
First And Only Chapter

It was the dead of night as I sneaked into the prison and slashed the guard’s throat before disabling the security system. I almost couldn’t believe that I was doing this, breaking him out of jail. When did it come to this? I was always the good citizen, paying bills on time, always polite and curtius. When did it truly come down to me breaking the law? One word stood out like a blazing neon sign.


I shook my head and continued on my way, killing the guards. I crept up behind one of them and put my hand over his mouth, holding the sword I had to his throat. “ Scream and I’ll kill you.” I hiss coldly and took my hand off slowly. “ Now you will tell me where poisoner 335782 is being held and give me the keys if you value your life.” He nods, telling me the correct directions and the keys. I smirked and slit his throat as well. “ Looks like I lied.” I laugh and continue on my way.

And when did I become that cruel?

“ The day he went to jail.” I answered myself and smiled at the carnage I had created, the jail mates staring at me in horror. “ Keep staring and I’ll go after you too.” I told them, they quickly looked away. After searching for his cell, I concluded that the placements made no sense and the guard had lied to me. I threatened some of the prisoners who were scared shit less, you’d be too if you saw someone kill the burly guards, and they pointed me in the right direction.

“ Brian?” I asked through the barred window and the person looked up at me with sad, brown eyes. “ Brian.” I cooed. “ It’s alright Love, I’m here.” He smiles at me and I return the smile, unlocking his door.

“ Why did you come for me Linette? You know I was put in here for a good reason.” He says, stalking out to me.

“ Because I love you too much asshole, that’s why.”

His eyes widen, he’s never heard me say I love You to him yet. “ I love you too Linette Rene Incubus.” Brian says with a smile and kisses me gently. “ Why are you covered in blood?” he asks, finally taking in my bloody purple v-neck and blue skinnies.

“ I killed the guards.” I smiled sheepishly, he shakes his head in amusement and laughs.

“ I have definitely been a bad influence on you.”

“ Maybe.”

“ Let’s get the fuck out of here before the alarm sounds.” Brian says, grabbing my hand.

“ I killed all the guards Bri.” I state. “ There’s no one to sound the alarm.”

“ Ah. Then do you wanna do something really nasty?” he asks me.

“ Fuck your grandma?” I ask jokingly.

“ Ew! Fuck no! I’m talking about lacing the entire place with gasoline and setting it on fire.” He says, his face still scrunched up in disgust. I giggle and nod. “ You have spent way too much time with me.”

“ So true, but who gives a shit?”

“ Many people, who’s lives we’re going to end.” He smirks and leads me to where they have the kerosene in the kitchen for heating.

“ Why do they leave this shit here?” I ask confused as we take it out and begin spreading it all over.

“ Because they’re idiots, thinking that no one will ever break out and get into it.” He smirks his trademark smirk at me and I feel like I’m melting.

“ I agree.” I say as we spread the last of the kerosene.

“ Okay, now we’re going get to the front door before throwing your lighter down and running for it.”

“ Alright or maybe a match instead since the lighter I have is the first one you ever gave me and it’s engraved, think about it. If it survives the fire, it’ll be used to lead them to us even though they’d have a hunch already.” I reason, pulling out a huge box of matches. He nods and I smile, taking his hand once more and we walk to the door in the front of the prison.

“ Damn baby, you weren’t kidding when you said that you had killed them all.” Brian whistles.

I smile proudly, lighting a match as he holds the door open before throwing it down on the kerosene and just drop the box of matches there. He grabs my hand and we run like bats out of hell, smiling as the prisoners’ screams reach our ears, sounding like sweet music.

“ You have gone to hell and back for me.” Brian whispered.

“ Because I love you and I know you’d do the same for me.” I said as we walked further away from the prison going up in flames.

“ Maybe you shouldn’t have.” He said. We had come into a forest and I turned around to face him just in time to feel a sharp pain in my stomach. “ Because I was gonna kill you in the end princess.” Brian whispered into my ear.

“ You son of a bitch!” I cried and began coughing up blood. “ Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?!”

“ Yeah, I stabbed you in the stomach.” He said, watching the blood flow. I put my hands over the wound and whimpered. “ What’s your problem bitch?”

“ My baby, oh my baby!”

Shock spread across Brian’s face like wild fire. “ Y-You’re pregnant? I though you couldn’t get pregnant?!”

“ It was a miracle, now you’ve killed them.” I dropped to my knees, the pain too much. The world was spinning and I was becoming light headed.

“ T-Twins?”

“ Y-Yeah.”

“ Fuck! What have I done?” he said. I looked up into his eyes and became confused when I saw regret.

“ Why? Why Bri?” I asked, vision fading.

“ I was made to. If I didn’t, they would’ve killed everyone. All our friends, family, just everyone.” He cried. “ Forgive me Linette, please forgive me.”

“ I-I d-do.” I was starting to fade all together.

“ No! Please hold on!” Brian pleaded, grabbing my hands.

“ I c-can’t.” I whispered, the strength in my voice fading.

“ Then I’ll die with you.” He said and let go of one of my hands, taking his knife once more and drove it into his chest twice, right at his heart.
I stared at him. If I had more energy, I would’ve been shocked.
“ Forever.” Brian said, blood dripping from his mouth.

“ And ever babe.” Taking his other hand again, laying my head against his.

“ I love you.” We seemed to say at the same time and lights finally faded.
♠ ♠ ♠
When I'm running out of ideas, horror comes to mind.

- Lily