Status: Active(:

These Things I'll Never Say

Day Five; To the one I love.

Dear Wanda,

When I first was thinking of writing this letter; the one person that popped into my head was Christian. Someone you love. But, as time progressed and I kept thinking about who to write this one too, I realized it didn't have to be romantic love, it could be any kind of love. I love you in so many ways, you have become my obvious choice here.

I'd first like to thank you for always being there for me when I need you. You talk to me about things, you're honest, and when you think I'm being stupid you tell me straight up. But, then again, you don't make me feel like I'm in trouble, like I had made such a big mistake you now hate me. You didn't even freak out last year when I was pregnant; you just said you'd help me through it. Thank God I had you, because without you I'm not sure what I ever would have done last year. Whenever I need someone to call, you're right there. When I need advice, you give it.. And when I just need someone to hug me and not say anything at all; I feel like you'd hold me until the end of the world.

You've become more than just my adult friend, more than just an adopted aunt; You're like the mother that I never got to have with my own mom. You're like my shining star when I can't see in the dark. I feel like you love me unconditionally, and have started to see you as a stable, wonderful, motherly figure in my life. When I can't talk to you for long periods of time, it hurts me a lot, and when I think about what my life would be like without you, it's hard to imagine me still being alive.

I'd also like to say I'm sorry. I know I've said some hurtful things in the time that we've been friends, and you've done so much for me that any unkindness I show to you is pretty much unacceptable. You've helped save me from my fucked up every day life since I met you, and one thing that I can say for sure is that I'm so glad Packer stole my sandwich that day; or else I never would have gotten to know one of the most important people in my life. I love you.

I remember the night me and my brother got kicked out. I could see the worry in your face, the obvious love and care you had for both me and Ian, and that was part of the reason I was crying that night; I can't remember a time my mom has ever shown such obvious love in just the way she looked at me. I sometimes fantasize about what life would be if you would and/or could adopt me, and it's beautiful. Whenever you talk about me getting out of my moms house, telling on her for all the things she's done to me and my brother, and the things she still does I always want to tell you I would in a heartbeat if it meant I could live with you. I barely consider my mother my mom anymore; I kind of consider you my mom... I wish sometimes you were...

My own mom never showed me the kind of love or tolerance that you have in the few years I've known you, and I thank you for giving me a sort of pseudo feeling of a mother-daughter bond. You are an amazing person, Wanda. Simply amazing. You make the world a better place, and there are so many people that love you it's insane. I'm so glad you're in my life, so glad I met you, so glad you love me like you do. Thank you. So much.

With so much love,