I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 20: A Night Gone Terribly Wrong

Chapter 20: A Night Gone Terribly Wrong
I promised Amy that I would get her and Jake together, but now that I was alone, I didn’t want to give him up. My feelings were confusing me and I didn’t know why. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Then suddenly my phone started vibrating, telling me that someone was calling me. I reached my arm over to the counter and flipped it open.
“Hello?” I said realizing I didn’t check the caller ID.
“Hey Maddie! What ya up to?” Faith hollered into the phone.
“Hey Faith, nothing much just about to start my homework.” I said while scooping my backpack off the floor.
“Oh homework…fun.” She said sarcastically, “So, want to go somewhere with me?”
I sighed and answered, “I can’t I have a lot of homework. Sorry.”
“Aww! C’mon Maddie, pretty please! Live a little,” She whined. Was smiling
“Don’t you have homework to do too?” I asked ignoring her whining.
“Yes, but unlike you I’m living a little.” I could tell she was smiling into the phone.
“Ahh, why don’t you ask Tristan to go with you?” I said pinning the phone between my cheek and shoulder so I could open my backpack.
“Because I want you to come with me.” She said whining again
I thought about it for a moment knew I was going to regret my decision, “Fine, give me 15 mins.”
Faith squealed and said excitedly, “Yay!!! Okay I’ll be there soon!”
I laughed at her squeal and said, “Alright, see you in a few. Bye.”
“Bye bye.” She said and ended the call.
I shut my phone and stared at my half open backpack. Then I got off my bed and headed towards Cristy’s room. As soon as I got to her door I knocked on it. A few moments later Cristy’s soft voice said, “Come in.”
I slowly opened the door to see Cristy sitting on her bed, doing homework-like I should be doing. She glanced up to see who it was and then gave me a smile.
“Did you need something, Maddie?” She asked me.
“No, I don’t. I um just wanted to tell you something.” I said and returned her smile.
“Yes?” She said staring at me.
“Well, I’m going to go somewhere with Faith, real quick.” I said gnawing on my lower lip.
“Oh, where to?” She asked curiously.
I scratched my head as I realized that I forgot to ask Faith, “I have no clue.”
She giggled and said, “Just like you to forget that, sis.”
I gave her a cheeky grin and said, “Yep. So, did you need me to fix you something to eat before I leave?”
She tapped her pencil against her folder and answered, “No, I think I should be fine. I can make some ramen noodles.”
I smiled and said, “Okay, well I won’t be long….I think.”
She nodded and said, “I’ll tell Dad, you went out for a bit.”
“Thanks,” I said and started to back out of her room.
‘Have fun.” I heard her say as soon as I shut the door.
I walked down the hall and entered the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my hair. It didn’t look that bad as I thought it was. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. Faith is here already? She must have been driving about 100mph.
I flicked off the light in the bathroom and walked down the stairs. I opened the door expecting to see Faith, but instead three familiar faces smirked at me. It was Derek, Parker, and Steven. I opened my mouth to say something, but Derek cupped his hand around my mouth. Then they all picked me up and started toward their car. I squirmed and wiggled to try and get out of their grasp.
One of them opened the trunk of their car and they shoved me inside. I tried to climb out, but they slammed the door shut and I was trapped. They started the car and took off. I screamed and kicked, trying to get out, but it was impossible.
“What the hell are you guys doing!? Get me out of here!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
I heard Steven say, “Just be a good little girl and stay still.”
My heart pounded against my ribs and my head was spinning like crazy. Then my senses started to come back, I could call Faith. I stuck my hand into my pocket, only to find it empty. It must have fallen out when they threw me into the trunk. A wave of panic hit me, what was I going to do now? I stopped kicking and started to think.
Faith is going to find out that I’m missing right? She was supposed to take me somewhere, she’ll figure out something is wrong. Another wave of panic hit me, what if they don’t realize I’ve been taken? What’s going to happen to me?
“No, I have to stay calm. It’s the only way.” I whispered quietly to myself.
After what seemed like hours to me, the car slowed to a stop. I heard the doors opening and closing, then someone started to open the trunk. I kept my body very still, and when it was open all the way, I jumped up and climbed out of the trunk as fast as I could. I started running down the street, it was already really dark and all I could see was the street lights illuminating the asphalt.

I had taken about 50 long strides before I heard someone’s footsteps following close behind me. I turned my head around a little to see Derek less than five feet away from me. He was closing in fast. I finished about another ten footsteps before I got tackled to the floor. The rough cement bit deeply into my skin, so badly that it made me cringe.
Derek flipped my over on my back and said, “Where do you think you’re going?”
I glared at him and said, “Let go of me.”
“I’ll pass.” He said and sneered at me.
He propped me up on my feet and dragged me back to the car. I took the chance to view my surroundings; there were several houses on each side of the street. Maybe one of the neighbors will notice a ruckus? Then again, I took in the details of the neighborhood. It was ratty looking and something about the atmosphere here felt, wrong.
I heard a creepy snicker, I tried to turn my head around to see who is was, but I felt something hard hit against my head. Everything went blurry and then completely black.
Hours later
A throbbing pain woke me up. I tried to reach my hand up to my head, but it was constricted by something. I could tell it was rope by the rough texture scraping against my wrists. I flipped over on my back, so I could see my surroundings. I was in a dark small room. The only thing light, was from the moon shining through a window so small, I couldn’t possibly fit through.
I tried sitting up, but the pain from my head hurt so bad, I stopped and lied back down.
“Finally awake?” A voice said startling me.
“What do you want from me, Derek?” I said twisting around looking for him.
“I want you to suffer.” He said simply.
“Why go this far? Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get for this? You’re kidnapping!” I said yelling at him. My head kept throbbing and it hurt even more as I grew angrier.
“I won’t get in trouble if I don’t get caught.” He said finally showing himself. He starting walking towards me.
“This is low, even for you.” I said looking away from him.
“Did you know I like you Maddie?” He said getting closer to me.
“No,” I said answering honestly.
“Of course you didn’t. You didn’t even know I existed. I’ve liked you since the 7th grade. You were always pretty and cute.” He said bending down and stroking my hair.
“Don’t touch me.” I said pulling my head away from him.
“Still feisty.” He breathed onto me, his breath smelling like alcohol.
“Still drunk. Why don’t you just let me go? Then I’ll pretend like none of this happened.” I said trying to compromise with him.
“No can do.”
“Why not!?” I yelled annoyed and scared.
“Shhh, don’t want Parker and Steven waking up, now do you?” he said pulling me closer to him.
I felt something swell in my throat, as his face drew closer to mine. When his lips touched mine I felt a shiver of fear run through my body. I tried pushing myself away from him, but I was weak and he had his arms locked around me like they were iron chains. His breath tasted like liquor and it made me gag. I bit his lower lip and he pulled back.
“You bit me.” He said and wiped his lower lip with his arm.
“You kissed me.” I said glaring at him.
“You know, do you really think you’re in a position to try and stop me? You have no idea what I could do to you right now.” He said smirking at me.
He was right, and I knew it. I stared at him watching his every move. Then he stood up and started to leave. “I’ll finish this later.” He said as he shut the door.
After about five minutes passed, I started crying. The tears fell involuntary, and I broke into long quiet sobs. What’s going to happen to me? I looked at the sky and prayed silently. Please let them find me, before it’s too late.
I didn’t know when, but I fell asleep. I fell asleep on the cold hard floor, wondering what my family was doing, what Tristan was doing. Were they looking for me?
Tristan’s POV
I was watching some TV when my cell started ringing. I pushed my hand into my pocket and dug it out. The caller ID said Faith.
I pressed the green button on my cell and said, “Hey sis, what’s up?”
Faith’s voice rang through the phone scared and sad, “Maddie is missing.”
An alarm rang through my head, “What do you mean? How do you know?”
Her voice was trembling, “Her phone was lying on the floor outside. I was going to pick her up, nobody knows where she is.”
I rubbed my temples together and started thinking, “Call Jake first, I think he needs to know this. Tell him to meet me at Maddie’s house. I’ll be there soon.”
I didn’t wait for a response; I ended the call and grabbed my keys. If anyone hurts her, they’re going to pay, big time.
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It's going to pick up from here. xD Tell me what you think of the idea! :D