I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter Two: The Tree That Started Everything.

Chapter Two: The Tree That Started Everything

I stood there for a moment, completely frozen, my eyes locked onto his body. Then almost like something pushed me, I made my way over to the tree. Just because he’s over there doesn’t mean he’s the person that put the note in my locker. When he noticed me making my way over to him, he stood up, his expression was unreadable. I wasn’t going to assume he’s the person that placed the note in my locker. I was going to wait at least for a few minutes there, and if no one came then I’d just leave.

I slid my backpack off my shoulder and plopped it onto the ground, and it landed with a thud. I kept my distance from him, making sure my back was turned towards his face. He didn’t seem to mind, but I wished he would just leave! He made my hand clench just by being anywhere near him. Tristan Price obviously had a negative reaction to me. There was something about his grey, arrogant eyes that made me want to claw at him. There was something about the way he walked made my eyes roll in disgust. And there was something about his suave voice that made my blood boil.

One minute passed, then another, and another, and soon five minutes passed and no one came to the back of the school. It was just me and the jerk.

I honestly was curious to see who the person was that liked me, but not nearly enough curious to ask him.

I crouched down to pick up my backpack and leave when Tristan’s voice stopped me.

“I didn’t think you’d actually come. Who would’ve thought the delinquent girl cared about romance,” his suave voice teased me. My body turned tense as soon as he started talking. My hand was still reaching towards my backpack.

I knew I should have just kept quiet and just went home, but I blurted my reply before I could tell my mouth. It was my reflex to have a snappy comeback, and that’s exactly what I did.

“Who would’ve known that the school’s jerk petty enough that he’d do such a stupid stunt.” I countered, turning my body around to give him a little smirk of my own.

He matched my smirk, and mine faltered a little. He was pro at being so obnoxious, so I couldn’t see me winning something that he’d been doing his whole life. Instead, I just picked my backpack off the grassy floor and slung it loosely around my right shoulder, and then I started walking home.

“That’s it? You’re going home? Don’t you want to know who likes you?” He said, walking so that he was side by side to me.

I stopped walking, thought about it for a moment, and then plastered a fake smile on my face. “Hmm, since it looks like you’re the one who’s going to tell me, hell no!”

I attempted to continue walking away, but he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me back. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but I couldn’t. His arms were like bars of steel. After a few minutes of useless struggling, I just stopped moving. It was just wasting what little energy I had left. I could feel his cool breath on my neck when he said coldly, “I came out here and waited patiently for you, so I want you to listen, got it?”

The way he said those words made me shiver. His grip tightened on me, and I almost yelped in pain, but I bit my lip hard, trying to stifle the sound. I didn’t want him to know he was making me scared, if he did then I’d never hear the end of it.

I was going to make another snappy comment, but his grip was interfering with my lungs, and my breath was turning shallow. So, I settled with, “Fine.”

He sighed, probably in relief that I wasn’t going to give him anymore trouble.

“Jake likes you,” he muttered, whispering into my ear.

Despite the position I was in, I couldn’t hold in my laughter at the obvious lie.

I rolled my eyes as soon as my laughter died down. “Now, why the hell would Jake tell you something like that? He hates you just as much as I do.”

He stifled what seemed to be a grunt and replied, “Okay, you caught me. I lied. I just wanted to see your reaction, and by the way your reaction was definitely not cute.”

“I wasn’t trying to act cute especially not around you!” I snapped, feeling my cheeks fill with anger.

Tristan rested his head on my shoulder and I shuddered. I was not very comfortable, but I wasn’t exactly in the position to complain. I had the urge to bite him, but I had to endure it because he would probably do something to me.

It was silent for what seemed like forever, but he suddenly said, “I like you.”

My heart jumped, and it thumped at a speed I never knew it could. I wasn’t prepared for him to say it. I wasn’t prepared to be confessed to by him! My mouth hung wide open, and my eyes were probably as wide as an owls’. I didn’t know what to say, let alone what to do.

I must have been quiet for a long time because he started to shake me. I finally regained my senses and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “You’re joking right? How could a person like you, like someone like me? I mean all you do is act like a donkey and cause problems for me, and everyone at school! Anyway, the only person you would fall in love with is your own freaking self! You narcissistic jerk!”

My voice filled the air around us, and tension flooded everywhere. I was being honest, but maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. It was silent again, and this time I was afraid of what was going to happen next. His grip around me loosened a fraction of an inch and my breathing came a little easier, but his head was still resting on my shoulder.

He lifted his head off of my shoulder and smirked. His smirk was mischievous, and a lump swelled in my throat, making it hard to breathe.

“Well, this is actually sorta interesting. You’re the first girl that hasn’t said yes to a confession by me. I’m a little hurt, but still impressed. In fact, you’re the only girl who hasn’t fallen head over heels in love with me.”

The lump in my throat retracted as a laugh left my mouth. He is so arrogant it’s almost unbelievable. “You honestly think that every girl is in love with you?! Now, this is why I call you a narcissist! No girl with brain would fall in love with a guy like you.”

His grip loosened like my words had actually hurt him. I took that chance to slip out of his grasp. He probably let me go, but I didn’t care at this point. I was just happy he was no longer touching me. I would need to scrub my body when I get home.

As my thoughts drifted, he let out another chuckle and looked at me. “Heh, this is even better. Never has a girl talked to me like that. Now this, is a challenge I accept, Madison Storms, I will make you fall in love with me, whether you like it or not.”

I gave him an are-you-the-stupidest-person-alive look. I’m a freaking challenge now to him? This guy was definitely crazy. He returned my look and grinned at me.

My voice sounded sturdier than I felt when I said, "Try me. I vow that I will never fall in love with a guy like you!"

He smirked evilly and said, "We'll see about that."

He then turned around and walked away from me. I watched in disbelief as he strolled behind the building and disappeared. When I couldn’t see him anymore, I screamed at the top of my lungs, “What the hell was that?!”

I stood there for a few moments, letting this all sink in slowly. Then, when I was sure I was okay, I grabbed my backpack off the floor and stormed out of the school.


Tristan's POV

When I got around the corner of the brick building, I grinned, proud of myself. I can’t believe she honestly think she won’t fall in love with me. Nobody can resist me.

However, it did hurt when she called me a narcissist. I’m not one of those people. I’m too handsome and sexy to be one of those. I grunted and figured this was going to be a very bumpy ride, but it will all be worth it in good time.

I started to walk to my car when I heard Maddie scream, “What the hell was that?!”

I grinned to myself as I heard her voice echo around me. It looks like I got under her skin, finally.

I glanced at my watch and noticed what time it was. I better get home before my sister, Faith, gets there first. I frowned as I thought about her; she’s going to make things difficult. I made my way to my car and headed home, thinking of a way to win Madison Storms' heart.


Maddie's POV

I entered the house with a sigh, and when I looked into the living room, I saw Jake playing on his PSP. He was laying on the couch, his feet resting on the armrest. He was making shooting noises as he kept playing. A smile crept onto my lips as I thought about Jake, he could never like me. He’s just like my brother.

“I’m home.” I announced, dropping my backpack on the floor.

Jake pressed pause and looked up from his game, giving me one of his lopsided grins. ‘Hey, Mads! Did you have fun doing whatever it was?”

"Hi Jake," I paused to smile and to think of my answer. "No, I didn’t, but it was just some business I had to take care of.”

I technically didn’t lie. What I was doing with Tristan was a type of business.

“Uh-huh, okay. Anyway, wanna see me kill the boss?” He inquired, changing the subject, looking back down at his PSP.

I felt my chest loosen. He could make me feel better, no matter what kind of mood I was in.

"Hmm, nah, I think I’ll check on Cristy.” I said, starting to turn around.

“Okay, but did you know you have to kill him three times! It’s so hard!” He frowned, tapping a bunch of buttons.

"Oh really?" I said, giggling at him acting like a cute little boy.

"Yep,” he responded, but his focus was entirely set on his game.

"Hmm, okay be right back." I said and patted his mop of hair.

"Okay," he answered, as I turned around.

I walked up the stairs taking them two at a time and stopped at Cristy’s room, which was the one next to mine. I knocked on it softly and said, “Cristy can I come in?”

I almost didn’t hear her, but she said, “yeah.”

I opened the door, listening to it creak, and then looked up at her. She was lying in her bed, staring into her phone. She looked worried, very worried, if I didn’t know she was my little sister; I’d say her looked a lot older than me at that moment.

Slowly, she turned her attention to me and stared directly into my eyes. “Our mom is coming here.”

As she watched my reaction, I felt so many emotions flying through me.

This wasn’t going to be good at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter has been edited! :)