

People say everything happens for a reason. That good things happen to good people and that everyone was put on this planet for a reason. But I never believed any of it. Nothing happened for a reason and good things happened to only certain people good or bad. But I especially believed that not everyone was put on this planet for a purpose. There were some people, like me for example that had no purpose for being on Earth. Everywhere in this world there were a handful of people that just existed among everyone. There was no reason for us, nothing that made us special or unique from the rest. We had nothing but our lives to live for.

When I had moved to Arizona I had never felt more alone. Sure my family and handful of friends were only a state away; inside my head it felt like I was in a whole different planet. My whole 19 years of living up until now had been in the same house, in the same room, with the same people. I went to school with the same kids and went to the same places with the same people I had been friends with my whole life.

But now I was living with a different set of people every couple months, in places that weren’t the slightest homely like. Everywhere I went I saw unfamiliar people and places and the only calls I got were from my landlord or from one of my many jobs firing me.

I was alone and lost, with no direction or purpose. I was a ghost.
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This is experiment since I've wanted to do a fan-fic for a while and my current love is The Maine. Tell me what you think!