The Phone call that changed the world

911 call

"911 whats your emergency?"

"he's out of control"

"who? are you in danger? miss, stay on the line. we have disbatched the police, they are on their way"

suddenly a man's voice comes through the phone. " who is this? who did she call?"
attempting to cover the mouth piece he screams at the girl that originally contacted the police. "you called the fucking police? are you stupid? tell them it was a prank. DONT CRAWL AWAY FROM ME"

SLAP! is all you heard on the end of the line, correction multiple slaps, everytime open palm connected with the young girls body the severeral 911 operators that encircled around the original cringed. after a while the teenage girls voice was heard again, but not as strong as the first time, this time it was weak, scared and broken apart with sobs.

"please daddy, no more. im sorry daddy i didnt mean too. ill lie daddy. i promise ill be good."

and then taking over was a voice that angry and had no compassion watsoever. "i give you a home. i give you food and clothes. and this is how you repay me? you call the police! well fuck the police, they will never find you."

with the final 5 words that shattered the girls heart, her only lifeline, the call to the police and life as she knew it disconnected. she knew her life was bad now, but she didnt know that it was going to get a hell of alot worse.

It has been 2 months since the 911 phone call that changed everyone's life forever. the leads were almost cold, when they got to the house the call originated from nothing was there except a trashed house. the police searched the house and were in shock of what they found, they had investigated many cases of child abuse but this was byfar the worst. the only food in the kitchen was molded bread and milk that was way past the exporation date, just the smell of that alone almost made half of the detectives drop to the ground. The living room was better, probably the only normal room in the house, a couch and some chairs and a small tv, but once the rug was lifted dried blood was there for all to see. the detectives made their way to the second floor, the master bedroom was a matrass and empty draws formerly filled with clothes. cigarette burns lined the rug and holes decorated the walls. The girls room was more like a storage closet. her bed was actually towels layed on the floor and old plastic bags for a pillow, the detectives just stand there and wait in horror on who would be the first to enter that room. even this would put the bastard in jail.

After they were done searching the house the quesdtioned the neighbors. They learned the names of the occupents. Ashton and Gary Jameson. The neighbors statements were basically somewhat helpful but not much. All basically said they heard screams sometimes but didnt think anything of it. They also said that when Ashton used to go to school, her father used to watch out the window until she got on the bus, and once somebody patted her shoulder and she cringed like she was about to get hit. Basically they still had nothing, no faces to names. no ages. and no idea where they were.

Upon arriving at the station, detective alec gregson felt defeted, they had no clue. he didnt even know if the girl was still alive. he pushed that thought away as he ran the name Gary Jameson through the database. within 20 minutes he got a hit. An arrest report

Name: Gary F. Jameson
Age: 46
Gender: M
Race: Caucasion
2004: DUI, 90 days in jail
2007: Agravated assault on a bartender.

Great, a record of violence. He ran the name Ashton Jameson and got nothing, that only meant she didnt have a record there was hope. he cross checked public schools in the area with high schools. He again got no record of Ashton Jameson attending any of these high schools. He checked middle schools praying he wouldnt get a hit. he did.

Jackburn Middle School

Name: Ashton Rose Jameson
Age: 13
Gender: F
Race: Caucasion
Grade: 7
Teacher: Mr. Anderson
Principal: Mrs. Jacobs

Detective Alec Gregson shook his head. he had a lead, but not the one he wanted. he had not wanted to follow a lead to a middle school. he couldnt decide what made him sader, the fact this girl was 13 and if she was alive would never life a normal life, or the fact that this was his daughters school. his daughter was a grade ahead of the victim.

They went to the school and talked to her teachers, not telling them what it was about. Basically they said the same thing,
pretty girl
good grades
always wore jeans and long sleeves
wore to much makeup.

It surprised the detective that they had this girl as a student from september to may and could point all of this out to a detective but could not figure out this girl was being beaten from the start. There was about 10 times through the questions alec gregson wanted to slap the teachers and point out the obvious. SHE WAS A VICTIM.

Detective Alec Gregson was sitting on the couch with his wife and daughter that night thankful that nothing that severe had happened to his family his the 16 years he had them. they were watching the movie you've got mail and his daughter Jane was making popcorn when he got the call.

"we found her."
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ew this is turdy