I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 25: What Now?

Chapter 25: What Now?

As my sobs started to subside, Jake’s comforting arms never left me. He didn’t move and he didn’t talk, he just stayed completely still. I didn’t know how much time had passes, but it must have been awhile because my neck my starting to ache from the way it was positioned.

“I’m stupid,” I muttered in my dry croaking voice.

“Shh, don’t say that.” Jake replied quietly to me.

I peeked my head out of my hands and looked up at him. He stared at me with his brows furrowed and a worried expression. When he noticed I was staring at him, he tried to give me an encouraging look. I tried to return it, but it felt like my mouth was unfamiliar with a smile on it.

“What is he hiding from me?” I questioned mostly to myself.

“Who?” Jake cocked his head to the side. Then a face of realization passed his face then, anger quickly replaced it, “It’s about Tristan. What happened in there, Maddie?”

I diverted my eyes away from him. What was I supposed to say? I was wrong this whole time and I shouldn’t have gone out with Tristan? Should I say that Tristan and Faith is hiding something from me and Faith wants me to break up with him? I definitely couldn’t tell Jake this. Jake would just get angry and probably hurt Tristan or Tristan could hurt him.

“Maddie,” Jake said with his jaw clenched, “what happened in there?”

I sighed and looked at him directly in the eyes, “It’s nothing okay? I’m going to go.”

Just as I started to get a grip on the floor, Jake gripped me by my shoulder and pulled me back. I stopped struggling against him and turned around. He was staring at me intently. I could feel my heart beat accelerate quickly as I gazed into his worried, deep, blue eyes.

“You told me to act like your best friend again. I’m doing that right now. So, please tell me what’s going on.” He pleaded, making sure I didn’t look away from him.

My face was heating up as each seconds passed by. Why was I reacting this way around him, I thought I didn’t feel anything for Jake. Maybe it’s different. A small voice said within me.

I let out a breath of air and decided to tell him what was going on, “Fine, I’ll tell you. Faith told me to break up with Tristan.”

Jake’s expression surprised me, a small grin crept onto his face, “Well, what are you waiting for? Go break up with him.”

A disapproving look made its way to my face, “Wow, what a way to act like my best friend.”

“I am being your best friend. I’m telling you Tristan isn’t a good guy, he told me that he was using you…” He trailed off as he watched my reaction.

“You knew he was using me?!” I glared at him. If he knew that why didn’t he tell me!

I swatted his hand off my shoulder and stood up. I placed my hand on the handle just as Jake leaned against the door. I tried to pull the door open, but Jake’s weight held it in place.

“I want to get out of here.” I glared at him, tugging harder at the bathroom door.

“Not until you’ve calmed down.” He muttered, not budging at all.

“How the hell am I supposed to calm down!? You didn’t tell me anything! You just stood there and made me look like a complete idiot.” I retorted. My hands were clenched into tight balls and my whole body was shaking involuntary from my rage.

Jake cringed from the sound of my voice, but stood completely still.

“You think I didn’t tell you anything?” Jake sighed before continuing, “I’ve been telling you all this time. How many times did I tell you that he wasn’t good for you? How many times did I tell you he’s just a jerk? Remember that time when I told you to break up with him? The truth is you were just so in love with him, you didn’t even listen to me!”

Each and every one of his words hit my like a giant rock smashing against my body. Jake was completely right. I just told him it was nothing. I just told him to give Tristan a chance. I was so blind, thinking that Tristan actually felt the same way about me. When in reality, Tristan was just using me for something.

Tears welled up in my eyes again, but I quickly blinked them away.

“I’m sorry, Jake.” I whispered turning my head towards him.

His expression softened, “It’s fine, ever heard the saying love is blind?”

“It was one-sided love. It doesn’t count.” I muttered, feeling stupid.

A warm, salty tear dropped from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. I was about to wipe it away when Jake grabbed my hand. I felt his hot hands gently caressing my face, wiping away the tear with his thumb. I looked up at him for a moment, sinking into his deep blue eyes. They held my eyes searching for something.

My cheeks were heating up. What is he going to do? I held my breath, hoping it would calm my racing heart. He brought his lips closer to my head. I clamped my eyes shut, not exactly sure what to do. I expected his lips to touch mine; instead I felt his lips kiss my forehead softly.

“I love you, Maddie.” Jake whispered quietly into my ear.

I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, “Love you, Jake.”


Hours Later

The doorbell rang throughout the house. I pushed myself clumsily off my bed and walked out of my room, down to the front door. As I opened the door, I was greeted with a warm smile and a cheery voice.

“Hi, Hun!” The dark brunette hugged me tightly.

“Hi, Mom,” I managed to say, hugging her back.

She let me go and examined me, a frown appearing on her face, “What’s wrong sweetie? You don’t look too well.”

I tried to give her a convincing smile, “Nothing is wrong, I’m just really tired.”

“Oh, did I come at a bad time?” She asked, looking a little guilty.

As tired as I really was, I liked the company of my Mom. Ever since we’ve settled the argument, it was easier to talk to her. It felt like… we were a family again.

“No, it’s fine. So, what’s up?”

She watched me suspiciously for a moment before her smile returned, “Just thought I’d stop by and say hi to my daughters. Which reminds me, where’s Cristy?”

“She’s at a friend’s house, sleepover, I think.”

“Ahh, I love sleepovers.” She smiled again.

“Yeah, they sure are interesting,” I replied, remembering my experiences at Faith’s house.

I felt the sides of my mouth tilt down. I probably wouldn’t be going to another sleepover in…forever. From the corners of my eyes I caught my Mom staring at me, again.

“Alright, no more lies, what’s wrong?” She said in a Motherly tone.

A sigh escaped my mouth; I knew I’d have to tell her now. “I’m having more boy problems.”

She lifted an eyebrow amused, “Oh really, who is it this time?”

“Jake and my boyfriend,” I scratched my head nervously. It was the first time I actually called Tristan my boyfriend, but I knew he wasn’t going to be it for long.

She pretended to gasp, which made me giggle a little, “Little lady, why didn’t you tell me you have boyfriend?”

I bit my lip and said, “I’ve been a little busy with them.”

“I see, well what’s wrong?”

I furrowed my eyebrows together. I didn’t where to start so many things happened since I had a talk with my Mom, but I did know what I couldn’t tell her. I wouldn’t be able to tell her that I was kidnapped.

I began my explanation, starting with how Tristan and I became a couple, and then worked my way to where we were now. Her facial expressions changed several times, first excitement, to amused, to surprised, and then to understanding.

After I finished, silence filled the house, none of us said anything. Then she cleared her throat and suggested, “I think you should make a book out of that.”

I watched her for a moment before a smile crept onto my lips, “That’s what you have to say from all this?”

“No, but it was the first thing that I wanted to say.” She added, “So, what are you going to do about this whole mess?”

I shook my head sideways slowly, “I have completely no idea. I was hoping you could give me a few pointers.”

She thought about it for a moment, “Well, I think you should start off with confronting Tristan. You won’t be able to solve anything if you don’t ask him about it first. Hopefully after that you’ll find some way to get through it.”

She said exactly what I was hoping she wouldn’t say. I didn’t want to confront Tristan about this. What would I say to him?

As my thoughts kept flooding into my mind, a beeping noise emitted from my mother. I looked up at her and gave her a questioning look. She grinned at me sheepishly before stuffing her hand into her front pocket. Her hand came out with a cell phone.

She frowned and told me, “Sorry Hun, I’ve got to take this.”

I nodded as she made her way into the living room. I could hear her saying something from the kitchen. I didn’t want to pry, so I just started thinking about this whole mess again. Within a few seconds I was so deep in thought I jumped when my Mom called my name.

“Honey, I have to go, my boss needs me to pick him up something.” She sighed and gave me a hug.

“It’s okay. I’ll talk to you soon?” I asked, returning her hug.

“Of course, sweetie,” She smiled, walking back to the front door.

I followed closely behind her, so I could lock the door. She said bye on last time before scurrying out of the house.

I smiled wearily and closed the door. Going to bed sounded like a great idea right now. I started climbing up the stairs sluggishly, taking each step slowly. When I was about three steps from the top the doorbell sounded again. A groan on annoyance escaped my mouth, why couldn’t they ring the doorbell a few seconds earlier?

I made my way back down the stairs again, grumbling to myself. Without knowing who it was, I opened the door and glanced up at the person. It was Tristan. I blinked a few times, checking if he was really there. When he didn’t disappear I cursed to myself internally. I seriously didn’t want to talk to him!

“What’s the matter, princess?” Tristan asked looking worried.

Like he doesn't know.
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I might be making a sequel to this story! I already have where it's going to take place. However, I'm still working on a plot for it. lol

Please tell me if you want a sequel because if nobody wants one, then I'll just end it here. It's completely up to you guys! :D