Stop me Before I Bleed Again

Getting out & Telling Gerard

*Back in Amber's POV*

I woke up after my encounter with Matt, I was still in the basement but Matt was gone and I was still untied. I got up, gathered my clothes and put them on. Looking over to the only source of light, there was a window. I walked over to it and looked out. There was a house about 15 feet from it and of course there was grass by it but would it open.

I pulled on it and surprisingly it opened with ease. I hoisted my self up and out of it without getting stuck, thank god I was born skinny. I stood up on the grass and tryed to figure out where I was. It was a quiet suburban neighborhood, so I decided to go see if I could find a street sign. It was Newark Street, I was only a street away from my house.

I ran across the street and found my to Jersey Street AKA my street. But I wasn't going home I was going to Mikey's, his house was two street's over from mine. Getting myself to his house was no problem but I had no idea how he was going to take this thing with Matt. I walked up his driveway to his door. I knocked lightly. He opened the door and immediatly his face lit up.

"Amber where were you yesterday you had me worried sick." He said coming out and enveloping me into a hug. I felt the tears start to come out of my eyes with the thoughts of yesterday in my head.

"Whats wrong?" He said pulling away from me.

"Let's talk about it inside." I said. He took me inside and to his room. We sat on his bed and his eyes told me he wanted me to go on.

"Matt and Alyssa kidnapped me." I said.

"What?" He was in shock.

"Matt did it again." I started sobbing, Mikey put me in his arms. He kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna kill him." Mikey whispered harshly. Then the door burst open.

"Hey is Amber-." Gerard started but when he saw me crying he got concerned. "Whats wrong."

He came up to the bed and sat down with us.

"Can I tell him?" Mikey asked me. I just nodded as Mikey still held me in his arms.

"A few weeks ago Matt raped her and he did it again last night and her sister helped him get her to his house I guess." He said.

"Are you sure?" Gerard questioned. That kind of upset me. I pulled myself away from Mikey.

"Do you think I'd be this upset if I wasn't telling the truth." I snapped. Gerard let what I said sink in.

"Wow I just- never pictured him doing something like that." He said feeling ashamed of
himself. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Gerard you didn't do anything." I said.

"I can't believe him." I could see Gerard was getting angry. He got off the bed walking towards the door. "I'll be back."

Then he walked out the door closing it behind him kind of forcfully. He was probably going to kick Matt's ass and I couldn't give a fuck less. We heard the front door slam shut.

"Gerard can gett pretty dangerous when he's angry. He's really passionate about his friends." Mikey said.

"Come on." I said, truly I really didn't want to miss Matt getting beaten.