I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 13: A Date With The Jerk Pt. 1

Chapter 13: A Date With The Jerk Pt 1

I stared outside the window, trying to ignore the jerk sitting right next to me. However, him talking wasn’t helping… at all.

“I bet you’ve wanted to go on a date with me, haven’t you?” Tristan said in his arrogant voice.

I scoffed and said sarcastically, “Yea, I’ve always been dreaming of this moment.”

He laughed mockingly and replied, “Don’t try too hard to push me away, princess.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “Oh, I don’t need to try hard, at all.”

“Ouch,” he said but grinned.

I groaned and said, “Where are we going anyways?”

“Now, now, that’s a secret.” He smiled and glanced at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and said, “Fine, whatever.”

I slouched in my seat, I should just kill myself. I mean, anything is much better than having to deal with him for a whole night. I sighed aloud and wished that I could be hanging out with Jake, right now.

After about 45 mins of non-stop driving, we pulled up into a parking spot. I looked around and then asked, “Where are we?”

“Ice Skating Rink,” he grinned and cut the engine.

“Oh,” I said and looked at the building that had Ice Palace written in large letters.

While I was inspecting the place, I didn’t notice Tristan get out and walk around to my side of the car. He startled me when the car door suddenly opened my door.

“Coming?” He asked and held his hand out to me.

I swatted it away and said, “Yes.”

“Why won’t you just take my hand?” he asked rubbing his hand softly.

“Why do I have to take it?” I answered his question with another.

“Uh, because I offered it to you?” He said staring at me.

“Well, I don’t need or want it.” I said annoyed and started walking towards the building. “Coming or not?”

I heard him laugh and mutter something under his breath; which I couldn’t make it out. Within seconds, he was right by my side. He tried to snake his arm around my waist; I pinched it, hard and felt it reluctantly recoil.

I grinned and walked in through the double doors. I secretly loved to ice skate, but I couldn’t let him know that.

“Ever been skating?” Tristan asked calmly.

“Yea, a couple of times,” I answered him.

“I bet I could skate circles around you.” He mocked and went into the line and got some skates for us.

I smirked and said, “Wanna bet?”

He turned around when he got the states and said, “As a matter of fact, I do.”

I chuckled softly and extended my hand, “If, I win then you can’t call me Princess anymore.”

He laughed too and shook my hand, “And if I win, I get a kiss.”

I thought it over for a moment, and then said, “Deal.”

Tristan couldn’t be that good of a skater, so I should have the advantage. He handed me my skates and I headed towards the nearest bench. I slipped them on quickly and went to the rink, not bothering to wait for him.

I carefully put my right skate on the smooth slippery ice. I smiled and put my left one on. I had the rush of old memories enter me, with each slide I did. I paced myself slowly; enjoying the cool breeze that rushed passed my face.

I watched all the little kids holding on to their parents trying to get their balance. Every now and then I saw one of the kids fall down. The parents would then get them back up, just for them to repeat it.

I chuckled and kept rounding around the rink; then abruptly cold wind sliced right past me. I looked in time to see Tristan stop right in front of me. His face was set in a mockingly.

“I got it.” He said thoughtfully.

“Got what?” I asked confused.

“We’re gonna race, 3 laps.” He gleamed and started skating backwards.

I followed after him and said, “Oh, for the bet?”

“Mhmm,” he said and slightly nodded his head.

“Alrighty, if you say so.” I nodded approvingly.

“When do you want to start?” he asked.

“We start on the next round.” I answered.

“Whatever you way, princess.” He said and winked.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.

I finished warming up just as the round ended. “Ready?” I glanced up to him.

“Set,” he said nodding at me.

“Go!” we yelled simultaneously and took off at top speed.

In the beginning I was in the lead, but out of nowhere these two couples stopped directly in front of me.

My eyes widened and stopped immediately. I let out a sigh of relief but, I soon noticed that Tristan already was halfway around the rink. I groaned and then started after him.

“Don’t think you’re getting away!” I yelled to him.

I heard him laugh, and then increased his speed.

He finished the rest of the 1st lap in the lead. His speed increased even more as the finished the 2nd lap. I felt the ice cold wind slicing through my face and hit my skin as I dodged by people. I was barely keeping up with him; I seriously underestimated him this time.

As the third round started I could hear words from the deal we just made. “And if I win, I get a kiss.” I felt like slapping myself to even think about making a deal like that. Now, he might actually get it.

No, I wouldn’t him win. I can do it.

My sudden burst of determination let me speed up and get next to him. We were in about the last 10 yards and I was just about to pass him, when a little girl fell right in front of me. I panicked and tried to stop, but she was too close. I was unbalanced and started to fall.

As I fell, I closed my eyes and grabbed anything my hands could find. I didn’t know what I grabbed but, it came down with me. I hit the floor with a loud bang.

“Ow, that hu..” I trailed off as I opened my eyes.

My eyes were staring at pair off grey ones. Tristan was on top of me, I pulled him down with me. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or surprised.

“I think I should have won.” He said nonchalantly.

My mind wasn’t absorbing the information that just happened, so I said lamely, “Huh?”

He chuckled and brought his face just inches from mine, “Since, I should have won, do I get a kiss?”

I managed to choke out, “N-no!”

I pushed him off me and got up. I could feel my cheeks burning, so I turned around and hit them. I hoped it would take away some of the redness.

“Fine, it’s a tie then.” He said as he brushed off some of the ice off of him.

“Okay, fine with me.” I said just glad he couldn’t kiss me.

“Okay, so want to get dinner?” he asked and ruffled his hair, sending a few bits of ice out.

“Sure,” I said and headed towards the rink’s exit.

Tristan followed and sat down where we left our shoes at. I took the seat right next to him and started taking off the skates. Tristan finished first and went to the counter to return his skates.

I rubbed my head softly, where a throbbing thumping was coming from. There was definitely going to be a bump there tomorrow. I brushed off some of the ice that was stuck in my curls. I then slipped on my black flats and walked up to the counter. I plopped the skates down on the counter and turned around to see Tristan, holding 2 small cups in his hands.

“Hot coco?” he asked and held one out to me.

I hesitantly took it and said, “You didn’t poison it, did you?”

He shook his head slightly and he smiled his cocky smile, “Not this time, princess.”

I rolled my eyes but laughed anyways. I took a sip from the foam cup and let the rich taste of warm chocolate slide down my throat. I smiled as I felt my slightly cold body warm up almost instantly.

Tristan looked down questioningly at me. I smiled and said, “It tastes good.”

He smiled gently and then gulped down his; I copied him and finished mine. He began to walk out of the building and I followed right next to him. He tried to sneakily slip his hand around mine. I looked at it and then shook it off.

As we got to his car, he clicked a button that unlocked his doors; He opened my side of the door and let me climb in. He walked around to his side and slid in. He stuck his key into the ignition and turned it. The car came to life and he took off his emergency brake.

“So, where do you want to go?” He glanced at me and headed out towards the exit.

I thought about it for a moment and said, “Taco Bell?”

He let out a long laugh and said, “Taco Bell? Really?”

I looked at him slightly embarrassed and said, “Don’t want it?”

“No, if you want it I’m fine with it. I just thought you would have chosen like a fancy restaurant, like most people do.” He said scratching his head.

“Oh.” I said having nothing else to say.

To be honest this was actually my first date. I’ve never been on one before, I’ve never even been asked out on one. Mostly, because people are scared of me but, oh well.

“Okay, just sit and relax we’ll be there as soon as possible.” He winked at me and then focused on the road.

“Okay then.” I said quietly.

I think I’m actually having fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed! :D Sorry if it looks short, I wanted to make the date two separate chapters. :) Please comment! :)