Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

Is It Mine?

The drive into the city was uneventful and before I knew it I was back eating lunch with my grandmother, before the drive home from the airport desperately trying to forget all that had happened over the weekend.
“You and Matt seemed pretty close.” Gram commented as we ate. You have no idea, I thought.
“Good one Gram, he’s like ten years older than me.” Well, technically eight, but what difference does two years make? I still felt sick just even thinking about it.
“So are you going to stay with us this week, or at home?” She asked changing the subject. My parent’s were staying at Jason’s for another week, but I had come back for school.
“I’ll probably just stay at home.” I shrugged.
“Do you want me to pick you up for church tomorrow?”
“Nah, I’m not feeling that great.” Lie. “I think I’ll just sleep in and catch up on my rest.”
“Alright, well you can have your grandfather’s truck for the week so you can get to school.”
“Thanks Gram.” I replied standing up to throw away my trash.

Weeks went by, turning into a month and I hadn’t heard a single word from my brother’s friend, confirming my assumption that I was only another fuck to him. Nothing very interesting happened during this time, other than the fact that I was about to graduate in a week and my brothers were flying in.
It was last week when I noticed something was off. First of all, I was gaining weight. Secondly, my stomach was a bit nauseous, especially in the mornings. And last of all, Mother Nature’s monthly gift hadn’t come and I was never, and I mean never late. Now usually if this would have happened, I wouldn’t have worried, shrugging it off as stress. But, seeing as I was no longer a virgin and for the life of me couldn’t remember Matt wearing anything, I had reason to worry.

Today was Friday, exactly one week before I was officially a graduate and free from my restricted life. Today was also the day that I decided I should probably go out and buy a pregnancy test.
Cursing myself for even putting myself in this situation in the first place, I took a deep breath and walked into the pharmacy. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure that nobody I knew was around, I quickly walked down the aisle to where those dreaded tests were and grabbed the first one I saw.
Paranoia began edging its way into my body as I walked out into the open section of the store and to the cash. Breathing a sigh of relief when I saw no one around, I set the box down on the counter and was thankful when the lady rang it in and placed it in a bag.
As I was heading to my car, I heard someone yell my name and panic quickly spread through me. Whipping my head around to look, I noticed that it was Josh and put on a fake smile, waving to him.
“Wait!” He yelled again walking across the street as I stepped into the car and began to shut the door. I rolled the window down and threw the bag on the floor where he wouldn’t see it.
“Hey Josh, what’s up?” I asked not really giving a shit, just wanting to get away.
“Hey I’m not up to much, are you busy?”
“Umm, yeah actually I’ve got lots of things to do today.” I lied.
“Oh,” he said sounding disappointed. “Well, I guess I’ll catch you later.”
“Yeah, see you.” I replied relieved that he didn’t ask to come along.

Back at home, I immediately locked myself away in the bathroom and tore the box open. Quickly skimming the instructions, I followed them and then set the test on the counter. Turning on the shower so it sounded as if I was doing something, I sat on the floor and stared at my watch.
One minute… Four left.
Two minutes… Come on…
Three minutes… Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
Four minutes… One left, I can’t do this…
Five. Letting out a shaky breath, I stood and shut the water off. Without looking, I picked the test up and ran to my room. Locking the door behind me, I made my way to the bed and sat. Oh shit, what if it’s positive? What’s going to happen? My parent’s are going to kill me! What about Matt? My mind would not stop and gathering up the nerve, I looked down at the stick.
Two little plus signs, doesn’t that mean…? Fuck my life, that’s what it means! How am I going to tell my parents? My brothers and worst of all, Matt? Tears began to fall as I held the test that had completely fucked up my life. Tossing it aside, I grabbed my phone and found Matt’s number. Through blurry eyes I texted him, <We need to talk.> and hit the send button.
I waited and waited and waited, but no reply. Growing more frustrated and scared with each minute that passed, I texted him again. <Fuck Matt, it’s important!>

A half an hour later as I stared at my ceiling with tears streaming down my face, my phone finally vibrated. Picking it up from beside me, I flipped it open and read his message. <Sorry, I was at the gym. Are you okay, what’s wrong?> Wiping my eyes with one hand, I typed back. <Maybe you should call.>
My phone started buzzing a couple minutes later and I held it to my ear.
“Hello.” I sniffled.
“Nessy, what’s the matter?” Matt’s concerned voice came through the phone.
“Something h-h-happened,” I stuttered out as I started to cry.
“Vanessa, you’re scaring me baby. Tell me what happened?” He said softly.
“You’ll be m-mad.”
“I’m not gonna be mad Van, now tell me what’s wrong.” Matt said sternly.
“I’m…preg-pregnant.” I stammered out quietly as I began to cry. Matt didn’t say anything for a long time as I sobbed into the phone.
“Are-Are you sure?” He finally asked his voice uncertain and quiet.
“No Matt, I fucking made it up!”
“Is it mine?
Angrilly, I hung up on him and threw my phone down on the bed. What a fucking dick! Of course the baby’s his, I’m not some fucking slut! My phone began to vibrate again and I answered, ready to give him a piece of my mind.
“Fuck you!” I spat getting ready to hang up.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I asked that, it just kind of came out.” Matt explained in a rush, panic laced in his voice.
“What’re we going to do?” I asked quietly.
“I don’t know, we can’t say anything to anyone until we figure it out.”
“My parent’s are going to disown me.” I sobbed.
“Honey, your parent’s aren’t going to disown you.” Matt replied with a sigh.
“You have no idea,” I cried. “Do you know how anal they are? You’re Jason and Tom’s friend, we aren’t even going out and I’m not supposed to have sex before marriage! Everyone’s going to start gossiping, just think about the people at church-“
“I’ll think of something Vanessa,” Matt said cutting me off. “Just don’t tell anyone and don’t worry so much, I’ll figure it out.” His attempt to reassure me did nothing.
“I don’t know yet,” he replied. “I’ll call you after.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ughh... not really a fan of this chapter. sorry it's kind of short and crappy. I'm sick and going on three hours of sleep. anyways.. I might have the next one out tonight (possibly). Let me know what you think :)