Stop me Before I Bleed Again

We're over

When me and Mikey were walking out the door he grabbed some keys off the table. We got outside and Mikey walked toward a white van that was in the driveway.

"We're taking the van so we get there faster." Mikey said.


I got in the van as did he and we were off to Matts house.

"Do you want me to just drop you off at your house. Are you sure you want to go here again." Mikey asked me.

"No." I said simply but not meanly. Not another word was spoken until we got to Matts house. It wasn't awkward we just didn't know what to say.

When we arrived at Matt's house we jumped out of the van seeing Gerard was already here and the front door was open. Me and Mikey walked through the door to see Gerard on top of Matt punching the shit out of him.

Mikey tryed to pull them apart while I ran to find a phone. In the kitchen I found one and picked it up. I dialed 911.

"911 whats your emergency." A female voice answered.

"I've been raped." I said.

"Are you sure." She asked. What a dumbass questioned.

"Umm yeah I'm pretty sure." I said.

"Alright we'll send a police unit." She said after that she hung up as did I. I ran back into the living room to see Mikey holding Gerard back from Matt.

"You asshole." Gerard screamed to Matt. "How could you rape her."

"She wasn't raped she gave it willingly I watched." A firmiliar voice said from behind me. I turned around to face Alyssa. My mouth dropped.

"What." Mikey questioned.

"Yeah it's true." Alyssa said staring straight into my eyes. I was in shock, I felt tears starting
to fall.

"Is that true Amber." Gerard asked.

"Of course not Gerard." I sobbed out turning back around. Mikey seemed to believe her.

"I can't believe you." He said.

"Mikey I swear it isn't true. You know me." I said in between sobs.

"I thought I did." Then he walked out. I collapsed down to my knees. I felt a hand on my back, I looked to see Gerard.

"I believe you." He said, I put my head into his chest. For a couple minutes I sat there sobbing my eyes out but then the sadness turned to anger.

I pulled away from Gerard and stood up. Turning to Alyssa she smiled.

"Who the fuck do you think you are. Why the hell did you do that." I said. She laughed.

"I love Matt and I'm not about to let you get him in trouble." She said.

"So you choose this asshole over your own twin sister." I said barely believing the words coming out of her mouth.

"Of course. Haven't you realized I never liked you." She said.

"One day your gonna pay for this Alyssa. You selfish backstabbing heartless bitch." I said.

"Come on let's go." Gerard said. I started crying again and he led me out the door and to his car. He opened up the door and helped me in. Closing my door he went to his side and got in as well.

"It's gonna be okay Mikey just needs some time to cool off." He said. I wish I could believe that but I can't, I have a feeling me and Mikey are over.