I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 16: Sleepover

Chapter 16: Sleepover

Tristan’s POV
I heard a rumbling noise come from behind me. Puzzled, I turned around to see what it was. It was my sister and Maddie walking down the stairs. Well, technically, Faith was walking down the stairs dragging Maddie behind her.

I slightly chuckled and said, “Miss me already, princess?”

Maddie’s face gradually grew into a light pink shade. Faith answered for her and said, “Nope, just wanted to tell you something.”

I raised an eyebrow and said, “What is it”

“Your new girlfriend,” Faith paused to wink at me, “is going to be sleeping over.”

“Oh, really?” I said directing my attention to Maddie.

“Yeah, my Dad said it’s alright.” Maddie said looking down to the floor.

“That’s cool. Want to sleep with me tonight?” I said teasingly with a smirk placed onto my mouth.

She shot her head up and stuck her tongue out at me, “Nu-uh, I don’t to be sexually harassed in my sleep.”

I laughed at her cute outburst and said thoughtfully, “Okay, well you can choose any room you want, princess, as long as it’s not on the top floor.”

“She’s already sleeping in my room tonight!” Faith interjected.

“Alright, well I need to talk to Mom and Dad.” I said seriously to Faith.

Her face flicked on a worried expression, knowing what I was about to do and said, “Okay.”

I nodded and then looked down to Maddie, “I’ll see you later, princess. Maybe we can finish what we almost started.”

Her pink tinted face turned redder when she realized what I was talking about. I smirked, turned around and headed towards the elevator. The elevator door opened and I entered in hesitantly. I let myself process what I was going to say. Before I realized it, the elevator door opened to show the large wooden door, that I saw way too much.

I sucked in a deep calming breath and entered the king sized room.
Maddie’s POV

As Tristan walked down the hall I sighed. He seemed really different when he said that he had to speak to his parents. He sounded serious. Really serious.

I looked up at Faith and said, “Is everything okay?”

“Huh?” She said running her right hand through her hair.

“Is Tristan, okay? He seemed worried about something.” I said being more specific.

“Tristan? Oh, he’s fine. He just…doesn’t like our parents very much.” She said looking uncomfortable with the topic.

Her eyes shifted around the halls, but didn’t connect with mine. She’s hiding something, I told myself. I scrunched my eyebrows deep in thought. I was about to persist more into the topic but Faith said, “Well, let’s go to my room.”

Her voice shook me out of the many questions that were forming in my head, “Uh, sure.”

She led me around a corner and stopped in front of a door. This was the spot where I was secretly spying on her. Faith twisted the knob gently and pushed the door open.

“This is my room,” She said gesturing me inside.

The room was much bigger than when I peeked through the crack of the door. There was a large plasma TV hanging on the wall, directly in front from the bed. Beneath her TV was a wood cabinet. It had 5 drawers that lined in one row from top to bottom. Each drawer had 2 brass knobs attached to it. The cabinet looked old, but somehow beautiful. My eyes continued to scan the room; there were white curtains that draped around the window.

“So, where do you want to sleep? Bed or floor?” Faith said gaining my attention.

“Any is fine with me.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Okay, you can take the bed for tonight,” she smiled as she took 2 pillows of the bed.

She turned around, went to the closet and grabbed a blanket out from it. Then, she gently placed the purple blanket on the floor, before laying on it.

“Thanks,” I said and sat on top of the queen-sized bed.

“No problem,” she said letting out a yawn. “The light switch is right next to you, by the way.”

“Okay,” I said noticing it from the corner of my eye.

I flicked the lights off and the room went completely dark. Slowly, I tucked myself under the warm covers. The bed was nice and soft and I could feel myself relax very quickly.

“G’night,” I said sleepily.

“Night,” she mumbled back to me.
Tristan’s POV

In frustration, I slammed the door out of their room. Why won’t they leave me alone! They think I’m “faking”. Okay, so maybe I am, but still. I cursed under my breath and clicked the down button on the elevator.

I thought that this was my last chance to get out of this situation. Then suddenly an idea popped into my head. I smirked and entered the elevator. I scanned through the buttons quickly before reflexively hitting number 5.

The elevator’s metal doors closed. I lightly rested my arm on top on the rail as the elevator started its way down. Within a few seconds, it came to a subtle stop. The doors reopened and I stepped out into the empty hallway.

I headed towards my room, but stopped after two steps. A thought came to my mind. I slinked down the hallway and around the corner. I came to a stop in front of Faith’s room.
I quietly and slowly turned the knob, making sure I wouldn’t make a noise. I lightly pushed the door open and noticed a vague outlined figure lying on the floor. As my eyes started to adjust I realized it was my sis. She was sprawled out on the floor wrapped in a blanket.

I tip-toed around her and guessed that Maddie would be on the bed. When I saw her figure lying on the bed I smiled. Her chest was moving up and down, slowly and evenly.

I sat on top of the bed right next to her and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open. They looked around the room, before they locked onto me.

Her eyes scrunched up a little and she said, “What are you doing here?”

“Checking on my princess, of course.” I grinned winked at her.

“Well, I’m fine, now go.” She said trying to shoo me away with her hand.

“You don’t want me here?” I said in a fake sad voice.

Her face was red enough to be visible through the darkness. “N-no,”

“You sure?” I said inching closer to her.

She looked into my eyes and then looked down at her bed sheets. “No, but Faith’s sleeping.”

I smirked, “And?”

“You’re gonna get us in trouble if she wakes up.” She said and looked down at Faith.

“Fine,” I sighed and said “But, under one condition.”

“What is it?” Maddie said giving up the argument.

I ran my fingers through her soft hair and bent down. I kissed her lips. She froze for a moment thinking about what to do. Then, she started to kiss back. Her kiss was soft and delicate. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back reluctantly. I examined her face, it looked really red.

I was about to turn around when she grabbed my wrist. I looked back at her puzzled.

“One more.” She said looking up at me with shy eyes.

I smiled gently and said, “Of course my princess.”

I sat back down and pulled her into another kiss. This kiss was slightly different, it was more intense. Almost, like she’s been wanting to kiss me. Her lips formed around mine, and we were in a perfect harmony. This time she pulled away. I was a little disappointed when her lips weren’t crashing against mine anymore.

“Goodnight, my princess.” I said gently.

“Night, Tristan,” she said blushing still.

I smiled briefly before making way out of the room. I shut the door quietly and headed towards my room.

“Finally, a kiss without any interruptions.” I said as I went around the corner.
I found my room and slowly opened the door feeling tired and exhausted. I laid on top of my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I smiled once and shut my eyes slowly.

“Finally, a kiss,” I repeated before falling asleep.
Maddie’s POV

I pressed my finger tips against my lips. They were still hot, but lonely now. I could finally have my kiss with him. I covered my face with my hands. My face must look like a red tomato right now.

The kiss kept replaying into my mind and my face felt hotter and hotter each time. I rested my head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

“Finally, a kiss,” I said before drifting off into sleep.
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What did you think? Was it good? ;) Sorry it's a little short but I really wanted to end the chapter with this part. :D