Believe Me I'm Lying


He locked the door behind us as I walked into the back lounge. He followed a few minutes later looking sad.

“What’s up?” I said and he snapped his head up to look at me, he was taking deep breaths and I could see his hand was shaking.

“If you met someone else you’d tell me right? You wouldn’t just leave it until the last minute or cheat on me would you? Please tell me you wouldn’t do that to me! You love me right? Or at least you thought you could love me I mean that has to mean something doesn’t it?” he asked rambling away.

“Jonathan” I cut in but he carried on talking, I walked up to him and touched his neck and he moved away as if he couldn't bare me near him.

“Please don’t, just tell me. But make it quick I can’t take this sort of thing” he said quietly looking away from me.

I touched him again and he relaxed under my touch this time allowing me to keep my hand there.

“Jonathan Cook your mental. I love you, if I didn’t love you would I have gone through all this to be with you? I hate how nobody knows your mine, I want to tell everyone I meet but I can’t because nobody can know. I’d never cheat on you and I definitely haven’t met someone else” I explained and he sighed.

“You really love me?” he asked staring at me.

I nodded “I really love you” I replied.

He smiled “I want to tell everyone too, sometimes when I see you I just want to shout 'You see that girl over there she’s my girlfriend and nobody else can have her' but I think that’s slightly inappropriate right now” he said and I laughed.

“I’m your girlfriend?” I asked and he nodded.

“Well I thought you were, I guess I never asked you. Megan Talita Lyons will you be my girlfriend?” he asked and I cringed.

“You used my full name but yes I will. Who did you think I’d met?” I asked.

“Kent, you were holding hands he kissed you. I hated it, I wanted to punch him” he admitted and I smiled at the fact he'd gotten so jealous so quickly.

“Kent thinks you like me, he was testing his theory out” I admitted.

“Kent’s not wrong, maybe it’s time we let people know. You’ve been single long enough” Jonathan reasoned.

I shrugged, I couldn’t get it off my mind what Kent had said.

“Jonathan, someone once told me you don’t do well with girls and relationships” I said quietly as if saying it too loud might upset him.

He looked worried “No I don’t, I don’t like heartbreak. I don’t trust people very well and I rarely tell people I love them even in long relationships” he admitted and I looked at him.

“But you told me you could love me after the first night?” I asked confused and he nodded.

“I know. This will sound strange considering the way we got together but I trust you completely. Something about you tells me it’s okay for me to love you that you won’t hurt me; I’ve never had that before. I was just panicking earlier I know you’d never cheat on me…I’m hot” he said laughing as he wrapped his arms round me.

“Maybe we could tell Kent we like each other and he can set us up then there’s no awkward questions about how we got together and Kent feels like he’s done something nice?” he suggested.

“After I give him a punching for making me jealous” he added and I laughed.
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Sorry for lack of updates I've been mega busy