Believe Me I'm Lying


We’d been on the road for a month now and luckily Sam had properly forgiven me for the whole Caleb thing. I’d been warned that if we broke up I’d still have to finish my job and live on the bus with him.

When I first heard who’d we were working with I was excited, I’d seen them live before and they were good but then when I heard I’d have to live on the bus with 3 guys I didn’t know I was worried.

But it couldn’t be any better; we have a lot of fun.

I was sat on the bus doing some work for the next concert Sam had been asked to work on when Austin came running onto the bus. “Get outside” he ordered.

“I can’t I’ve got to finish this” I replied.

“Let me see” he said taking it from me and throwing it on the sofa and picking me up and running outside. “I got her!” he shouted as he put me down, I screamed as I felt cold water on my back and turned round to see Kent with a water pistol.

“Tally!” shouted Kyle from their bus and I ran on it. “Here take this and these,” he laughed giving me a water pistol and water bombs.

I walked off the bus “Guys! Sam says you have to stop right now and she wants to see you on the bus straight away!” I shouted and they all sulked off towards Sam’s bus as they got level with me and I threw the bombs at them and ran off.

I was followed by Kyle, Marc and Sam who’d done the same thing, “We just got played!” they shouted and started to run after us. I screamed as Austin caught up with me and got me soaking.

“Austin stop it!” shouted Caleb as he ran up to us “That’s enough, you always take it too far!” he said putting his arm round me.

“Yeah Austin! Thanks” I smiled at him and I screamed as he pulled out a pistol and got me while holding me so I couldn’t run.

“Oh know you don’t!” I heard someone shout and laughed as Jonathan tackled Caleb to the floor and we all got Caleb.

“Whose team are you actually on?” Caleb asked.

“There’s teams?” laughed Jonathan.

“Yes there’s team otherwise what are we doing?” replied Caleb with Jonathan still lay on top of him.

“I thought we were just getting anyone” he replied.

“No there’s distinct teams, your bus is your team” Caleb replied.

“So why did you all get me?” I asked laughing.

“I just thought that bit would be funny!” he laughed as they both stood up.

“Guys! We’ve got to go, we’ve got a schedule to keep to!” shouted Sam.

“Seriously? We have schedule on our day off?” whispered Austin and we all started to laugh.

“She’s serious so we best get back” I said as we all ran back to bus.

“Well there goes our fun!” sulked Caleb as he ran in front and jumped on Austin’s back.

“Come on otherwise we’ll be in trouble” I laughed as Jonathan jumped on my back and I staggered back to the bus.