I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 12: Preparation for the Dreaded Date

Chapter 12: Preparation for the dreaded date

I paced back and forth and forth in my room as I while I looked at the clock. It was 1:15 P.M. I was deliberating on whether I should just blow Tristan off. However, I knew that that wasn’t an option I could take, no matter how much I wanted to.

Besides, Faith is supposed to come and help me get ready. I slipped out of my room and headed down the stairs. I found Cristy sitting on the sofa watching some kind of reality show. She looked bored and annoyed by the show.

I walked behind her and said, “What are you watching?”

She glanced up at me and said, “I have no idea.”

I laughed softly and said, “Then, why are you watching it?”

“I’m too lazy to get the remote.” She said dully.

I grabbed the remote that was 10 feet away from her and tossed it on the empty seat next to her. I then turned around to head towards to the kitchen and called back to her, “There ya go.”

“Thanks.” I heard her mutter.

I went towards the pantry to see if I could find anything to munch on quickly. With no luck, I sighed. Then all of a sudden I heard the door bell ring. I glanced up at the clock on the oven. It was only 1:25, who could that be? Faith? No it was too early.

“I got it.” Cristy called to me.

“Okay.” I answered.

Quietly, I peeked through the kitchen door to see who it was. As Cristy opened the door, I recognized the voice that followed.

“Hi, Sweetie!” My mom exclaimed pulling Cristy into a hug.

“Mom!” Cristy said happily. “What are you doing here!?”

“I was in the neighborhood and decided to check on my girls.” She smiled.

“Okay.” Cristy said with a small smile.

I popped my head out of the kitchen and walked over to them. “Hi, Mom!” I yelled greeting her with a hug.

“Hi Honey, how have you been?” She asked while returning the smile.

A groan slipped through my mouth and I said, “I’ve been much better.”

A worried expression slid across her face and she said, “What’s wrong?”

I looked from her face to Cristy. She also had a worried expression planted across her face. I sighed and said, “It’s nothing.”

“I know it isn’t anything. What’s wrong? Boy trouble?” She said pondering into the problem.

My face turned bright red with embarrassment from the last words. I stuttered and said, “N-No! W-Well not exactly at least.”

Her worried face instantly switched into a grin. Then she looked down at Cristy and said, “Do you mind if I talk to your sister for a moment?”

“Nope, not at all.” Cristy said smiling and headed back to the couch.

“Okay, let’s go to the kitchen.” She said towing me back to the door.

I let her drag me and sat in one of the stools near the counter. She took the one right next to me and stared at me.

“Okay, before we begin this whole situation, I want to make something clear alright?” She said looking suddenly motherly.

I nodded and said, “Alright.”

“Well,” She began, “I just want to let you know, I don’t want my daughter to be getting a baby before she gets married. That mea-“

“Mom!” I yelled but a small smile cracked along my face.

She was trying to give me “The Talk”. I’ve always wondered if she would have done that. I guess I got my answer. It really was almost like we’ve never been apart at all. We were talking normally, and that made me happy.

“Okay, okay I understand, just checking.” She laughed and winked at me.

I laughed along with her. When the laughter died down she said, “So, who is the guy? Jake?”

“Jake?” I said Dumbfounded, “Why would you think Jake?”

“It isn’t him?” My mom said surprised.

I eyed her suspiciously, “No, why would you think it’s him?”

“W-Well I just thought you guys liked eac…” She trailed off as she watched my face.

“Huh?” I managed to say, “I don’t like Jake! He’s only a friend.”

“You sure?” She asked raising a brow.

“Yes.” I insisted trying to block the thought from completely entering my mind.

“Alrighty, if you say so. Anyways who’s the real boy then?” She said trying to shift back to the main subject.

“Does he even count as a boy?” I blurted angrily before I could stop myself?

Her face showed that she was confused and asked, “What do you mean?”

I paused for a moment to think. Should I really tell her about the blackmailing and that I hate his guts? Should I tell her that he kissed me and took a picture of it? Should I tell her exactly what’s going on? I immediately knew what the answer was No. Something a part of me didn’t want to tell her, but I felt that telling her wouldn’t be right. Something deep inside of me, was telling me.

I didn’t know what it was, but I needed to listen to it.

“Honey?” My mom’s voice snapped me back into reality.

I cleared my throat and said, “What I meant was that, he’s a “guy”, not a boy.”

She watched me carefully but finally said, “Alright, then. So what’s wrong with him?”

I thought for a moment and then said, “Well, he wants to take me on a date today, and I have nothing to wear.”

I felt like punching myself, I’m lying to my own mother. I planted a fake worried smile on my face and watched her.

“But, a friend of mine is coming to help me get dressed.” I finished lamely.

“Oh, I see. Just simple everyday girl stuff.” She smiled and got up. “I’d love to help you too, but I just realized I have a meeting to get to.”

“Oh it’s fine.” I smiled happy that I wouldn’t have to explain anything else to her.

She quickly gave me a hug before scurrying out towards the living room. I heard her say her goodbye to Cristy and then she was gone. She’d be back tomorrow, to have dinner. I smiled and headed out of the kitchen. Cristy was still watching TV; she didn’t even notice me about to go upstairs.

Then I heard the doorbell ring again, thinking it was my mom coming back for something she forgot, I jumped down the stairs and opened it. To my surprise it wasn’t my Mom, it was Faith. She stood there with make up bags and 3 large black bags.

I stared at her big grin spread across her face. “Hi Faith, come on in.”

I gestured for her to enter and stepped aside so she could get in.

She walked in slowly, examining the house with each step. When she looked inside the living room, her eyes locked onto Cristy. Cristy stared at her questioningly.

Then Faith said loudly, “Hiya there!”

Cristy suddenly got shy and turned back around to the TV set.

When Faith frowned she turned to face me. “So where do we go?”

“Oh, um right this way.” I said leading her up the stairs.

“Pretty nice place you got here.” Faith said while climbing up the stairs behind me.

“Yeah, it’s alright, but definitely nothing like your place.” I said remembering all those stairs we went through.

She laughed as she entered my room and said, “I don’t know whether that was a compliment or an insult.”

I joined her laughing. I smiled and then said, “Both, I guess.”

She laughed once more and then clapped her hands together, “Alright, let’s do this thing.”

“Okay,” I said trying unsuccessfully trying to hide the dullness out of my voice.

She eyed me and said, “Well, to start off go take a shower and hurry too, we only have about 2 and half hours left.”

“Aye, captain,” I answered lamely and started to walk out of the room.

“Wait,” She stopped me and stuck out the three large black bags out to me, “Try those on and wear the one you like best.”

I suspiciously eyed the bags but took them anyway, “Okay,”

I glanced down at the bags as I walked down the hallway, “There better not be any pink clothes in there.”


2 hours later

“Ow!” I yelled and reached up to grab my hair. “You’re hurting me.”

Faith swatted my hands away from my head and said, “Stop being such a baby.”

I groaned but kept quiet, except for the occasional “ows” and painful grunts.

After about another 5 painful minutes Faith said, “Alright, all done.”

I quickly turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined every part of my body, inspecting for any dislikes.

I was wearing a dark red lacy blouse that only covered one shoulder and black skinny jeans. I ran my hands though the soft material of my blouse and then looked at myself, square in the face.

I didn’t have any heavy make-up on, just some eyeliner and mascara. I had to argue with her not to add anything else. She finally let me have my way, when I told her that I would kick her out.

When I finally inspected my hair the loose black curls drifted just barely passed my shoulders. It was nice and wavy, just the way I like curls. I couldn’t believe it, I looked girly, and pretty.

I turned back around to see Faith giving me an approving look. “Girl, you look hot!”

I laughed and smiled at her shyly, “Thanks.”

Then I remembered who I was dressing up for. Tristan.

Just as the thought came to mind, I heard the echo of the doorbell.

I grunted and said sarcastically, “I wonder who that is.”

I slipped on the black flats that were next to my bed and headed out my bedroom. Just before Cristy opened the door, she glanced at me. She then did a double take and said with a smile on her face, “You look amazing.”

I smiled kindly to her and then said coldly, “Now, let that jerk in.”

Cristy opened the front door slowly and behind it was Tristan. He stared at me for about a nanosecond with surprise in his eyes, but it disappeared just as quickly as it showed. His expression was replaced with that confident smile and he held his and out to me, “Let’s go, Princess.”

I ignored his hand and looked down to Cristy, “Tell Dad that I’ll be home before 11.”

She nodded then asked, “What about Faith?”

“Let her hang here, if she wants.” I said walking passed Tristan and out the door.

The door closed and Tristan muttered, “I knew you’d look like a girl, if you just took the time.”

I stepped on his foot, hard, “Oops,”

“Ow!” He yelped in pain and glared at me.

“Okay, now I’m ready to do this.” I gave him a sarcastic smile and went into the passenger seat.
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I might or might not, post anther chapter this weekend, We'll see. xD