A Jump Over the Water


Once I’d sorted Biscuit out and told my mom about my day, I ran upstairs to my bedroom. I had ten minutes before Bridget and Nessa were meant to get here for their lesson. I opened up my laptop and quickly connected to the internet. Luckily, my youtube tab was already open so I unfolded my piece of paper and typed in the song name. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the laptop waiting for it to load up the music video for it. As the opening chords started to play, the video opened with someone skateboarding down a path…

‘knock knock’ a voice jokingly said from my door. The door squeaked open and Cameron walked into my bedroom. I lifted my eyes from my laptop to his, then back to the laptop and back to his face again. I tried to open my mouth to say something but couldn’t quite get the right words out. I sat there looking like a gormless fish for what seemed like hours until finally Cameron walked over to me and glanced at my laptop screen.

‘ah, you found out then huh?’ he smiled at me.

The band that had been playing on the radio was called Allstar Weekend, the song I had fallen in love with was called ‘Dance Forever’ and Cameron played Bass guitar in the band. The boys of his I had met the other day were in fact his band mates. Michael was the drummer, Zach was the lead singer and Nathan played guitar.

‘I can’t believe you never told me! All this time, and you never told me!’ I stuttered at him, still slightly in shock.

‘I never told you because I have had so many people wanting to be my friend just because I was in a famous band, and I didn’t want it to be like that with you Chaice, at all.’ he said shyly back to me.

‘I understand, I mean, I really do. I have so many fakes coming to me wanting to get to know me, just cause they see me on their telly. Just cause people know who I am, it doesn’t mean I don’t want real friends.’ I said back, smiling now.

He pulled me to my feet and engulfed me in a quick hug. As my face was resting against his shoulder, my arms winding around his back, I inhaled his smell. I sighed and slowly pulled away smiling. This was really ridiculous.

We walked back downstairs together to see Bridget and Nessa waiting eagerly by the back door, staring out to the fields.

‘Bridget, you owe me ten bucks’ Cameron smiled at her, wiping the smile straight off Bridget’s little face.

‘WHAT! No way! You found out Chaice? Aw man! I cant believe it!’ she shouted at me.


Nessa, Bridget and Cameron all leaned back in shock. I crouched down, smiled and screamed ‘OH IT’S ONNNNNNN!’ at the top of my voice. I launched myself at the three of them as they all turned and ran. I caught Bridget and Nessa easily and bundled them into a massive bear hug, tickling them both.

Once they had calmed down after screaming with laughter, I whispered something into both of their ears. They looked up at me, laughed and nodded their heads. Cameron was standing with his back to us, looking around trying to find where we were. Bridget and Nessa crawled along the side of the bushes in the garden towards him. When they were close enough, they both jumped to their feet and launched themselves onto his back.


I had to lie down at how hard I laughed at that, Camerons scream was so girly and loud, I couldn’t even stand up straight. I lay on the floor under a bush, clutching at my sides and gasping for air whilst wiping the tears away that were pouring down my face.

I could faintly see Bridget and Nessa walking away giggling in the distance in the direction of the stables. Cameron walked over to me with a pouty look on his face which made me laugh even more. I stuttered sorry in between my loud giggles and held my hand out for him to pull me up from the floor. He grasped my hand in his iron-like grip and gently pulled me up, as he did though he stumbled backwards falling himself. Seeing as he hadn’t let go of my hand, I fell down too, somehow landing on top of him, face to face.

‘erm, well this is kinda awkward’ I whispered staring into his big green eyes.

Before I knew what was happening, we were both glancing at each others lips and slowly inching them toward each other. Just as I could feel the breath of his lips hit my face, I heard my mom shout my name.

I pushed myself up and brushed myself down quickly. I waved to my mom and glanced at Cameron.

‘uhm, yeah, I, uhm, gotta go, horse, uhm riding lessons, yeah.’ I stuttered as I walked out the bushes and toward the barn.

What the hell just happened?
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the idea for this chapter came from my best friend grace :D she inspried me and i love her lots for it :D<3
let me know what you think? :D