Status: Active

Die Barbie, It's My Turn Now

Boys and Herpes.Yuck.

Day 1 of suspension.

I’m so damn bored.

There is absolutely nothing to do. I never really noticed how helpful school was in time consumption until I couldn’t go. Sigh.

Well when I got home from school yesterday my mom flipped a lid. She wondered how someone could do something so stupid, thoughtless, and downright shameful. Like how dare he force girls to wear skirts. The pig! Haha I love my mom. She puts the act in activist, I swear. Probably is where I get my “stand up to the man” personality from. My dad on the other hand not so much. My dad is station in Afghanistan (to my demise) and with my luck his once in a blue moon call came in yesterday. Though my mother was as proud as could be of me and wouldn’t say a word about it, my stupid “I’m a jock and due to the constant hits on the field and consumption of glue from birth to my 10th grade year, I’m limited to peanuts for brains” brother couldn’t wait to let him know. And of course he didn’t spare any detail. Ass.

After 20 whole minutes of listening to my dad yell, he finally calmed down and spoke to me like a civil human being. Of course I had to get my revenge and tell him how Dylan[the brother] acquired three STD’s from the skankafied whores he sleeps with on a daily basis. Now not only is he grounded but he now has to go to the clinic, which will tell him that he needs inform every person he’s come into contact with sexually aka the whole freshman and sophomore class. He might as well be a leper after this.

Ha! Paybacks a bitch, BITCH!

I look over at the clock and it reads 10:17 am. Deciding it’d be better to find something to do rather than be a lazy twat I get up. I roll off my back and stand on my feet. I walk over to my closet to find something to wear.

“I’m feeling girly today.” I think out loud while laying my clothes for the day out on the bed.

I walk into my bathroom for a long hot shower. I find my tooth brush lying in the sink and a note taped on the mirror labeled “Kai”.




Ugh!!!!! I hope his dick falls off!! That herpes infested crotch stain! I’m gonna make Cupcake [our house Saint Bernard] teabag his dumbass!!!

“Fucking idiot”. I curse out loud.

I decide to get in the shower and get dressed anyway. I walk downstairs and grab my keys off the table downstairs and head to the car. I drive to the nearest CVS for a new toothbrush.

I walk through the door and the ding dong sounds that lets everyone know someone just came in. A blonde hair, tan, Abercrombie and Finch God cashier looks at me to see who came in.

I wink and blow him an air kiss. He smiles shyly and puts his head down. Aww a shy one! Def will be some hardcore flirting at check out.

I walk down the lane looking up at each sign on top of each lane. Soaps, paper towels, make-up, family planning…

I glance at the family planning aisle quickly then keep going. Wait, what the fuck?! I pause and back up to the family planning aisle again. Oh Sweet Jesus. I did see right. I keep staring at the overly affectionate couple looking for which condom would do the job best in horror. Fucking pig!

The guy takes a breather sucking and licking on her fingers like she had freaking leftovers stuck on them from previous day. He glances up, see’s me, then freezes.

“That’s right you stupid cum guzzler, you’ve been caught!” I call out.

I boot down that aisle like hell on wheels.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I demand shoving the scum as hard as I can.

“Kai chill out! This is none of your business. Fuck off!” he yells. He grabs the skank whore’s hand then pushes me aside trying to get out the store as quickly as possible. I don’t think so.

I break up their hand link and turn him around.

“None of my business Drake? Yeah you would think that you two timing tool but when you cheat on my bestfriend with some Z class hooker who was fucking my brother last week. Who by the way..” I turn to her and continue. “..has herpes so you might want to get checked and keep your legs closed trifling slut!”

She opens her mouth wide in shock.

I roll my eyes. “No bitch you should try keeping your mouth shut and staying off your knees too. That’s how you’re in the mess now”.

Drake looks at her in disgust but doesn’t say anything.

I glare at him and continue. “And you! you stupid son of a bitch!” I yell pointing at him. “If you gave Mariah anything. I don’t care if it’s the fucking common cold I’m going to serve your balls on a platter then shove them down your throat and make you eat them. Got it?”

He smirks. “Bitch please. I don’t answer to you. You and Mariah can kiss my ass. She was just something I wanted to fuck, but the prude barely let me touch her let alone get it in, so I’m done trying.”

I glare at him in disgust. He laughs at my reaction but doesn’t say anything more. He begins leaving the store. I look at the whore and shes shaking violently probably thinking about her new found infection. Eww.

“Your whoring is catching up with you huh?” I ask smirking at her.

She looks me with water in her eyes then begins crying violently. Like I care.

I follow Drake outside and see he’s in a car with his bestfriend, Liam, who’s driving. He must have been waiting for them outside. Liam is backing out of the parking spot about to leave the lot. I pick up the nearest rock and throw it at the back window. Crack! Bull’s-eye!

The car comes to an immediate stop and a very angry Liam hops out the car, charging towards me.

“What the fuck Kai?!?” he demands standing in front of me.

I roll my eyes. “Oh don’t what the fuck me Liam! You’re the one chauffeuring that ass around condoning his shitty ass ways” I shoot back.

“What can I do about what he does huh Kai? I told him he is messed up for what he’s doing to Mariah but he did it anyway! Plus I’m not his damn keeper!” he responds angrily.

“Whatever. I don’t know why I’m surprised by you. Birds of a feather flock together as they say.” I say.

“Its not like that. You know I’m not like that Kai” he responded.

Liam and I have always had this unspoken attraction to each other. I enjoyed his company and his conversation. But we never acted on it, and now NEVER will. Seriously! Don’t think we’ll hook up later because he’s definitely now a HELL NO!

I glare at him. “All I know Liam is that you and you’re friend are a couple of dipshit bastards that should go kill yourselves.”

He looks at me then his feet but says nothing. I roll my eyes and walk to my car and drive away, but not before giving Drake the finger.

When I pull into my drive-way I lean my head on the steering wheel.

“I am not looking forward to telling Mariah about this later today” I groan.

After leaning there for a couple more minutes I pop up after realizing I didn’t flirt with the cute cashier. Damn… Or get my tooth brush!

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thanks to everyone that read the last chapter especially my 3 subscribers :)