Stop me Before I Bleed Again

The Beginning

"You're nothing but a selfish little bitch." She said. She being my twin sister. We've never liked each other, but she mainly didn't like me because I was different. I shook my head slowly and walked out of the living room into my room. Once there I went to my dresser to get something. I took it with me and sat in the corner of my walk in closet. I opened the box to reveal two bloodstained razorblades. I took one out of the box and set the box off to the side. I reaced over to my stereo and put on 'sound effects and overdramatics' by the used.

Taking the razorblade into my left hand I ran it across my right arm. I felt the feeling of relief wash over me as the blood rushed out of my arm. I pulled my sleeve over the cut, stood up and walked to my own personal bathroom. I you can't tell my family is pretty well off or rich as other people call it. I took a piece of gauze and taped it around my fresh cut. After doing that I walked out of my bathroom, changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. Just as I closed my eyes my father walked in. He was the only one in my family that cared about me.

"Hey I just came to say goodnight." He said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Ok," I said.

"I heard you got into another fight with Alyssa." He said.

"Yeah but I swear she started it." I said.

"I believe you but your mom probably won't." He said.

"She's not my mom she's my step mom." I said.

"I know."

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep."

"Alright. Night." He said getting up.

"Night." I said. He walked out the door and I closed my eyes. I guess I should explain about my life. My names Amberlynn. I live in Bellville, NJ. I have a twin sister named Alyssa. My mom died two years ago which was when I was 14 so I'm sixteen now. When I was 15 my dad got remarried which I was strongly against. She is a bitch. She favors my sister because she is preppy. So yeah thats about it.

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

I woke up to the sound of my god foresaken alarm clock. I hit the button to turn it off and sat up in bed. I slowly got up got some clothes together and walked into my bathroom. I got dressed, put on my makeup and straitened my hair. I was wearing my long sleeve Danzig shirt, jeans and converse. I walked out of the bathroom got my backpack and walked downstairs. Without saying anything to anyone I walked out the door into the crisp October air of New Jersey. I walked down my street and turned onto the street where my school was at.

You must be wondering why I don't just drive. Well I have my lisence I just don't have a car. But guess whats even better Alyssa does. I walked silently down the street looking at my feet. Looking up I saw a guy in front of me. Not just any guy but the guy I've liked since 7th grade. But he doesn't even notice me.

I walked up to the school and down the hallways until I got to my locker. Opening it up I put my bag in it got my books out for first hour and closed it back up. I walked down the halls until I reached room 302, also known as Algebra. Yes I know it sucks I have to do math in the morning. I walked in and went to my usual seat in the back. I opened up my notebook and started writting, thats what I usually do when I'm upset.

"Can I sit here." I heard from above me. The tables each sat two so thats why whoever it was, was asking. I looked up to see none other than Mikey Way, the guy I've had a crush on since 7th grade.

"Yeah sure." I said softly. He sat in the seat next to me.

"So what are you writting." He asked.

"Just stuff. Kind of what I feel." I said.

"Can I read it." He asked. I hesitated but handed him my notebook. "Are you really depressed." He asked sounding sincerely concerned.

"I guess." I said.


"Well because of my bitch of a sister. My bitch of a step mom. Oh and I have no friends." I said.

"You wanna hang out with me." He asked shyly. I again hesitated. "I promise I don't bite that hard." I smiled as did he. God his smile was beautiful.

"Sure." I said.

"Well come to my house after school we can work on the algebra homework I know we're going to have." He handed me his address.

"Alright I'll be there." I said.

"What am I thinking. We can just walk there together." He said.

"Ok do you want to meet somewhere." I said.

"Yeah how about on the front steps of the school." I nodded. I'll definatly be there.