‹ Prequel: Twist of a Bounty

The Saints Are Coming


"Ya can't go alone."I stood by his driver's door, refusing to move.

"I'm not putin' ya in anymore danger, Rose!"He snapped."Now get out of the way."

"It's suicide goin' alone."I whimpered."Murph this is all me fault. Please, let me go. I can handle meself and ya know that. Fer Connor's sake, Murph! I know Rocco told ya boys were to go."

He looked down with a frown. I know the danger of going with him. I was wanted aswell. Yet if I could save Connor, even by giving my own life, then so be it.

"Get in."He sighed.

Both Murphy and I jumped into the van and he took off down the road. He explained how to shoot the silencer and explained different scenarios. I understood I would see blood and maybe even kill someone if it came down to it. He pulled up to the large, expensive house and I felt my muscles tense up. I reached for the door, but Murphy grabbed my arm tightly.

"Wait, ya can't just run in. That is suicide."He whispered.

I turned to the house and sighed. This would be it. I'd ether live to tell, or Lorenzo would win and each of us will die. We didn't even know if Connor was still alive.

Connor sat in the basement of the house, head down. He couldn't tell how many times he had been struck out of revenge. Blood dripped slowly from his split lips and hit the floor almost silently. His head came up as the door opened once again. A bloody, derenged smile met Connor's lips as Paul Lorenzo stepped in. Lorenzo smiled and stopped inches away from Connor.

"Where's the other half?"He laughed loudly and Connor's lips pulled into a smirk.

"Oh, he's comin'."Connor chuckled.

"Good. He'll watch when I put a bullet between your eyes."He suddenly came down with a heavy fist, hitting Connor in his already bruised jaw.

He whimpered, but found the strength to look back up at Lorenzo. Paul Lorenzo was growing angrier just by being in the same room with one of the men responsible for the death of many of his own.

"Do you think I enjoy your games, Saint?!"He spat."You killed my men!"

"With great pleasure, too."He grinned.

Again he swung, making contact with Connor's skull.

"ANd that little cunt of yours is dead too."Connor tugged at the ropes binding him to the chair - if he got loose, Lorenzo was dead.

"Because she found ya out?!"Connor shouted."Or is it when someone threatenin' comes along ya shoot'm outta fear?! Yer just a scared little wop."

Lorenzo laughed at Connor. It wasn't that he was amused; he knew that Connor was correct.

"You'll see you Irish fucking mick."He growled."You'll fucking see."

My hand was trembling as another one of Lorenzo's men tumbled to the ground. Warmth surrounded my eyes as I continued to aim the gun. I flinched with Murphy's gloved hand pushed my gun down.

"S'alright, Rose."He smiled weerily."He's dead."

I wouldn't have even shot the gun if I had seen him sooner. He had snuck up on Murphy. If I hadn't shot at him, Murphy could have gotten hurt; or worse.

"Ya did good Rose."I scanned the room, anxious to see if anyone else would walk in.

Murphy knelt over the deceased body and placed his hands on his chest. Two pennies were lastly placed and he stood.

"Let's find Connor."We slipped through each room, occasionally taking out another man.

I stopped at a closed door and looked up at Murphy. With a nod of approval, I pushed it open. Murphy aimed his fun in and within seconds, dropped it to his side.

"Connor!"Murphy rushed to his brother's side.

I cauciously stepped into the room, taking in my bleak surroundings. Four wall, each painted a dull grey and then, Connor. Murphy eagerly cut through the ropes and pulled Connor to his feet. He leaned on his brother and I stepped forward.

"Connor,"I whispered.

"I'm alright, Rose."He smiled warmly, but I saw the pain.

"Where's Lorenzo?"Murphy helped him forward slightly.

Connor looked up and swallowed hard. I knew that look.

"Rose,"He warned.

I turned slowly and found myself facing Paul Lorenzo and his gun. He was shaking - the gun moved in twitches in his hand. My heart beat sporatically, sending my knees to grow weak. The gun was so close to my skin. Murphy couldn't pull his gun - he was supporting Connor. My fragile fingers were wrapped around my gun, but would I be quick enough?

"You're all fucking dead."He growled.