A Jump Over the Water

just dance.

‘YOUR EARLY!’ I exclaimed at them, pulling on Biscuits reigns, starting to walk her back to the barn.
‘Well actually, we did come early, we wanted to see if Cameron could have a go on your horse. He’s always wanted to, he never shuts up about-‘ Mikey said, quickly being shut up by a blushing Cameron hitting him round the back of the head. ‘dude, not cool…’ he mumbled.
I looked at Cameron and raised my eyebrow.
‘Oh really Quiseng, and you never told me this because?’ I asked him jokingly.
‘I…uhm..I..yeah…’ he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.
‘well come here and get on her then!’ I stated laughing.
‘Chaice, is it ok if I take everyone indoors and get drinks and stuff?’ Zach asked smiling.
‘Yeah sure, help yourself. We won’t be long’ I said back smiling at the thought of it being just me and Cameron.
The group of friends standing in my garden turned and walked back towards the house. I threw my riding hat towards Cameron who placed it over his famous messy hair. Before I knew what was happening, he placed his foot in the stirrup and swung himself gently into the saddle. I raised an eyebrow and just pushed the thought to the back of my head, he seemed abit comfortable…
I handed him the reigns and shut the gate for the sand paddock behind myself before jumping up to sit on the gate.
He winked at me, took a deep breath and nudged Biscuit with his heels. What happened next amazed me. Cameron slowly walked around the school at first, altering himself to Biscuits stride. He then nudged her sides gently pushing her into a trot, rising perfectly with each bounce. If I wasn’t shocked enough, what happened next took my breath away. He nudged her again into a soft collected canter, before aiming her at the jump Grace had been using and sailing over it with ease.
He trotted over to me, blushing slightly, his perfect smile stretching wider when he saw my face.
‘I’ve uhm…I’ve been having lessons. I figured since you love horses, I should give it a go’ he smiled, blushing deeper.
I signalled for him to get off Biscuit and as soon as his feet touched the floor, I wrapped my arms around his body.
‘that is the sweetest thing anybody has EVER done for me. Ever. Thankyou so much’ I whispered into his ear.
‘well, I figured that it would be just another subject for us to talk about and I can spend more time with you then too…’ he mumbled, his cheeks tinting an adorable colour of red.
I cut off his mumbling by gently placing my lips on his. He instantly smiled and pulled me closer to him.
‘thankyou’ I whispered once more.
I unwrapped my arms from his waist and started walking Biscuit back to the barn, Cameron sliding his hand into my free one.
‘GUYS! Hurry up! We wanna start this P-A-R-T-Y-PARTAAAAAAAAAAAAY’ Tina squeeled at us from the back door. I just laughed, my friends were mental.
After quickly untacking Biscuit and putting her night rug on, myself and Cameron ran up to the house and into my living room.
‘WOAHWOAHWOAH. Guys. What’s up?’ Cameron shouted at them.
The silence echoed around the room. I looked at grace and as soon as we caught each others eyes, we burst out laughing.
‘were you guys…really…arguing over..which wii game…to play?’ I spluttered out in between laughing.
Everyone in the room burst out laughing and before we knew it, all of us were lying on the floor, tears rolling down our cheeks gasping for breath. What we were laughing at wasn’t even that funny but yet, they say laughs are contagious.
Once we’d all regained our dignity, I helped everyone up off the floor and put the just dance disc into the Nintendo wii.
‘DANCE TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’ Hannah hollered at the top of her lungs.
I clicked the shuffle button so there wouldn’t be any more arguments about which song to put on. I passed Cameron the controller and sat down, my leg was starting to hurt abit. Grace sat down next to me, Tina and Hannah next to her. The first one can be the boys dance.
They all started clapping and stamping their feet and I recognised the song instantly.
‘oh my god’ grace whispered.
We had been on this game so many times, Rasputin was by far one of THE funniest dances ever. As soon as the guys started dancing, I couldn’t help but laugh. Zachary Porter is known for his awkward dancing so watching this was the best moment of my life. Grace, Tina, Hannah and I sat dying of laughter, clutching at our sides in pain. Watching the boys doing Russian dancing was hilarious. You know that move where you have to kind of squat and then stick your leg in the air? Almost every single one of them fell onto the floor in a heap, causing us girls to laugh even harder.
As the titles of the song ran across the screen, the 13 boys all turned and glared at us. We didn’t even care, we were too busy laughing still.
‘I love the fact you find this so funny! It’s your fours turn now!’ Brian laughed at us evilly.
‘Grace, we doing the usual?’ I asked her.
‘OH YEAAAAAAAH!’ she shouted back, high fiving me.
‘I’m being the man…’ I said glancing back to her laughing.
I grabbed the control off Cameron, sticking my tongue out at him in the process. I flicked through the songs until I found the one we wanted.
Jump in the line.
The opening music started as grace and I got into positions. We started dancing to the song and within a couple of seconds, we didn’t even have to look at the screen. This was our favourite dances, we used to do it every single day without fail. We giggled our whole way through as everyone sat watching us laughing.
‘SHIMMMMMMYYYY!’ I screamed, at which point everyone jumped to their feet and started shimmying.
Anthony doing a shimmy was the best thing I have ever seen. In a very long time.
Once we had finished, Zack, Nick, Trevor and Jake stood up and I passed the controller over. To my great amusement, Zack flicked the songs to such a funny one, I nearly cried.
It’s raining men.
The best thing about the whole song was that they were word and dance perfect. They sung the song in time and every dance move was in perfect synchronisation. The rest of us were clutching each other to keep ourselves upright.
I have never laughed so much in my entire life!
As the song finished, the four of them collapsed in a heap on the floor. Before I knew what was happening, Tina and Hannah had kicked them out the way and Hannah took the controller.
I looked to my left to see Dan, Brian and David with the most terrified look on their faces ever. I don’t think they quite understood what was happening. I just laughed even harder. Watching Tina and Hannah bellydancing in the middle of my living room floor was just hilarious. Once they finished, Tina threw the controller to Mark who grabbed Graces hand.
‘we’re doing a duet’ he winked at her.
He flicked through the songs until he found the one he was looking for.
Mugsy Baloney.
Watching them dance together was incredible. Instead of laughing this time, we all sat there staring at them in awe. They moved together perfectly.
‘holy potato…’ Zach whispered from beside me.
As they finished, they hugged each other and Mark gave Grace a quick kiss on the lips.
‘you guys are A DORA BOWL. Get it? A DORA BOWL? ADORABLE? OHMYDAYS, I AM JUST THE COOLEST PERSON TO WALK THE PLANET. It’s all about the S-W-A-G babygirl’ Mikey shouted.
‘no mikey, a pineapple in sunglasses has more SWAG than you. You already know what it is’ Tina said back to him.
‘GURRRRRRRRRRRL, you better run!’ Mikey whispered, looking at her with a twinkle in his eye.
There was definitely something going on with them two…
♠ ♠ ♠
hahahahahaha :') can you imagine this actually happening?
i don't care how crappy this chapter is, it just made me laugh :')
peace, love +adub<3 (: