Stop me Before I Bleed Again


Opening my eyes I seen that I wasn't in my bed, I looked around I was in a basement looking room. I noticed that I had tape on my mouth and that I was tied to a chair. There was stairs in front of me but that was about it, there was nothing else in the room. Just then there was a door opening and shutting. Then footsteps on the stairs and there stood Matt Pelisser.

"Good morning love." He said, but he wasn't the only one that walked down the stairs, Alyssa stepped out from behind him.

"Hey sis." She said bitterly. I couldn't believe this. My sister and her asshole of a boyfriend kidnapped me, but why?

"Now if I take the tape off you have to promise not to scream." Alyssa said walking up to me.

She ripped the tape off.

"Fuck." I said. "What the hell are you two doing?"

"I told Mikey and you that you would pay for what you both did." Matt said.

"So we'll see how long you can last here with Matt and we'll see how long Mikey can last without you." Alyssa added in with a smirk.

"Please just let me go why are you doing this to me. Why do you hate me so much?" I rambled slightly.

"I can't answer your questions I'm leaving. Have fun Matt." Alyssa said walking away.

"Alyssa please don't leave me with him." I tryed to plead to her, whoever thought I'd be pleading to Alyssa. She wasn't even listening to me she just pranced up the stairs and out the door.

Matt started walking to me, once he got to me he started untying (sp?) me. I thrashed around because I didn't want him taking advantage of me again.

"Stop resisting unless you want to be in a lot of pain." He threatened. I took that as my warning and stopped moving. Right now I'd rather be dead that be here.

*Mikeys POV*

I woke up at 10:00 seeing that it was a sunday and I didn't have to be anywhere. Once I had, had my coffee I decided to give Amber a call. It rang until it went to her voicemail.

This wasn't like her, she always had her phone with her and she always answered it. So I decided to try the house phone.

"Hello." A female voice answered.

"Hi is Amber there?" I asked.

"No she's not." She said.

"Alright well I'll just call back later." I said. The person on the other end of the line before saying another word so I hung up also.

I called her phone many times that day but never could get a hold of her. I was starting to get a little worried. I just hope that nothing is wrong, if Matt did something to her again I might have to kill him.