Status: Active(:

These Things I'll Never Say

Day fourteen; Drifting, further and further

Dear Juff,

I miss you. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about you. Not only do I miss you, as a person, I miss the friendship we used to have. I remember when we used to go to school together and we hung out everyday. It felt like we couldn't survive without at least talking to one another once a day... I really, really miss that. I miss all the days we spent just hanging out, and I miss the times you'd randomly show up at my dad's house, and when we'd walk around Palmer... I especially miss when we would carry my camcorder around and take random videos. Remember when we had planned to post them all on YouTube? Heh, life was so fun back then.

I wish things were still like that. I wish we'd never drifted so far apart... I know we're still friends, but there's days where I don't feel like I can call you my friend because it's been so long since I've talked to you that I don't know hardly anything going on in your life. All I really know about you anymore is what I hear from the many rumors that circulate around Palmer. I often find myself wondering if they're true or not, and I want to call you and just talk to you... But then I realize that I don't even know your phone number anymore. It's slightly depressing, ya know? When you've known someone for so long and then suddenly you barely know anything about that person. I miss you, a lot.

I love you, Jeff, more than I think I could ever explain in this letter... You're one of the greatest people I know and I'm so glad that you and I got to be friends. I just wish that we hadn't started to drift so far apart. I really wish that we hung out more often, maybe we can start trying to bring our friendship back to close-ness? Sigh. I just really wish that we'd never lost our close bond. I mean, we used to be the best of friends.

I wonder what it was that really pulled us apart, you know? Was it you going to a new school, getting on drugs, and losing touch with a lot of your old school friends. Was it me losing my father and pulling away from the rest of the world for awhile? Or, was it a mix of the two of those things. Was it the way that we started having different interests? That I quit doing drugs and started trying to be a little more of a good girl while you off being even worse than you had been before?

I love you, Jeff. I miss you, and I want us to have a close friendship like we did before. I hope that maybe we can drift back together.
