I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 14: A Date With The Jerk Pt. 2

Chapter 14: A Date With The Jerk Pt. 2

“You know,” I paused to glance over at him, “We’ve passed like 5 Taco Bells, already.”

A small grin slipped onto his lips and said, “I want to take you to a special one.”

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance and said, “A special Taco Bell? There’s nothing special about a Taco Bell, just choose one!”

He looked over to me and said, “Don’t worry about it, princess, I know what I’m doing.”

I grumbled something under my breath and looked outside the window, to try and calm myself. I stared up at the sun, and I scrunched my face up, and then quickly looked back down. I saw a tinge of purple spots when I opened my eyes again. I blinked my eyes multiple times, and the purple spots slowly faded.

Something about this place looked vaguely familiar. I instinctively rolled down my window and took a deep breath. The salty fresh air filled my lungs and a peaceful smile gradually spread across my face. It’s been forever since I’ve been here.

“We’re at the beach.” I said in a sure voice.

“Yep, I thought it would have been romantic.” He winked at me then looked back onto the road.

I rolled my eyes and said, “I don’t see any romance coming into your future, with me.”

He let out a mocking sigh and said, “That’s what you think.”

I scoffed, “No, it’s more like I KNOW.”

He shook his head slowly with a grin planted on his face. “You’ll see princess, you’re gonna fall madly in love with me.”

“You’re way too confident.” I spat at him and spotted a Taco Bell from the corner of my eye.

He laughed and started to pull into the small shopping center. He parked in a spot directly in front of the main entrance and cut the engine. He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and got out. I followed and didn’t wait for him to open my door, this time.

I brushed a black curl out of my face and walked inside. Tristan followed quickly and walked in right beside me. He walked up to the cashier and looked back at me, “What do you want, princess?”

I quickly looked up at the menu scanned it briefly. “A supreme crunchwrap and a medium drink, please.”

He turned back to the cashier, “You heard the princess. And I’ll have the same thing, no tomatoes.”

The cashier was a girl around my age. She gave him a flirty smile and said, “Is that all, prince?”

He smiled briefly and said, “Yep.”

“Okay.” She said and slowly punched in the orders while eyeing him.

I felt like gagging. Did she not see that we were together? I thought it was pretty obvious, that we were on a date. She even called him a prince, it was ridiculous. I came to a self realization at what I was doing. Was I actually jealous? I don’t even like him, so I shouldn’t feel like this. She’s just being disrespectful that’s why I’m irritated by her. I kept replaying that sentence in my head, until I was somewhat convinced by it.

Tristan turned around and handed me a cup. I took it and went to the soda machine. I inspected every flavor there was and chose Coke. It was my favorite kind of soda and if I ever had to choose Pepsi vs. Coke, I wouldn’t even take a second glance at Pepsi.

I looked over to Tristan to see what he would get, he was getting Coke too. He noticed me watching him and winked at me. Instead of rolling my eyes, which I usually would do, I turned around and to look for a nice small booth.

I found one in a corner next to a big glass window. I walked over there and took the seat so that I was facing a wall. Tristan silently followed behind me and took the seat across from me.

“What number are we?” I asked while poking my straw through the lid of the cup.

“310,” he answered and took a small sip from his drink.

I nodded and then looked outside the window. The sun was still nice and bright but, I noticed a few clouds had started to creep into the light blue sky. I frowned thinking that it was going to rain. I haven’t been here in forever so it better not.

“Order 309,” said the girl who took our order.

Tristan glanced at his receipt then looked back up at me. He was examining me intently, his dark grey eyes focused entirely on me. I could feel a small blush climb up my cheeks. I cleared my throat and said, “What are you looking at?”

“You,” he answered simply, while still staring at me.

“You’re kinda creeping me out.” I said honestly looking away.

“I know.” He said and smirked at me.

“Order 310,” the girl said flirtatiously into the microphone.

I was about to get up when Tristan said, “I got it.”

I sat back down and watched him get the order. He grabbed the tray from the counter and left without even batting a second glance at the girl. She looked annoyed as he turned around. She saw me watching her and stuck her tongue out at me.

I laughed at her pity attempt to get revenge and watched her stomp to the back of the kitchen. When I looked back up Tristan was eyeing me I shrugged my shoulders and looked down. He came back to the table and set the tray down gently on the table.

“Your crunchwrap, Princess.” He said as he handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I said before unwrapping it.
30 mins later

I shut the door as soon as I slid into my seat. Tristan climbed into his seat and closed the door solidly. He looked at me from the corner of my eye and said, “Want to go to the beach?”

I nodded my head quickly knowing that if I said anything, my voice would have cracked.

He laughed and jammed his key into the ignition. He expertly maneuvered out of the parking lot and exited out of the entryway.

Within minutes the salty sea smell grew stronger. I inhaled longer and deeper breaths loving the air filling my lungs. From the corner of my eye I noticed something. I swiftly cocked my head to the right and saw the blue ocean. I smile played on my lips as I took in the view.

When Tristan parked the car, I bolted the door open and walked onto the sidewalk. I peeked over the tall mounds of sands looking for people playing in the water. To my disappointment, there was hardly anyone there.

All I could see was maybe a handful of surfers and a couple of teenage girls watching them. Other than that I all I could make was mostly sand and well, ocean.

I soon understood why there was hardly anyone here. I looked above to see dark clouds piling into the sky. The warm and inviting sun was beginning to be covered by eerie clouds. A frown went across my face. I said it’s not supposed to rain!

I sighed and said dreadfully, “It’s going to rain, should we go?”

Tristan studied me for a moment and said, “Want to stay for a bit?”

My face instantly lit up and I looked at him, “Yeah!”

An amused smile came across his face and said, “Okay, we’ll stay until it rains.”

I smiled briefly and said, “Okay.”

I took off my flats and dangled them in my hands before stepping into the inviting sand. I let my toes sink into the cold calming sand and started to walk through it. I loved the way it tickled the bottom of my feet.

I was having so much fun walking I didn’t notice Tristan watching and following me. I was startled when he abruptly said, “Having fun?”

I turned around and smiled childishly, “Yep!”

He chuckled to himself and started to walk in front of me.

I paced right next to him and said, “What’s so funny?”

He glanced down at me and asked, “What do you mean?”

I eyed him suspiciously and said, “You were laughing at me.”

“You’re imagining things.” He said and directed his attention to the deep blue see.

“Yes, you were.” I insisted.

He ruffled his hair as he thought for a moment. He opened his mouth slightly and then shut it. He repeated that process several times before I started to laugh. He came out of his dazed expression and raised a brow at me.

“What?” He asked puzzled.

“Oh, nothing,”’ I smiled cheekily at him.

“How about we make a deal? I’ll tell you why I laughed at you, if you tell me why you laughed at me.” He proposed.

I nodded and watched him stare at me with a “Tell me!” look. He kind of looked cute like that.

“You look cute.” I blurted before I could stop the words from escaping my mouth.

I froze when I finally realized what I just said. My mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out.

When I finally was able to say something the words came out mashed together, “I-I didn’t mean that! That t-thought came from n-nowhere!”

With each word I said a wide smirk grew across his face. “So you think I’m c-“

I cut him off before he finished the sentence. I did the first thing that came to mind and pushed him. I honestly didn’t think I pushed him hard, but when his face hit the sand beneath him, I knew I was wrong.

It was dead silent and neither of us moved.

“Uh, are you okay?” I finally managed to whisper and started to bend down near him.

Slowly, the still body started to get up. His whole entire face and the front part of his hair was covered in grains of sand.

“You are so gonna get it.” Tristan said as he brushed off some of the sand on his face.

I slowly started to back up, not knowing what exactly was going to happen next. His eyes pierced mine with a devious smile. Then, he started to chase me. I turned around as fast as I could and ran down near the salty water.

“Stop running!” He yelled after me.

“Then stop chasing me!” I called back to him.

“Well, I wouldn’t be chasing you, if you stopped running!” He shouted and started to slightly catch up to me.

“You know, I could say the same exact thing!” I yelled back to him.

“Stop running!”




Within a few seconds he caught up to me and tackled me. He turned his body so that he would land on the ground instead of me. Damp sand flew up into the air as we collided with the floor.
“I told you to stop running.” Tristan said from under me.

I looked down at him and said, “You were chasing me, and you wanted me to stop?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” He said and smirked at me.

“Well, what were you planning to do after you caught me?” I asked and raised a brow at him.

“You really want to know?” He said in an alluring voice.

I swallowed the lump that started to form in my throat and nodded slightly.

A smirk grew onto his face and before I knew what was happening, he pushed me up a little and brought his lips near my face. He kissed my cheek and trailed down near my lips. He kissed the edge of my mouth and then stopped. He peeked up at me and I stared at him wide eyed and completely frozen.

“Sweet revenge,” Tristan grinned at me.

I could barely make out what he said and stared down at his lips, his sweet plump looking lips. His grinned slowly disappeared as he figured out what I was thinking. Without thinking I gradually tilted my head towards his, yearning for the touch of his lips on mine. He tilted his head towards mine and I closed my eyes. I waited for the moment when our lips would meet.
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