I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 28: My Choice

Chapter 28: My Choice

I didn’t know how much time had passed, but every moment was a peaceful bliss. Tristan and I lied next to each other, neither of us interrupting the silence, and every so often he would face me, studying my face for a few moments, and then he’d kiss me. They were short, but sweet kisses and I loved every one of them.

I turned to face him and ran my hand through his soft, dark brown hair. His grey eyes pierced into my green ones, and a sincere smile filled his face. I returned the smile and pulled him closer to me; I planted a kiss just below his jaw and trailed upwards, just stopping at the corner of his lips.

“Remember the day at the beach?” I whispered, pulling back far enough so I could see his whole face.

“Mmm, yeah I did the same thing to you, and you were going to kiss me.” He whispered back, cradling my face in his right palm.

I nodded and touched my lips to his, after a few seconds he started to deepen the kiss and nibbled on my lower lip. I didn’t hesitate and opened my mouth wider for him. I let him dominate the kiss since he seemed like he knew what he was doing, and I just followed after him. I melted into his arms and wrapped mine around his neck pulling him to me as close as possible. We pulled back at the same time breathing heavily. When I looked up at him a grin sat on his lips.

“What?” I asked, still a little breathless.

“Nothing, I was just thinking.” He replied, putting his forehead against mine.

“About?” I inquired, curious.

He was silent for a moment, but finally explained, “I was thinking about how only a few months ago, you literally hated my guts, and now you kiss me…willingly.”

I thought about that, and I realized he was right. It was only until recently that I figured out I had feelings for him. Time had passed by quickly, and now, right at this moment I was in his arms. I would have never imagined this would happen a year ago, in fact, the thought would have been repulsive.

“Times have changed,” I answered honestly.

“It has.” He murmured into my ear, causing me to giggle a little.

“Wow that sure was fast.” Faith announced walking into the room.

At the sound of her voice I nearly jumped out of my skin. I sat upright, pulling Tristan’s arms off of me, but I still had a hold of one of his hands. I felt my face burn as Faith smirked at us. She knew this was going to happen, didn’t she?

“Once again, can I say, P.D.A?!” She yelled, throwing her hands in the air dramatically.

My blush turned deeper and I thought to myself, how long had she been standing there?

“Once again, can I say it’s my own freaking room.” Tristan remarked, scowling at her, probably annoyed that she had interrupted us.

Without warning, Tristan let go of my hand and went into his bathroom. I frowned, but looked back up at Faith, who was giving me a grin. I tried to keep my face straight, and I hoped that the blush wasn’t too noticeable.

“Hey, Tristan, where are you going?” Faith asked, walking closer to his bathroom.

“Away from you, I want some time with my princess. Alone.” He retorted, fixing his hair, which meant sliding his hand over his hair.

“Aww, how sweet.” She teased, knowing that he was going to respond to that—he did.

“Shut up, and get out of my room.” He muttered, walking past her to his closet. He grabbed a clean shirt, and threw off his current one.

Faith didn’t listen, and pretended he hadn’t said anything. Instead, she lied across his bed, fully sprawled out, so I had to scoot over to the side.

“Oh yeah, Faith, I wanted to tell you thank you for the puppy.” I smiled, thinking about Sparky. He was probably at home playing with…Jake. Jake! Oh crap, I completely forgot about him. I should probably text him or maybe even call that everything is going to be fine now. He’ll probably not like the fact that I’m back with Tristan.

“You’re welcome,” Faith said in a sing-song voice, “Do you know how hard it was, bringing it into my car? I was so scared it was going to pee or something.”

She shuddered, and I would have laughed, if my mind wasn’t pre-occupied with Jake at the moment.

“Hey, I need to make a call. I’ll be right back.” I told them, already walking out Tristan’s door.

I think I heard them say okay, but I wasn’t too sure. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and inspected the back of it. It had scratches all over it from when I getting…kidnapped, but for the most part it worked perfectly fine. I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on Jake’s name.

It rang a couple of times before Jake picked up.

“Maddie?” Jake inquired, his voice worried.

“Hey, Jake,” I replied cheerily, trying to think of a way to break it to him. “How’s Sparky? Is he okay?”

“Hmm, oh yeah, he’s doing great. He’s sleeping next to me right now. I guess I wore him out.” He laughed, but it seemed almost like it was forced out.

“Hey, is something wrong?”

“No—well yeah actually, I’m just worried about you. Are you okay?” He finally asked. He sighed into the phone, making the sound crackle in my ear.

“I’m fine, Jake, please don’t worry, everything is better now.” I said, trying not to give him all the details.

He didn’t answer for a long time, and I even checked if he had hung up, then he finally answered, “Okay, I’ll talk to you when you get home, then.”

“Yeah, I’ll explain everything to you, I promise.”


I clicked my phone shut, and gnawed on my lower lip. What would I tell Jake? What if he wouldn’t accept that I was back with Tristan? What if he hates me? I sighed, suddenly filled with gloom. I cared for Jake, a lot, and with time I probably would have fallen for him if I hadn’t met Tristan. Tristan was the person I liked, maybe even loved, and there was no way I could deny it anymore.

“Princess?” Tristan’s voice made me jump a little.

I turned around to see him leaning against his door frame, watching me. I gave him a smile and walked closer to him, “Yeah?”

“Are you ready for a date?” His familiar smirk made his way to his face and I felt my heart jump a little. I missed that smirk, and I didn’t even know it, until now.

“I’m ready.”

Tristan gently pulled me along with him as we walked down the hall, heading for the elevator. I watched him as he looked forward. I tried to be inconspicuous, but he caught me and teased, “Miss my lips already?”

I hastily looked away and suddenly became really interested at the tiles below our feet, “Nope.”

“Too bad cause I miss yours.” He grinned and watched my reaction with amusement.

My cheeks were heated again for what seemed like the hundredth time today. I didn’t know how I was supposed to react, let alone know how to reply to something like that. How could he say such embarrassing things so easily?

By the time I had stopped thinking about that subject, we were already in his car. He started his engine and we were on our way to wherever he had in mind. I opened my mouth to ask where we were going, but decided against it since I knew what he was going to say. I could almost hear it coming out of his mouth, it’s a secret.

Almost as if he could read my mind, Tristan teased, “Aren’t you going to ask where are we going?”

“Nope,” I replied, popping the p.

He grinned, and took my hand in his, “Someone’s learning.”

I rolled my eyes, but cracked a small smile.

“So, who’s Sparky?”

“He’s a Chihuahua that Jake and I saw at the mall the other day. I instantly fell in love with him.” I smiled to myself thinking about Sparky. I pictured him sleeping with Jake on my couch, nice and comfy.

“Hmm, it looks like I got more competition.” He joked, glancing at me from his peripheral vision.

I smirked and replied, “For some reason, I don’t think you’ll be having any problems.”

He chuckled, but didn’t say anything else. The rest of the ride was quiet, but on occasions I would glimpse at Tristan. He would smile, showing that he knew I was looking at him. I bit my lip in anticipation when I realized where we were heading to.

We were still a few miles away, but towering in the sky was a circular ride that rotated slowly and merrily. It was already dusk, so the lights of the Ferris wheel would be lighting up, brightening up the dark sky.

“Like it?” Tristan whispered, drawing me out of my eager thoughts.

“Yes, I don’t even remember the last time I went to a festival.” I said eagerly. I wanted to bounce up and down in my seat, but I didn’t want to seem like a child. “What kind of festival is it, do you know?”

“I think it’s a strawberry festival.” He paused to watch me, “It looks like you’re about to burst from excitement.”

A little embarrassed, I grinned at him, “I love going to festivals. I used to go with my mother all the time when I was younger.”

“Really? I never really went anywhere with my parents. We have a… unique kind of bond, I guess you can say.” Tristan explained, pulling into a line of cars. There was a parking attendant that was waiting for cars to pay.

This was the first time I’ve ever really heard Tristan talk about his parents. The only thing he told me about them was that they were setting him up for an arrange marriage. I didn’t know they had such a bad position between them, in fact, I believed that they got along just great. Now that I was thinking about it, I’ve never actually seen his parents at all. I didn’t know what they looked like, or how they acted, I just knew that they lived on the highest floor of Tristan’s house.

The line of cars shrunk slowly but surely, and within ten minutes we had made it to the parking attendant. A chubby, middle aged man sat on a high chair and extended his hand out toward us.

“Ten dollars, sir.” He said, lazily.

Tristan took out his wallet and handed him a twenty. When the guy went to give him change Tristan, told him to keep the change. The man almost seemed to smile at him, and handed Tristan his parking ticket.

“Have a good day.” Tristan said as we drove to the parking spaces.

There were no spaces in the front, so we had to park almost near the back of the lot. We had a ways to walk before we even got to the entrance.

I started to exit out of the car when Tristan tugged at my hand, “Wait.”

I turned back at him and gave him a questioning look. He smiled and kissed my lips. It was sweet, tender, and sincere.

“I told you I missed your lips.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter should be coming out soon! :) lol Sorry again for the late uploads! :(