Flaws and All.



A hand clasped over my mouth before I could finish my sentence, a whine escaping my lips under his hand.

“Silence, young one, this is a church.” Slowly, he pulled his hand away, patting my head lightly.

“So that gives you permission to asphyxiate me with my own bowtie? Great logic”

I groaned lightly, loosening the bowtie as I looked into the mirror. I looked like a faggot. An extremely pale, fat faggot.

“It’s going to be a disaster….” I murmured, whining.

“Bro, chill out, it’ll be fine. You look great! Minus the pasty white skin.” he nitpicked, pitching both of my cheeks hard. “You coulda at least tried to fucking tan.”

“OW. WHY MUST YOU INSIST ON HURTING ME.” I whined slightly, pouting a little.

“Brian, it would be fucking fantastic if you didn’t injure the groom when he has to get ready for his own wedding, thank you!”

I smiled when I heard Alex’s voice. Turning slightly, I gawked a little. “Wow, man, you look-”

“Don’t even say it. I will crush you, Baker.”

The tight, purple, knee-cut, strapless dress actually suited her. God forbid that Alex looked good for once in her life. Her brown and blonde streaked hair was pulled into a side ponytail thing, and was all curled. Never once in my life had I seen my fiance’s sister like this. It was foreign.


Then as she walked up to me, she punched me hard in the chest.


Brian just laughed at me, looking at Alex. “Why are you here, exactly?”

“Well, it’s yours and Zack’s turn to go up, dumbass.”

Clutching at the front of my blazer, she dragged me out, and automatically I grabbed Brian’s wrist, dragging him with us. As we got to the main doors entering the church, my heart started to race, already. Fuck. I was not going to survive. Once me and Brian were side by side, Alex pushed us forward into the room where mine and Tiffany’s entire family were.

“Oh my god, I’m going to vomit…” I muttered to Brian, the room starting to get a little blurry. Then I felt a swift smack to the back of my head as we walked down the alter.

“Chill your shit, dude, it hasn’t even started yet!”

Slowly, I started to breathe, trying to calm myself down. Was it even working? Not even close. Getting to the altar was horrible. I had to turn and face both our families, and the worse part was the look I was getting from Tiffany’s mother. It was like she was expecting me to run or something. When really, I was more terrified of Tiffany not showing up.

Why she even said yes to me was a surprise. Nervously, I started to fidget my fingers, gnawing down on my bottom lip, my eyes focused down. This is really happening… I thought to myself.

Then the music started. That fucking little tune they played. That wedding march? Whatever. Instantly, my eyes were on the back of the church, where she stood, a nervous smile on her face. My mouth was gaped slightly, my eyebrows perked up a little.

“Wow…” I muttered a little too loudly. I heard a snort from behind me, my mother giving me a look.

I smiled a little, Tiffany only getting closer, so slowly. Why did they have to walk so slow anyways…. it felt like hours that it took her to get to me, but eventually she did. As I walked up to her, I kept staring at her like the hugest derp on the face of the planet. I was.

When she pried herself away from her father, she attached herself to my arm, looking up at me. Couldn’t I just kiss her right now?! Why did I have to wait...

Tiffany’s smile was glorious as we walked up to the priest together, our hands lacing slowly into each others. It was hard to breathe. I was breathing so heavily and I was sure everyone could hear me. They probably could. Judging me for even breathing. Bastards.

Then lightly, I felt Tiffany’s thumb gently rub against the side of mine. I could feel how shaken she was, and I was too. This small movement calmed me down slightly, but only slightly. Then slowly, we both faced each other. Was I breathing? No. No, I wasn’t. How could I with her around me? Did I ever? No.

“Do you, Zachary James Baker, take Tiffany Renee Greene to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the Priest spoke clearly. I didn’t even notice he was talking.

Not taking my eyes off Tiff, I spoke as loud and as clearly as I could “I do.”

As I said the words, I seen Tiffany’s cheeks flush, her smile widening as she looked up to me.

I knew that if she could, she’d kiss me right now. How did I know that? Because I felt the same way about her. Then, my heart started to race again.

“Do you, Tiffany Renee Greene, take Zachary James Baker to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

She had every reason to say no, and then run away. I begged for her not to, though. I could barely live without her. We’re not even going to talk about how I get when the band and I were on tour. I couldn’t survive without her.

Then softly, clearly, as if it was the only two words I’d ever heard from her, ever, she spoke. “I do.”

My heart hammered in my chest like a hurricane, and I could feel my face burning. Fuck.

“I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Vengeance. You now kiss the bride.”

I didn’t have time to notice the change in last name.

Cupping her rosy cheeks beneath my hands, I pressed my lips to hers eagerly. For the moment we had, we kept our lips dancing against each others softly, smoothly. For a moment was all we had, for now. It felt like this one kiss lasted forever. Us holding each other so close, so tenderly, and kissing. No one else existed. As they never did when I was with Tiffany.

Then I heard everyone cheering and clapping, and I had to be snapped back into reality. I inhaled when her lips pulled away, my eyes slowly opening to find hers so close to mine. Pulling her close around the waist, I walked with her back up the aisle, rice being thrown at us from all angles.