A Jump Over the Water


‘MOVE COW, MOVE! ARGH, DON’T YOU DARE OVERTAKE ME CHAICE OR THERE WILL BE SOME SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES!’ Dan screamed at the top of his lungs. Shortly after Mikey and Tina had disappeared, we changed the discs in the Nintendo wii from just dance to wii party. As you could probably tell, we were currently in the middle of a cow racing competition. What they were doing was beyond me, I was too busy concentrating on making this stupid cow move faster.
‘I can’t breathe with all this cow nonsense, it’s hurting my head jumping up and down, I’m gonna go get a drink, anyone want anything?’ I asked everyone.
In response, they all shook their heads as Anthony took my wii remote off me to carry on my cow race.
‘I’ll come help you chaicey!’ grace smiled, pushing herself up off the couch and out of Marks arms.
I smiled back and walked in the direction of the kitchen, my best friend walking behind me. I grabbed two glasses out the cupboard and snatched the Guava juice out of the fridge. It was tradition for Grace and I to have a chat over Guava juice, I don’t know why. It just was.
I looked up from pouring the juice to see Grace standing there, fiddling with her necklace and staring at her feet.
‘Am I going to have to force it out of you, or are you gonna tell me what’s wrong now? Save us some time?’ I smiled at her.
Grace looked up at me, her eyes full of sadness, brimming with tears.
‘I really like him Chaice…’ she whispered.
‘I know, I can see! But why is that such a bad thing?’ I asked back softly.
‘cause, as soon as I get back on that plane to England after summer, as soon as those gates shut and I disappear, I’l disappear out of his mind too…’ she said simply, the tears now overflowing her pretty eyes and slowly cascading down her face.
I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
‘Don’t be silly grace, you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met, he would NEVER be able to forget you! Have you seen the way he looks at you? Gosh, The look of devotion and adoration in his eyes just about knocks everyone else out of the room. So, knock that silly idea out of your head this instant ok?’ I smiled back at her.
She nodded and smiled slightly as I lifted my hand to wipe away her tears before pulling her back into a bone crunching hug.
As I pulled away, I went to reach for my phone out of my back pocket. Feeling that my pocket was empty, I figured I must have left it in the dining room, where I had been sitting earlier in the day. I pushed open the adjoining door and took a step into the large room. I spotted my phone on the table easily, walking over to get it when I heard the unmistakable sound of intertwining lips. Looking up quickly, I was not at all shocked to see Tina and Mikey standing in the corner of the room, arms wrapped around each other, sucking face.
‘God, guys! I eat my food in here. I feel quite sick now…’ I said jokingly at them.
At the sound of my voice, they quickly jumped apart. Mikey looked at me, laughed nervously and rubbing the back of his neck. Tina went a deep shade of red and stood staring at her feet, giggling nervously.
‘sorry for interrupting’ I laughed before giving them an overdramatic wink and walking quickly back out of the room.
I shut the door behind me and immediately burst out laughing. Those two were hilarious.
Grace stood, eyes wide open in shock at the sight that had previously stood in front of her.
‘Well, them pair aren’t shy in getting to know each other…’ she said, giggling.
I laughed even harder and put my phone down on the table. I picked up my drink and handed Grace hers.
‘Heres to the future!’ I exclaimed, toasting my glass to hers.
She smiled really big and touched her glass back to mine before taking a sip.
‘So, what happened earlier with Cameron and Biscuit?’ She smiled, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye.
‘You knew he had been taking lessons?’ I exclaimed at her, my mouth popping open in shock.
‘yehuh, I took him to a riding stables nearby, shown him the ropes and he’s been having lessons ever since’ she said simply, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
‘You utter utter BABE!’ I stated before hugging her again.
‘everything alright? We thought you’d both fell down a hole or something?’ Mark said simply, popping his head around the kitchen door.
‘yeah, everythings just…perfect’ Grace said before kissing his cheek softly.
The smile on Marks face almost doubled in size as he stared into her eyes lovingly. I placed my glass in the sink before picking my phone back up. Mark held onto Graces hand, smiles radiating from both of their faces, as the three of us walked back into the games room.
The first thing I noticed when I walked into the room was that the disc had been changed back to Just dance. Zack, Nick, Trevor, Jake, Anthony, Dan, Zach and Nathan were all dancing to D.A.N.C.E by justice. Cameron, Brian and David were all sitting on the couch, laughing at the boys. I ran up behind Cameron and poked his shoulder. He turned his head to the left as I jumped to the right. He then turned his head to the right as I jumped to the left. He laughed and went to move his head again to the left, this time, so did I, kissing his lips quickly before giggling. He stood up and hopped over the back of the couch so he was now standing in front of me.
Just as I opened my mouth to say something, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out, looking at caller I.D.
My Granddad.
I quickly placed the phone to my ear and shouted hello to the best granddad in the world.
‘Chaice, you need to get home, and quickly! Inifnity has got a severe case of colic. It’s not looking good right now, the vet doesn’t think she’ll make it through the night’
‘I’m on my way’ I stated simply before putting the phone down, the tears already pricking at my eyelids.
Oh shit.
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sorry it's taken me so long! exams are overwhelming me so bad right now!
Sorry also for the length of this chapter, it's pretty crappy but next chapter should be posted tonight too so keep your eyes peeled.
BIG THANKYOU's to my bestfriend Grace, she has inspired almost every single chapter of this story so far, I love her to death.
peace, love + adub<3 (: