Status: I'm back, bitches! >:D


Chapter 29: "Don't judge my theories."


“I'm hungry.” Bill mumbled.

“I'll take you to Subway if you want. It's only a few minutes away.”

“Who said I was hungry for food?” Bill replied, smiling innocently as he toyed with on of the key chains hooked onto his handbag.

Strify smirked and hugged Bill's back to his chest. “You're too adorable to talk dirty.” he whispered, laying a firm kiss to the side of Bill's neck.

“Says who?”

“Says the boyfriend of the boy who's seven months pregnant.”

“All the more reason to talk dirty.” Bill smirked, groaning lowly when Strify nipped at the soft flesh of his neck.

It's been almost three weeks since Bill's scare. He honestly couldn't complain about much. He and Strify had talked it out, and they were no longer fighting about the brunette's slip up. Yu was around to help Bill a lot more, and he'd told the school the truth about Bill's pregnancy. Most were shocked and still didn't believe it, but there was a handful that thoroughly apologized to the teen.

Bill was now seven months through his pregnancy. His belly had grown as well as his relationship with Strify.

Bill giggled as Strify's warm breath tickled his ear, but his eyes soon went wide and he sat up. “Let's go swimming!” he exclaimed, his voice joyous and cheerful.

Strify quirked a brow. “You do remember that my arm's broken...right?”

Bill immediately frowned and slumped back into Strify's arms. “Damn. No, I totally forgot. Never mind.”

“...I can wrap a garbage bag around it.” he sighed. He couldn't stand to see Bill disappointed.

Bill eyes lit up again. “Really!?” he cheered.

“Sure. Do you have a bathing suit?”

“My trunks are in my dresser.”

“So you're gonna go topless?”

Bill pouted once again and glared at his chest. “Dammit.”

“I'll call Jeffree. God only knows what he has in his closet.”


“Yes. Now as cute as it is when you look at me like I'm Spider man and I just saved your life, we better go if you wanna swim.”

Bill nodded brightly and found his way to his feet. “I'm gonna call Andi! He should come too! Oh, and Tom. And Kiro and Yu. And-”



“We're not throwing a party. We're just going swimming.”

Bill looked up from his phone, quirking a brow at his boyfriend. “And? The more the merrier!” he smiled.


“I look stupid.” Bill pouted. The pregnant teen was wearing a bikini, which only made him feel ridiculous. It was a two piece, but his top covered both his chest, and his stomach. His...lower regions didn't fully appreciate the thong-like bikini bottoms. They didn't cover much so he'd put on a pair of jeans shorts over them.

Strify smiled at Bill and kissed the top of his head. “You look fine. look really sexy.” he purred, nibbling on Bill's ear lobe.

Bill giggled and pulled away, blushing lightly. He tugged on the end of Strify's shorts which reached all the way down to his knees. “You should come in with me.”

Strify smiled and kissed Bill's hand. “Broken arm.”

“But you could go in the shallow end!”

“I don't want Luminor and Jeffree to have to pay for a new cast. I would if I could. You know that.” He was lying. Well, partly. He just didn't want his shorts to get wet. If they did, the water would seep into his bandages and he'd bloody up the water, which was the last thing Bill needed to see.

Bill nodded as he turned to look at the people playing in the pool, and the others sunbathing or chatting around it. He was hot and really wanted to cool off, but he didn't wanna leave Strify alone to sit in the shade with everyone's stuff.

Strify noticed his boyfriend staring longingly at the water, and as if he read his mind, he spoke up. “If you want to go in the water, go. Not your fault my arm's broken.”


“Go. But...I'd feel more comfortable if you took someone with you...” he trailed off.

Bill chuckled at Strify's over protectiveness and nodded. He scowled when he spotted Andreas and Tom making out in a lounge chair not even two feet away. A lot of moaning and...wandering hands were involved, which made the teen turn away immediately.

Luminor and Jeffree were sitting beneath one of Luminor's Gothic umbrella's looking through a book of caterers and flower shops. He did a double take on their outfits. Jeffree was wearing a one-piece bathing suit that left nothing to the imagination, and Luminor was fully dressed. At a pool!

His eyes couldn't find Kiro, but he did find Yu, who was obviously craving a cigarette. Then again...Bill had been craving one for five months.

“Strify...would you be totally mad if Yu went with me?” he asked, leaning back on his hands to give his back a break.

“ Go ahead.”

Bill sighed and took off his sunglasses. “Liar.”

“No, it's fine, Billa. I want you to have some fun. Plus...I'm trying to at least act civilized around him.”

Bill smiled and called Yu over, who was by his side within seconds. “Is it time?” he asked in a hurry.

Bill smiled and patted his shoulder as a no. Yu had been extremely paranoid since he'd been more or less accepted to be by Bill. Every time Bill so much as said 'hi', he'd flip out thinking the twins were coming.

“Oh. Then what's up?”

“Will you go into the pool with me? Strify can't because you fucked up his arm, Andi and Tom are teaching sex ed in a chair to a group of kids, Jeffree and Luminor are working on the wedding, and Kiro gained magical powers and disappeared.”

Yu blinked. “Alright then...okay.” he agreed, helping the very pregnant teen to his feet. “But...I'm a bit skeptical on the whole 'Kiro gaining magical powers' thing.” he smirked.

Bill stuck out his tongue. “Don't judge my theories.”

Yu put his hands up in mock surrender as Bill slowly climbed down the steps to get into the water. “I wasn't judging! I was simply giving my honest opinion.”

Instead of replying, Bill found his eyes locked on the kiddie pool. There were so many kids laughing and playing, having what seemed to be the time of their lives. But his hands fell to his stomach when he saw a young gay couple playing with a little girl in a pink bathing suit.

They were making her giggle and smile, giving her brightly colored toys that made her eyes light up. Which made theirs do the same. They smiled at each other and kissed, which seemed to make their daughter jealous, because she pushed them apart and pointed to herself. They laughed and each kissed her cheeks.

Yu hadn't helped but notice where Bill's attention was. When he saw his ex boyfriend touch his belly with that longing in his eyes, his heart broke. He knew Bill was thinking how nice that would have been if that would've been them with the twins in a few months.

He put his hand on Bill's shoulder, making the teen jump as he was knocked out of his daze. “Bill?”

Bill took one last glance at the other family and looked at Yu. “Hm?”

“...did you think about my...offer...?” he asked.

Bill's brows furrowed. “I thought you said you wanted to help with-”

“I do. I don't want to give them away or do anything hasty. But I do want you. I want that-” he paused, pointing to the couple. “-to be us. Don't you?”

“I did.”


“I have a boyfriend, Yu.” he replied.

“But, you still love me. And I still love you.”

“But...nothing can make up for what happened before. Everything you said to me is permanently burned into my memories. And it still hurts knowing you could say all those things to me.”

“I didn't mean any of those horrible things, Bill.”

“But you still said them. And whether you meant them or not, they hurt. And coming to visit me in the hospital and buying me pickles isn't going to make up for that.”

“Would that ring?”

Bill smiled sadly and shook his head. “Yu...if you had proposed to me that night, and I hadn't told you I was pregnant until after we were engaged...would you have reacted differently? Or would you still have dumped me after deciding to keep them?”

“I...I don't know. Maybe? Being engaged or married wouldn't change the way I feel about you. The only thing that would change was the commitment.”

“And if we'd been in a deeper form of commitment, do you think you would've wanted to keep the baby...babies?”

“I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no. I can't be sure of something that could have happened, when it didn't. I don't see why that matters. That was then, and this is now. Bill...will you marry me? Be my husband and the mother of my children?”

Bill looked down, trying not to let his eyes moisten. “Let me ask you something instead.” he stated. “...are you asking me to marry you out of guilt?”

Yu stared at Bill in confusion and hurt. “I would never ask someone to marry me because I felt guilty about being an asshole. I'd ask someone to marry me because I love them, and I never want to lose them.”

Bill didn't reply.

“ hate seeing you with Strify. Every time I see you two together I just wanna punch somebody! Knowing that he can make you smile, and laugh, and...please you kills me. I thought I would be the only one to ever do that. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that you don't love him, and that just maybe I have a chance to win you back.”

Bill looked guiltily at Yu. “...maybe I do...” he whispered.

“Maybe you what?”

“Maybe I do love Strify.”

Yu looked as though he'd swallowed his Adam's apple. “You've known him for three months.” he choked out.

“It only took two to fall in love with you.”

Yu's jaw tightened. “Do you love him more than me?”

“Yu...we're at a public pool. This is no place to be discussing-”

“Bill, do you love Strify more than you love me?” Yu's voice had been raised a bit, but it was still low enough that only Bill could hear him.

Bill sighed. “No. Loving you as much as I do...that took time. Loving you so much as to completely ignore the fact that you were cheating on me...that took stupidity.”

“Bill, those people meant nothing to me, and you know that. I admit that I'm an idiot. A bastard, an asshole, and a low life fucker that never deserved you for even a single second...but I also admit that you mean more to me than you could ever know. I do what I do to protect you.” Yu explained desperately.

“Protect me from what?”

Judging by the look on Yu's face, he'd said something he wasn't suppose to. “Nothing.” he retorted.

Bill's brows furrowed. “Don't lie to me. If we're ever gonna be anything you need to be honest with me, Yu!” he whispered.

“I...I can't tell you...”

“You can't or you won't?”

Yu swallowed hard and looked at Bill. He stepped closer to the boy and put his hands on either side of the boy's stomach, looking him in the eyes. “I just want you to be safe. Can't we just leave it at that?”

Bill huffed. “No, we can't. You know you can trust me, Yu. I never told anyone about your anxiety attacks or that you used to snort cocaine in middle school. I've kept your secrets before no matter what, so why can't you tell me this one?”

“I have reasons.” Yu replied. “Isn't that enough?”

“You keep so much from me. And if you really loved me, you wouldn't keep secrets. You'd be honest with me, and trust that I would be honest with you.”

“And I need you to trust me that I can't tell you for good reasons.”

Bill sighed. “I'll let it go if you promise you'll tell me someday.”

Yu smiled and nodded. “Someday I will. I just don't want it interfering with us right now.”

“I guess I can respect that.” Bill replied, feeling one of his sons kick.

Yu felt the kick as well, which brought a smile to his face as he stared down at Bill's stomach. Bill winced when he felt a sharper kick to his bladder.

“I would so pee in the water if there weren't chemicals that turned it blue.” Bill muttered, biting his lip.

“Bathroom?” Yu asked.

Bill clenched his thighs together and nodded. “If I move, I'm gonna fucking piss myself.”

“Alright. Hang on tight.” Yu replied, slipping an arm under the water before scooping Bill into his arms. He grunted in surprise at Bill's obvious changed weight.

Bill smacked his forearm in embarrassment. “I know, I'm fat. But the fat kid needs to pee. BAD!”

Yu didn't bother to argue with the pregnant teen. He brought him out of the pool and made a dash to the bathroom, dropping Bill in front of a stall. Bill took no time to wait and scooted into the stall, not even bothering to shut the door.

Yu quirked a brow as Bill stripped his lower half and emptied his bladder. He wondered how long it would take the boy to realize he was standing there.

Right as he sighed in relief, he saw feet before him. He squeaked and slapped his hands over his lap, blushing immensely.

Yu rolled his eyes. “I've seen it before, Bill.”

“Not all of it!” he shrieked.

“What I haven't seen, I can't see.”

“...not the point, you pervert!” Bill exclaimed, reaching forward, and with much struggle, shut the metal door and latched it shut.

Yu barked out a laugh and shook his head, wet hair flinging across his face. “Whatever you say, Tinkles.”

Bill gasped, glaring at the door. “SHUT UP!”

♠ ♠ ♠
T_T I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry about the wait! "Vacation" stole my soul and spat it out in the most horrible way EVER! I feel so bad about this, but I hope you guys liked the chapter. :)

Well...I don't really have much to say tonight, except that I'm sorry. Although I would GREATLY appreciate comments and subscribers. :3


I don't have time right now to put up a link of Bill's bathing suit, but I think you guys get the idea of it.

You're all amazing for being patient with me this week, and once again, I'm sorry. Please, please, please comment! They mean so much to me!


Q: Do you think Yu's reaction would've been different if they would've been engaged when Bill announced his pregnancy?
Q: Does Bill really love Strify, or does he just want a way to get over Yu?
Q: Will you comment and be the amazing person(s) I know you all are? :3