Stop me Before I Bleed Again


Right now it's 6:00PM and me and the guys are eating the amazing spaghetti Mrs.Way cooked. Thats when the doorbell rang.

"Don't worry mom will get it." Gerard said. So we just sat there eating our yummy pasta. Then we heard someone coming down the stairs, we all turned our heads and I almost choked on my food because of what I saw.

There stood Matt smirking down at me.

"Hey everyone whats up." He said.

"Hey Matt whats going on." Gerard said. Obviously Gerard didn't know. Matt sat down next to Gerard. He kept smirking over at me, obviously trying to intimidate me. It wasn't working I was just glaring back at him.

"Mikey can we go talk." I said looking at him he was also glaring at Matt.

"Yeah let's go." He said. We stood up and walked up the stairs. He led me down the hallway and to his room. We walked in and he closed the door.

"Why is that asshole here?" Mikey said more to himself than to me but I thought I'd say something anyways.

"He's here to tourment me. He thinks he has power over me." I said.

"Do you think we should tell the guys?"

"You actually think they would believe me." I said.

"I'm not sure."

"Well I'm not taking any chances." I said.

"What if he trys something again." MIkey said.

"Then I'll scream bloody murder and kick him in the balls." Mikey laughed at my comment.

"Thats my girl." He said walking over and hugging me.

"Well it's actually getting kind of late I better get home." I said.

"Alright." He said, he took my hand and we walked to the door together.

"I'll see you later." I said. He put his arms around my waist and I took this opportunity to plant my lips on his cheek then put my head on his shoulder for a hug.

"Bye." He said. I opened the door and before leaving a blew a final kiss to him. I walked down his driveway and down the sidewalk going the direction to get to my house.

About ten or fifteen minutes later I got to my door and walked in. I seen my step mom and my dad sitting on the couch. Wow he's home early I thought.

"Where were you." My dad asked me.

"I was at Mikeys." I replied.

"You should have called and told us you weren't going to be home for dinner." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Your grounded." He said.

"Why?" I questioned in a mad tone.

"Like I said you should have called. Maybe you shouldn't be hanging out with this Mikey kid."

"Your being so unfair and I'm not going to stop hanging out with my boyfriend." I said emfisizing the word boyfriend. After saying that I ran up the stairs and into my room ignoring my dad calling my name.

I slammed my door shut and sat down on my bed. I felt the urge to get out my razor but I tryed to shove that thought out of my mind I couldn't do that again, Mikey would be so disappointed. With that thought out of my mind I decided I was really tired, so without even changing my clothes I crawled under my covers and fell asleep.