Stop me Before I Bleed Again

Mikey's House

The day went by slowly with me anxiously awaiting going over to the Mikey Way's house. The final bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and got out of the class first. Quickly I walked to my locker, got my stuff and headed for the front of the school. I got there and there was Mikey with 1 other guy.

"Hey Amber whats up." Mikey said.

"Not much. Whats up with you." I asked.

"Nothing. Except this is Frank." He said pointing to the guy next to him. I waved and he waved back.

"Well come on guys off to my house." Mikey said we walked off the school grounds and down the street, we came to Mikey's street and turned on it. About half way down the street we walked up a driveway and to a door. Mikey opened the door and let me and Frank pass him. He stepped in behind us and pulled the door shut.

His house was way smaller than mine considering that I lived in a huge house, but I don't think that the amount of money he has matters. It was very homey unlike my house. It actually felt like more of a home then my house did and I felt so comfortable in it.

"Mom I'm home." Mikey yelled. A woman about 5'5 came into the living room. I'm guessing she was Mikey's mom.

"Oh you brought some friends." She said smiling. She seemed really nice. She came up to me still smiling. "Hello I'm Michaels mother but you can call me Donna."

"Mom I'm Mikey not Michael." He complained. I chuckled.

"I'm Amberlynn Connors." I said politly even though I didn't like telling people my last name because then everyone knew me as the girl that lives in the Connors mansion.

"Well its very nice to meet you. And of course I know you Iero." She said to Frank. He smirked.

"Of course you do Donna." He said.

"Well we're going to Gerard's room." Mikey said. "Come on guys." We followed Mikey down a flight of stairs and what was their basement. But there was also two beds. One side of the room had a bunch of artwork and the other side was just kind of plain.

"Whats with the one side of art." I asked.

"My brother lives down here but the other side is a guest bed for when relatives come over." He said. We walked over to the side with no artwork, Mikey sat on the bed, Frank sat in a chair by the bed and I sat in another chair that was by the bed.

"So Amber you live in the huge mansion a few blocks away." Frank said.

"Yeah I do but I'm not very proud of it." I said.

"Oh." He said. "So why don't you give us your E! true hollywood story."

"Why would you want to know my story." I replied looking straight into his eyes. I could see he was getting intimidated by me. I liked that.

"Because I would like to know if your a deranged killer or not." He said challenging my look. Mikey was just looking between the two of us.

"Well I guess I could be nice and tell you guys about myself." I said looking away from Frank and over to Mikey.

"Yeah I'd like to know." Mikey said.

"Alright. Well as you all know my sister is the bitchy whore of the school. We've faught ever since we hit middle school. In ninth grade my mom died. A year later my dad got married again. My step mother favors my sister and hates me. My dads the only one that still cares about me." I said. "There you go I told you about my life. Your turn." I said to Mikey.

"Well nothings ever really happened to me except for actually nothing has ever happened" He said. "What about you Frank."

"Well my parents got divorced and we moved to belleville. I have a little sister named Lacey and yeah thats about it." He said. I nodded. For the rest of the time we just kind of talked about stuff that had happened to us. Like when I got to see the Alkaline Trio. I looked at the clock on Mikey's nightstand. 6:30 it read.

"I have to get going." I said standing up.

"Yeah me too." Frank said. "Bye Mikey."

"See ya." Mikey said. Frank walked up the stairs and out of Mikey's house.

"I'll walk you home." Mikey said.

"Oh you don't have too." I said.

"But I want too." He said putting on a plain black hoodie. We walked up the stairs and out the front door. Walking down the sidewalk I felt the cool New Jersey air wip past me. I crossed my arms over my chest. Mikey must have noticed I was cold. He put his hoodie on me and put his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer.

"Thanks." I said simply.

"No problem." He said. The rest of the way to my house was silent and now we were on my
doorstep. I really didn't want Mikey to leave he was actually making me happy.

"Well I guess this is it." He said.

"Yeah." I said, he took his arm from my shoulder and now he was facing me.

"Bye Amber." He said.

"Thanks for the awesome day." I kissed his cheek. The only reason I didn't have to stand on my toes is that I'm a giant. I'm like 5'10. He blushed a little bit.

"I guess I'll see you tomarrow." I said.

"Yeah bye." He said.

"Bye." And with that he walked out of my sight with me watching until I couldn't see him anymore.