Stop me Before I Bleed Again

Not my problem

I opened my eyes to see Mikey in my bed with me. I remembered the night before.


On the dancefloor I let everything flood out of my mind. Me and Mikey were moving together as one and it felt amazing. I loved being around him and I can't believe I'm actually his girlfriend. But I started getting a little tired.

"Hey I'm getting tired do you wanna come upstairs." I asked Mikey.

"Yeah lets go." He said. He took my hand and we left the dancefloor to go upstairs. We went
into my room and he sat on my bed.

"Are you gonna stay here?" I asked him.

"If you want me to." He said.

"It doesnt matter to me." I said.

"Alright then I will." He said smirking. I smiled.

"Well I'm going to go get changed." I said.

"Ok I'll be right here." He said laying back on my bed. I walked over to my dresser picked out some Batman pajamas and went into my bathroom to get changed.

When I came out I found Mikey laying on my bed in the same position I left him in. But he had his eyes closed. I decided to scare him. I snuck up to the bed, screamed and jumped onto the bed. His eyes shot open and he fell off the bed. By now I was in hysterical laughter.

"Shut up." He said getting back up onto the bed. "Your a meanie face."

"I'm sorry lets go to sleep." I said. We both got under the covers, he put an arm around my middle once we were situated.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Night." He said. I then closed my eyes falling into the first good night's sleep I've ever had.

*End Flashback*

I smiled to myself, then quietly getting out of bed to go take a shower. I picked out some clothes and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I stripped of all of my clothes and turned the water on warm.

After getting out of the shower I wrapped up in a towel, while doing that I noticed the scab on my wrist from the night before. I'm done with that now I thought, that made me smile. Mikey makes me happy enough now that I don't have to be depressed and do harmful things to my body. I got dressed in my tight jeans, Morrisey t-shirt and black and white wristband.
I brushed through my hair, put on some eyeliner and as soon as I was content with my appearance walked back into my room seeing that Mikey was gone. There was a piece of paper on my nightstand though. I walked over to it taking the paper in my hands.


I'm going home sorry I couldn't wait until you get out but my parent will kill me if I'm not in my bed when they come to wake me up. If you want to hang out come over to my house the guys will probably be there today.



I put the letter down and decided that I would go to his house. I got a hoodie, put on one of my beanies and walked out of my room. The house was trashed, to put it lightly. I smirked knowing that I wasn't going to help clean it up, I saw Alyssa downstairs picking up plastic cups and such.

"Hey come help me." She said.

"It wasn't my party I don't have to help." I said loving every word that came out of my mouth.
She muttered curse words under her breath. I walked down the stairs smiling and trapsed out the door.

In about fifteen minutes I arrived at the Way residence. It was kind of cold outside so I was happy when I arrived on their doorstep. I knocked on the door. The door opened and I seen the face of Gerard.

"Hey Amber." He said letting me inside. "The rest of the guys are downstairs."

After taking off my shoes he led me downstairs, I seen all of the guys minus Matt, thank god.

"Hey." Every one said. I walked over and sat by Mikey who immediatly put his arm around my waist. I smiled.

"So what are we going to do?" Mikey asked everyone else.

"I think we should play video games." Ray offered. Everyone agreed, even me I'm a sucker for video games.

The whole rest of that day was filled with video games, movies and even board games. It was the most fun I've had in a while. I think know that if Matt ever tryed anything again these four guys would have my back.