A Jump Over the Water

the cave.

After two hours of riding the horses, we headed back to our secluded area to see if the boys were awake. I led the horses back into their paddock as Grace walked over to the tent. After quickly putting the Horses bridles away and checking them over quickly, I headed up to the tent.
As I was a few metres away, the sound of hushed voices was all that could be heard which worried me a little. I pulled at the zip and walked in cautiously.
The sight in front of me knocked the breath out of my lungs and my eyes to water up.
Sitting in front of me were four of my favourite people in the world; the boys from the band Mumford&Sons.
They all stood up and walked over to me, hugging me individually.
I couldn’t help the tears that were steadily flowing down my face. These boys had been an inspiration of mine for so long and the fact that they were sitting here in front of me was just mind-blowing.
‘Hey, I’m Marcus and this is Country, Ben and Ted’ the main singer spoke, pointing to his friends ‘and you must be Chaice. We’ve heard a lot about you!’
The smile on my face was hurting my cheeks as Cameron came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist.
‘I remember you talking about how much you loved their music ages ago, a few days after we first met and I knew that they were playing here today so I gave them a ring!’ Cameron beamed.
I turned and quickly gave him a peck on the cheek before turning back to the band.
‘We can’t stay long cause we’re meant to be on stage in a few but we’ll make sure to catch up with you later! Can’t wait to hear some of your stories! It was a pleasure to meet you!’ Marcus spoke before leaving the tent, quickly followed by his bandmates.
When I knew they were safely out of hearing range, I flung myself into Camerons arms and let out the loudest scream before jumping up and down hysterically.
Grace and the boys all sat and laughed at me but right now, I could care less.
‘thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou’ I chanted as I danced around the tent, my face still damp with tears.
Once I had finally calmed down enough to get changed, myself, grace and the boys all headed down toward the stage. We got there just in time to be able to get at the very front, perfect view. As the crowd got larger, my heart was beating faster. It had always been a dream of mine to see this band perform live, the way the crowd reacted to the upbeat songs was breathtaking.
As Marcus, Ted, Ben and Country took their position on stage, I couldn’t help but scream like a fangirl. Once again, I just got laughed at.
‘We’d like to dedicate our set tonight to a very special friend of ours that has gone through a lot lately, you inspire us to keep going. This one if for you Chaice’ Marcus exclaimed into the microphone before smiling over at me.
‘frghasuoghstuoghsnv’ I muttered before turning and giving Cameron a quick hug.
They opened their set with one of my favourite songs, Little Lion Man. It was a crowd pleaser to say the least and it was one of those you couldn’t help but scream along too. I stood dancing with Grace until my feet hurt, my mind solely on the song being played right now.
As the ending chords rung out, I couldn’t help but notice that the four boys had disappeared. Great, just what we needed.
‘for this next song, we’d like to welcome some new friends of ours onto the stage to help us out. You may have heard of them already, everybody give it up for ALLSTAR WEEKEND!’ Ted screamed into his microphone.
My mouth dropped open as my boys walked onto the stage and took up their instruments and positions. I looked at Grace to see her laughing at my expression.
‘Seeing as this set is dedicated to Chaice, we decided to get her favourite boys up here to help us out with her favourite song, hope you like this Chaice!’ Ben smiled.
As soon as Nathan played the opening chord for the song, I knew straight away which one it was. They were playing The Cave, one of my all time favourite songs.
I watched as the 8 of my favourite people in the entire world set up instruments together and the crowd chattered happily to each other. I turned to Grace and couldn’t help but engulf her in a huge hug. After all the shit recently, today had really made me realise how incredible my life actually was. Losing Infinity only made me stronger, at the time it felt like a piece of my heart had gone missing and now, it still hurt but it hit me that that pony was the best thing to ever happen to me, she turned my world around but now it was time to move on, and that’s what she had allowed me to do.
The sound of a guitar being strummed hushed the excited audience almost instantly, just in time for Marcus to sing the first line of the song.
‘it’s empty in the valley of your heart, the sun it rises slowly as you walk away from all the fears and all the faults you’ve left behind…’ Marcus’ heavenly voice poured out over the speakers.
‘the harvest left no food for you to eat, you cannibal, you meat-eater, you see but I have seen the same, I know the shame in your defeat’ Zach sung, his voice absolutely perfect.
‘But I will hold on hope, and I won’t let you choke on the noose around your neck and I’ll find strength in pain, and I will change my ways, I’ll know my name as it’s called again’ they sung together, smiling at each other.
Before I knew it, the other 6 boys burst into a perfect melodic mix of the different instruments. The crowd were jumping up and down chanting along to every word and at that moment I realised;
Life was perfect again.
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it's been waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, I know! *slaps self*
I can only apologise a million times, but i'm going to spoil you all and update three new chapters today! :)
forgiven? yuuuup, thought so!
peace,love+adub<3 :)