have happened. Nothing should have happened between us.”
“Matt, what’s going on?” I questioned, confused as to why he was being like this, so different, cold.
“Nothing is going on,” he replied. “It was just a mistake and I want to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”
I didn’t say anything as I turned my head and stared absent mindedly out my window, tears beginning to prick my eyes. A mistake? Like fuck it was, you can’t just accidently put your dick in someone. Quickly reaching up, I swiped away a tear that had rolled down my face before Matt could see, that is if he actually cared.
He knows what to say when he wants something. Those words kept repeating in my mind, tormenting me. Did all he want was to get in my pants? I asked myself. I mean, it would explain his cuteness and sensitivity he had shown. The kissing, hand holding, all he wanted was a good fuck. Why the hell was I so stupid?
Matt pulled into the parking lot to Earl’s and shut the car off. Leaning back in his seat, he let out a deep sigh and glanced over at me. Turning my head to stare coldly back at him, I unbuckled my seatbelt and glared.
“Well, I suppose you’re happy that you got what you wanted.” I snapped and got out of the car, slamming the door behind me.
“Van-“ Matt called out trying to catch up with me. “Vanessa, what’re you talking about?”
“What? You mean the game you’ve been playing this whole time? Acting like you actually gave a fuck, when really all you were trying to do was sleep with me?” I snorted as I stood facing him. “I’m so fucking stupid for trusting you.”
“Vanessa, I wasn’t try-“
“Save it you fucking man-whore,” I cut him off. “I don’t want to hear shit.”
Spinning around on my heel, I stormed away from him and into the restaurant. Ignoring Matt, who had caught up to me, I stomped up the stairs and looked around for someone I knew. Spotting them in the corner, I headed over and sat down beside one of my cousins. Ignoring everyone, I picked up the menu and began to look through it.
“What’re you getting?” Matt asked from beside me, like nothing had happened between us.
“Caesar salad.” I replied coldly my gaze still on the menu.
“You had salad yesterday,” he said. “On a diet or something?”
“No,” I growled. “There’s nothing else that I like. Why, are you saying that I should be?”
“No Vanessa, I was joking.”
“Ha, ha, not funny,”
Placing my menu down on the table, I stood and found my mother at the other end and squatted down beside her chair.
“Hey, I just got here.” I told her.
“Alright, where have you been?” She asked looking down at me.
“We just drove around, went shopping a bit. I fell asleep in the car.” And lost my virginity…
“Do you know what time you’re leaving to go back to the city with Becky and Kate?”
“No, I’m assuming after supper.” I told her as I stood back up, my phone buzzing in my purse.
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later.” I nodded and went back to my seat, hauling out my phone.
Flipping it open, I looked at the text, <You know, they’re going to think something happened if you keep being such a bitch to me.> Quickly turning my head, I shot Matt a dirty look and he gave me a small innocent smile. Turning back to my phone, I pressed reply and messaged back, <Fuck you.> and hit send.
I waited until the waiter had taken the orders, before glancing back down to read Matt’s message. <Sorry honey…You already did that. :)> As soon as I read it, I pushed my chair back and quickly stood, walking to the washroom. Leaning against the wall, I slowly slid down and sat on the floor, banging the back of my head against the tile. Why the fuck did I sleep with him? Tears began to fill my eyes and I tried to blink them away, only to make them fall. Suddenly, the door opened and Matt walked in, a concerned frown on his face. His gaze landed on me and he crouched down in front of me.
“Vanessa, I didn’t mean to upset you.” He sighed placing his hands on my thighs.
“Of course you didn’t.” I replied sarcastically, keeping my eyes on my legs.
“Come on Nessy, we’re being ridiculous.”
“No, you’re being ridiculous,” I spat. “You’re the one who said that it was a mistake.” Matt sighed.
“I’m sorry about that, it’s just that I got scared and I felt bad and I-I didn’t know what to do.”
“Cut the crap Matt, I don’t want to hear it.”
“I’m not bullshitting you Vanessa!” Matt said exasperated. “As much as you try and convince yourself that I am, I’m not lying, alright?”
“Just leave me alone before someone comes in.” I said quietly. Matt grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so that I was forced to look at him.
“You weren’t just another random fuck, and sex isn’t all I wanted.” And with that, he stood and walked out.

After leaving the washroom, I took my place beside Matt and ignored him completely. Finally supper had ended and it was time for me to leave with my cousins and grandmother. We all stood outside, taking pictures and saying goodbye. I was completely ignoring Matt, staying as far away as possible and avoiding any eye contact whatsoever.
“Did you say bye to Van yet?” I heard Jason ask Matt from where I was standing with my dad and Tom.
“No, I’ll go see her now.” Matt replied and I groaned, mentally cursing out my brother.
I looked away from the ground and up to Matt as he neared us and he offered me a small apologetic smile. I frowned at him, but didn’t look away as he stepped in front of us.
“Well, I suppose the next time I see you it’ll be at Vanessa’s wedding.” Dad joked to Matt as he shook his hand. I let out a small sarcastic laugh, but didn’t say anything.
“You never know sir.” He replied and moved on to me. “Well Nessy, I’ll hopefully see you soon.”
“Hopefully not for a very long time.” I muttered as he hugged me tight.
“I’m sorry.” Matt whispered into my ear before pressing his lips to it. I let go of him, knowing that it would look suspicious if I didn’t. “Take care of yourself, okay?”
“Bye.” I whispered looking away as I tried not to cry. He brushed his hand against mine and then went to hug my brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
well.. I'm late. Not that it's much of a surprise, but I had to work. Anyways, let me know what you think :) thanks for all the comment on last chapter : ) Sorry if there's mistakes, but I'm in a rush!