Stop me Before I Bleed Again

Fighting Again

I felt someone shake me lightly, I opened my eyes to see Mikey standing over me.

"Wakey wakey there's eggs and bakey." He said in a childish voice. I laughed. "But seriously we have school get your lazy butt up."

"Fine you meanie-face." I said sitting up. I got up from the bed still in Mikey's pyjamas. I walked over to Mikey's dresser where I had set my clothes. I decided to just where the jeans I had yesterday but I did steal one of Mikey's Antharax shirts. I walked into the bathroom, changed my clothes and brushed my hair. I walked out and upstairs into the kitchen where there really was eggs and bacon. I laughed.

"I told you." I heard someone whisper in my ear. Mikey came out from behind me. "Oh yeah and nice shirt."

"I know right." I laughed. We walked to the kitchen table, sat down and proceeded to eat our eggs and bacon that Mrs. Way cooked for us. Soon we got done eating and walked in the living room getting our shoes on before we left.

"Thank you for the breakfast Mrs. Way." I said.

"Its Donna honey. Oh and your welcome." She said hugging me. It kind of freaked me out but I hugged her back. I smiled as I pulled away. Me and Mikey walked out of the door and started our walk to school.

"Your mom's really nice." I said.

"Yeah everybody says that." Mikey said.

"Hey you should appriciate that I'm not used to it anymore my step mom is a bitch." I said kicking a pebble that was in front of me.

"So do you want to hang out tonight." He asked.

"Yeah I'd like that." I said. "You can come to my house this time."

"Yeah thats cool." He said. We made it to school in the next five minutes and we both went our seperate ways to our lockers. I opened my locker it was slammed shut by none other than Alyssa who now had a very red and bruised cheek from where I slapped her yesterday. I had to contain my laughter.

"Look what you did to me." She said.

"Oops did I do that." I said sarcastically.

"Yes you little slut you did." She said.

"Look who's talking." She was making me just the slightest bit angry. Then she surprised me, she slapped me. I grabbed my cheek.

"That should teach you not to mess with me." She said as she started to walk away, she didn't make it to far. I grabbed her by her fake blonde hair and pulled her back towards me. Then we both got caught up in it. Soon we were on the ground in a battle that I was winning. Then someone picked me up by my stomach with me kicking like a little five year old that didn't get her way. Whoever it was put me on the ground still holding me back from Alyssa who was being held by one of her man whores.

"I swear to god you stupid bitch if you talk our step mom into me not being able to see Mikey you'll regret it." I said trying to hold back the tears that were threatining to spill. Of course hearing all the comotion the principal came and we were both sent to the office. Then came the time where I was called into the principal's office where he would ask me gay questions.

"Hello Amberlynn sit down." Mr. Williams our principal said. I sat down in the leather chair that was in front of his desk.

"So why did you start this fight with Alyssa?" He asked folding his hands on his desk.

"I really didn't start it Alyssa slapped me and I was mearly defending myself." I said telling him the truth.

"Well why did she slap you."

"I slapped her at home yesterday."

"And why would you do that?" He asked.

"I really don't think that is any of your business, it didn't happen at school." I said as politly as

I could be at the moment. He was a little taken aback at my comment.

"Well then we're going to have to talk to your parents." He said.

"Be my guest." I said sitting back and smirking in the chair. Even though I probably would get suspended I think Alyssa would still have a pretty nice black eye from where I punched her.