A Jump Over the Water

tent times.

It was getting late, after watching the last band that was on stage finish their last song we decided it was about time to go back to the tent and settle down for the night. We made our way, squelching through the mud in our wellies.
Nathan suddenly chimed up. “Where’s Zach and Gracie?” he pondered.
“They were both tired so Zach walked Gracie back to the tent, they’re probably both in their sleeping bagss snoring away as we speak.” I laughed.
“Zach walked Gracie back, aye?” Cameron winked at me, gesturing that something was going on between those two. I shook it off, i knew they were just friends, plus she had Mark! She’d never hurt him like that and i knew that she loved him very, very much.
As we got back to the tent i kicked off my muddy shoes, ran into mine and Cameron’s compartment, snuggled down in my sleeping bag and smiled at Cameron as he followed me in. He giggled and then removed his shirt. I gasped at the size of his muscles and his amazing six pack.
“What?” He laughed.
“How did i get so lucky?” I whispered.
“Stop it.” He smiled at me and then snuggled down in the sleeping bag with me, the next think i knew i was cuddled up to Cameron fast asleep.
------- Gracie’s POV -------
I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over in my sleeping bag and gasped as i saw a shirtless Zach Porter laying next to me. Slowly but surely Zach’s eyes started to open, he smiled at me. I must have gasped loudly.
“Hey princess.” He whispered to me, while playing with my hair.
“What happened?” I questioned. Why was i doing this to Mark? Why did i suddenly have very strong feelings for Zach?
I was getting tired, so i decided i’d go back to the tent. The loud music screeched so i screamed into Chaice’s ear. “I’M TIRED, I’MMA GO BACK!”
As i walked away i heard somebody running behind me, i quickly turned my head to reveal Zach running toward me.
“Hi Zach, what do you want?” I asked, smiling to him.
“I wanted to walk you back to the tent, i’ve got a bit of a headache myself.” He was a gentlemen.
As we were walking back i leaned on Zach, and he put his arm around me, anyone would think we were a couple but i had a boyfriend, and it wasn’t Zach.
As we got back to the tent Zach wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down on a bean bag which started me off into a giggle fit.
“Your laugh is so beautiful” Zach sighed.
I smiled, and looked deep into his lovely ocean blue eyes before they started getting closer and closer. I placed my arms around his neck and he swung his arms around my waist again. This was a bad idea.
“Zach.. What about Mark?” I pulled away from his lips, biting my lip.
“Uh..” i thought he was going to answer me, but he quickly pulled me back into a long, passionate kiss. This time i didn’t pull away. After what seemed a lifetime of kissing, we lay on the bean bag cuddling. Zach got up, took my hand and led my into his compartment of the tent. We laid down in his sleeping bag and fell to sleep.
It all came flooding back to me. I quickly stood up, and silently started to unzip the tent compartment. “See you in the morning.” I smiled, as i turned around the face Zach.
I creeped back into my compartment of the tent and settled down into my sleeping bag, quickly falling to sleep.
Before i knew it, it was morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping and i could smell bacon. I quickly fixed my hair, changed my clothes and grabbed my bag of make-up and toiletries. As i left the tent i was greeted by the smiles of Chaice, Cameron, Zach and Michael. Nathan was in the caravan cooking bacon sandwich’s by the smell of things.
“I was last to get up?” I asked as i walked toward the caravan.
“Yup.” Zach winked and then continued sipping his water.
I waved hi to Nathan as i skipped quickly into the bathroom, ready to freshen up.
I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking about what i was going to do.
I couldn’t hurt Mark but the thing with Zach just happened... I had no clue what to do, but all i knew is that i wasn’t going to get out of this so easily. Zach wasn’t going to keep quiet for much longer, he almost blew it just a minute ago by winking at me. Every little move he would make would get me paranoid. This was VERY bad.
------ End of Gracie’s POV ------
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my good friend grace wrote this one herself so *Claps* for grace! I loved it and was really struggling for ideas, so her being the genius she is, came up with one for me! :)
peace,love+adub<3 :)