A Jump Over the Water


I pulled on my dark brown leather riding boots and kissed my mom’s cheek. Today, I wanted to take Biscuit out and ride about in the area, get to know my surroundings abit. I walked out the back door and put my fingers into my mouth, causing a loud whistle to pierce the air. Biscuits head shot up from the grass she was nibbling on so that she was now staring straight at me. She let out a loud whinny and started to trot over to wear I was standing at the gate. She nuzzled my hand as I scratched her in between her ears with my other hand. I slipped the head collar over her head and clipped on her lead rope. I led her into her stable and tied her up. It took me less than ten minutes to groom her and tack her up so I pushed one foot into the my stirrup and gently hoisted myself up onto her back. I clicked my tongue and gave her belly a slight nudge with my heels and we were off. I waved goodbye to my mom through the back kitchen window and walked off down the country lanes.
I wanted to avoid the busy town, so I kept to the lanes. In the hedges next to me I spotted some blackberries, so as I was riding I kept reaching out my hand and grabbing a few. Just then I spotted a gap in the hedge which lead to a huge grassy field. I turned my head to check nobody was watching and clicked Biscuit through the gap quickly. I nudged her gently with my heels and pushed her forward into a canter. The soft earth beneath us making a soft thud every time one of her hooves hit the floor. ‘Faster girl’ I urged her. The wind caressed my face and pulled my hair out behind me. It felt like I was flying, we were galloping now, getting faster and faster the further into the field we got. I let out a laugh, this is my life, this is what I love to do. In front of me was a huge thick log that someone had left. I pointed Biscuit at it and clicked my tongue again. Her ears pricked forward at the sight of the jump and she pranced towards it, making it feel like she was dancing. She soared over the log with ease and threw in a little buck as we landed from excitement. I laughed and gave her a sloppy pat on the neck. Just then, I saw two figures standing at the hedge that I was quickly approaching.
I could make out that one was a little girl with glasses, the other was an older boy that would have to be around my age.
’WOAH!’ the little girl said, eyes wide staring straight at me. I felt myself blushing and looking down. The older boy started laughing and pushed the little girls jaw closed with one of his fingers.
’Erm, I’m so sorry about this, I didn’t know the field belonged to anyone, I’l just turn round and get back to the lanes’ I said gently.
’NOOO, it’s fine, its not our field, in fact, it belongs to the farmer down the road. We snuck in here too! We wanted to get some blackberries from the hedges in here, best blackberries in town’ the little girl said quickly to me, flushing from the excitement. The older boy looked at the little girl with an amused look on his face, then looked at me and smiled.
’Hey, I’m Cameron, and this, well this is my little sister Bridget’ he said whilst laughing. I slid off Biscuits back and pulled the reigns over her head.
‘Hey, I’m Chaice’ I smiled back.
‘I’m guessing your from England? Or you can just do a pretty amazing accent’ Bridget said to me. I crouched down so I was her height whilst still holding onto Biscuit.
‘I am from England, and I’m guessing your from America?’ I laughed.
‘YES, I am. Erm, you can totally say no, but would it be ok to pat your horse?’ she said gingerly to me.
‘Of course you can, she loves a cuddle’ I said back. I stood back and reached my hand out for Bridget. She took it gingerly and walked over to biscuit. Biscuit pushed her head gently into the palm of Bridgets hand causing her to giggle. She moved all down her neck giving her rubs whilst Biscuit continued to nudge into her. I laughed and looked up at cameron. He was looking at Bridget with such a look of admiration in his eyes, you could tell he really loved his little sister. He caught me looking and gave me a dazzling smile.
‘Congratulations, you now have a friend for life’ he said to me. I laughed and turned back to Bridget.
‘I should probably be getting back now, it was lovely to meet you though!’ I said gently to the little girl. She looked up at me and ran into me wrapping her arms around my waist. I patted her back gently and laughed.
‘thank you for letting me pet your horse, she’s lovely. I’l probably see you around soon! We live just down that lane’ she pointed back toward the general direction of my house.
‘no problem, any time! And cool! I live down there too!’ I smiled back to her. ‘Nice meeting you both’ I nodded at cameron. I put one foot into my stirrup and hoisted myself up again gently. ‘see you around’ I said as I clicked Biscuit on. Cameron raised his arm and waved whilst Bridget jumped up and down waving excitedly as I trotted back through the field. I kicked her into a canter again until we got to the gap in the hedge. I grabbed a blackberry and popped it into my mouth. This summer was turning into something better than I had planned already.
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So I bought Cameron into it :D

love? hate? comments are much appreciated :)

peace, love, adub <3