Status: Completed Phase 2

The Girls Shower


If I had been new here, that'd be an excuse? I've been here for a few weeks.

Now I had become curious, as to how the shower looked, in the girls room, with that, I had entered. No one in, just as I had thought, just as well.
'Some things are the same', I had pondered.

The right and the left walls both covered with lockers, just like in the other room. You're supposed to place your clothes and other valuable, or delicate items you may carry.

As it was, this is a particularly hot day, I only wear the shorts and a t-shirt. For some reason, I decided to try the shower, maybe the heat got the better of me?

Since all the lockers are open, I place what little I have in one. Lock it, then head for the shower.
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a new update, even if it is late?