Status: I am the original writer of this story.


The Kill

It was Monday, and Jessie was getting ready for school. Jake was outside waiting on his motorcycle and talking on the phone. Jessie snuck out the window and Jake took her to school. Mike was coming home late, so Jake took Jessie to the mall to get some new clothes. Jessie stopped home and stole the money her dad made from her doings, and they left.
She walked in the door, and ran to her room. She put her bags in her room through the window before she went to the door. Her dad was waiting at the end of the hall way.
“Where the hell were you, I had 2 guys waiting for you, but you weren’t so they left, that was $200 you just lost me.” he yelled at her with rage. Jessie tried to make a run for it but he grabbed her long red hair.
“Stop it, I am not your little sluttish daughter You can’t keep me like some animal that you don’t care about!” she screamed. Her threw her into the wall, and grabbed the phone cord.
He ripped Jessie’s shirt off and whipped her. He beat her where she could hardly move. She heard someone climb through her window, but it sounded like more than one person. It was Jake, Trevor, and Jennifer. Than there was another girl, her name was Joslynn. Jake had a gun, and threatened to shoot it, if Mike kept beating Jessie.
“Daddy, is that you?” Joslynn asked in a shaky voice.
“Who the hell are you?” Mike yelled.
Joslynn’s mother died in a car crash, the same day Mike beat Carol. Mike saw her face. She looked just like Janet. His eyes filled up with rage. He threw a brick at Jake that he found next to him. Jake hit the ground knocked out. Trevor was by Jessie and Joslynn and Jennifer was completely out of reach or the gun. Mike grabbed the gun and shot Jake three times in the head. He was dead. Jennifer and Joslynn made a run for the door, but he shot them and killed them too. Three people laid dead on the floor.
Mike turned and pointed the gun right at Trevor. *Bang* Trevor lay on the floor, dead in a large puddle of blood. Jessie screamed with rage and stared at Mike and the gun.
“You wouldn’t kill the girl that makes you all the money, now will you?” she yelled at him. His hands were shaking and he was ready to pull the trigger. *bang* That was the end. Jessie was laying, dead on the ground, and Mike shot himself in the head.. Six people were dead now, six blood stains in the carpet for ever, six souls stuck in that house, killed in the worst way, for ever.