Stop me Before I Bleed Again


I walked into my house, slipped off my shoes and walked up the huge marble staircase to my room. When I got there I just started writting in my notebook about what had happened today. It must have taken me thirty minutes to do that because we have dinner at exactly 7:00.

"Dinner time." I heard through my door. It was my step mom doing her rounds and making sure everyone went to dinner. I got up from my bed, walked out of my room and walked downstairs to the dining room. I sat at my usual seat and saw everyone else sitting here too. Oh I think I forgot to mention I have a little brother too, his name is Caden. He's fourteen.

"So where were you today Amberlynn." My step mother asked.

"At my friends house." I said.

"And who might this friend be." She asked.

"None of your business." I said looking at her with hate.

"I saw her walking home with this poor kid." Alyssa said. I glared at her. She knew that our step mother didn't like us hanging out with poor people that meant she was going to tell me not to see Mikey. Oh and since my dad wasn't home much she could pretty much do whatever the hell she wanted to.

"Really. Amber what did I tell you about people who have less money than us." She said.

"You know what I could give a fuck less what you think." I said.

"You will not speak to me like that." She said.

"Whatever." I said.

"Now I don't want you to speak to this guy anymore." She said.

"His names Mikey and yes I will talk to him and hang out with him and there's not a damn thing you can do about it." I said with hate dripping from every word.

"You will not. I am forbidding you to talk to him." That was it I snapped.

"Fuck you your not my mother." I yelled at her. Thats when I looked over and saw Alyssa smirking at me. I walked over to her chair and slapped her straight in the face that wiped the smirk off her face.

"I'll be damned if I let you two do this to me." I said before I walked up the stairs and back into my room. But before I got there I heard someone shout after me.

"Your going to pay for that." It was Alyssa. Yeah what the hell was she going to do. I walked into my room, slammed and locked my door. Before any thinking I walked over to my window and climbed out it. I had one of those roofs that slanted down so I could get to one spot and there would be a pole so I could climb to the ground. I got to the ground and just started running I knew exactly where I was going too. I ran all the way until I got to his street all the way I was sobbing because those stupid bitches made me think about her. I made it to his house and stopped at the front door trying to catch my breath.

I knocked on the door twice and a boy with black hair answered it. He noticed me crying.

"Is Mikey here." I said still catching my breath.

"Yeah come in." He said. "He's in the basement." He walked down the stairs with me. Mikey was sitting on his bed but as soon as he seen me crying he came and embraced me in a hug.

"What happened." He said shuffling me over to the bed.

"T-they made me think about my mom." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to your mom." He had his arm on my back trying to comfort me.

"Well two years ago my mom was hit by a drunk driver and killed." I said.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." Mikey said. "What did they say to you."

"They don't want me to see you any more and I told them that wasn't happening." I said
looking at Mikey. He just looked back. "Can I stay here tonight." I asked.

"You can stay here whenever you want." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"You can have Mikeys bed and he can have my bed I'll take the couch." The boy with black hair said.

"If you don't mind me asking who are you." I said.

"I'm Gerard Mikeys brother." He said. I nodded. A little bit later I got tired from the crying and running I did.

"Can we go to sleep now." I asked.

"Of course." Mikey said.

"Well I guess I'm going to go to bed then." Gerard said getting up. "Don't let your family get to you kid." He said coming and hugging me. I nodded and he went upstairs. Mikey got up and went to a dresser that sat in the corner of the room. He got out some pyjamas.

"Here they might be a little big but yeah." Mikey said handing me the clothes.

"Mikey your skin and bones they won't be to big. They'll probably be too small." I said.

"Your skin and bones too." He said.

"Yeah but I have boobs you don't." I laughed as I walked to the bathroom, Mikey just laughed and walked to his bed. I got in the bathroom, changed my clothes really quick and walked back out into the bedroom. I walked over to Mikey's bed and got under the covers seeing as Mikey was in Gerards bed.

"Night Amber." He said.

"Thanks Mikey." I said.

"For what."


"No problem." He said. Without saying anything else we both fell into unconciousness.