I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter Three: My Mother...

Chapter Three: My Mother...

I swear my heart stopped for at least a minute, as I let Cristy’s words sink in. It was only one sentence, but it had affected me completely. Thoughts ran through my mind quicker than a maniac driving through the freeway. My body felt cold, numb. I was so shocked just by thinking about my mother.

My mother had left our family when I was four and when Cristy was two. She left with no warning what so ever. I just remembered waking up one day and she was gone. Her presence in the house was gone, and every day for that entire year dragged by slowly. At first, I waited for her, thinking that maybe she had to go on some kind of trip, but as the days went on, I knew she wasn’t. I watched each day as my dad’s eyes had dark bags under them they were either from crying, or from just not getting enough sleep.

She broke our family apart.

Cristy had it easier than my dad and I because she was still just a toddler when our mother left us. She says she remembers her a little, but not enough to get all teary-eyed by just thinking of her. I however try to ignore the feeling of sorrow in the pit of my stomach that comes at me when I just think about her face. I’m the one with memories of her still implanted in my mind from when I was just a small little girl.

Tears threatened to leak out of my eyes, but I brushed my eyes with my sleeve, making sure none spilled out. I shook my head and glanced down at Cristy who looked like she was about to have a breakdown. She must be either really excited to see her again, or really hurt. I planted a smile on my face. I would not be the one to breakdown here. I’m the older one, and I’m the one that has to keep it together for Cristy’s sake.

Slowly, I walked over to Cristy’s bed and plopped down on it. I wrapped my arms securely around my sister’s petite little body and held her against my shoulder, preparing for her tears to soak my shirt.

“Shhh, Cristy if you have to go ahead and cry.” I cooed into her ear, as I ran my fingers through her short, midnight black hair.

She did as I suggested, and a sob broke through her lips. The sound was muffled by my shirt, but it still affected me greatly. I felt my lip quiver as I felt her tears seep through the fabric of my shirt, but I would not cry. I would not let my mother have an effect on. I would be strong.

My mom, she was coming back. I didn’t know whether it was for the better or worse.

It took a little while before her sobs subsided into hiccups, but they eventually they did. The whole time I kept running my hand through her hair, letting her know that I wasn’t going to leave her.

“Cristy, can you tell me when she’s coming?” I whispered, softly.

She hiccupped a few times, and her voice stuttered as she spoke. “T-tomorrow, she’s c-coming for d-dinner.”

"Shhh..." I said trying to soothe her. "I'll take care of this don't worry."

She nodded, and then unlatched herself from me. She sat up and brushed the tears that were smeared across her face. I understood what she was going through. Our mom was coming to see us after all this time. After all the times she was gone. It had been twelve years.

“What are we going to tell dad?” She inquired, finally speaking in a almost clear voice.

I thought about it for a moment, trying to think of a solution.”Don’t worry about it, I’ll explain everything to him. You don’t have to do anything.”

She nodded once again and didn’t say another word. I stood off her bed and took a few steps toward the door and turned around just as I started reaching for the brass doorknob. “Hey, is spaghetti okay for dinner?”

“Yeah, that’s okay.”

“M’kay, why don’t you take a shower? I should be done by the time you’re finished.” I said cheerily, trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere around us, and it seemed to work a little.

“Okay,” she mumbled and made her way out of her room.

When she entered the bathroom that was across from her room, I went to my bedroom door. I threw off my damp shirt and pulled a white tank-top on me. After that, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, there I found Jake. He was lying on the counter with his head resting on top of his arms. I tip toed around him and checked to see if he was sleeping. To my surprise he wasn’t he was just staring blankly to my kitchen window.

When I giggled at his odd expression, he shot up, obviously not noticing me watch him. His face was alarmed at first, but when he saw me, he grinned, showing me my favorite smile. “Hey, Maddie! What ya doing?”

I smiled back at him, and mussed his sandy blonde hair. “I’m making dinner. Are you staying?”

“Of course, it’s not like I have anything good to eat at home. So what’s for dinner?” He asked, swatting my hand away from his hair, lightly.


“Mmm, I love your spaghetti. It’s delicious.” He said, licking his lips.

I laughed at his childish reaction and responded. "Yeah, yeah, anyway since you're here why don't you help me?"

“Aww, do I really have to?” He whined, a frowning appearing on his face.

“It’s up to you, but do you really want to eat tonight?” I teased and searched through the cabinets for the box of spaghetti.

“Fine, I’ll help.” He sighed, giving in.

I turned to him and smiled. “Good, now come and help me find a pot to cook in.”

“Alrighty,” he said, and started looking for a large enough pot.

He bent down right next to me before saying. "You look like something is bothering you."

I felt my heart jump unexpectedly. I didn’t realize it was so easy for him to tell when something was bothering me. This Is why we got along so well, we could read each other like a book most of the time. I looked at him and his eyebrows were pinched together, a crease formed on his forehead, showing that he was worried. His face was only a few inches from mine, so I could feel his warm breath on my face. When he stared at me like that, he was pretty cute.

Cute? I mentally slapped myself, making sure I was thinking straight. He’s your childhood friend Maddie! Remember? My mouth formed a thin line. The reason I was thinking like this is because of that jerk. He was the one that said that Jake liked me, but I know he doesn’t. He’s my best friend, if he liked me I should be able to tell, right? A blush crept along my face in embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I was starting to think of Jake in that way.

“Maddie? Are you blushing?” Jake grinned, a chuckle escaping his lips.

“What? No, I’m not.” I blinked, and tried to erase the trace of any emotion on my face.

“You so are! I saw it,” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

“I wasn’t not!” I half-yelled, trying to brush away his accusations.

“Uh-huh!” he shouted, a grin still on his face.





“I said ‘nu-uh’ and if you say it again, I will literally bite you!” I yelled, threatening him.

He laughed and pretended to zip his lips and throw away the lock. I rolled my eyes, but grinned in satisfaction.

“That’s better,” he paused. “That’s the Maddie I know.”

I smiled and then muttered. “Okay, now stop stalling and help me cook.”

"Okay," he said grabbing a large maroon pot from the cabinet.

We spent the next thirty minutes preparing our dinner, and of course, there was the occasional bickering and laughing. For those thirty minutes, I did not once think about my mother. The whole problem sat at the back of my mind, thankfully. It was all thanks to Jake that I was able to laugh and mess around.

When we just finished, Cristy padded into the kitchen and helped us set up the dining table. Her eyes were still a little puffy, but it was hardly noticeable. I told her to sit down, and she did. Once she was comfy in her chair I brought her plate of spaghetti to her.

We all sat down for dinner. Jake and I were talking and laughing like always, and even Cristy seemed like she was having some fun too. It was hard to think about what was going to happen at dinner tomorrow.

I knew for a fact that at tomorrow’s dinner there wasn’t going to be any laughing or any jokes. It was going to be a long and difficult.

Once we finished dinner, we stacked the dirty dishes into the sink and headed into the living room. I sat down on the dark brown leather couch and flipped on the television. We watched a few game shows, Family Feud in particular, before Jake announced that he had to go. He stood up and I did too, following him out of the house.

We walked out to the porch and he turned around. “Okay, so are you going to tell me what’s up with you and Cristy?”

I thought about it for a moment, not sure if I really wanted to tell him. It was something that had to do with my family, but then again Jake was practically just like family already. I decided that I should tell him. Besides, he would probably just keep bugging me if I didn’t tell him.

"Okay, well you know my mom?” I paused to wait for him. When he nodded, I added. “Well, she’s going to come over for dinner tomorrow.”

Jake wrapped his arms around me, and at first I was going to tell him I didn’t need one, but I realized I did want one. I was trying to be strong for my sister, but I needed someone to hang onto too. That person for me was Jake.

He whispered into my ear. "I'm sorry. Well, you know if you want, I could come tomorrow and have dinner with you guys too.”

I hugged him back, tightly and said, “That would be nice, but it’s really up to you. I’m warning you, it’s going to be like hell tomorrow at my house.”

"Hah! Maddie do you not know me? I've been through hell and back!" He grinned, pointing to himself.

I started laughing and managed to say. “Thanks Jake, you’re the best. I love you.”

He seemed to be embarrassed and a tiny tint of red crossed his face. “No problem, and I love you too Mads.”

I smiled and blushed slightly too. He bent down and kissed my forehead, "If you ever need me just call, text, or whatever. I'll always be there for you."

"I know. You’ve always have been there for me."

He smiled gently, mussed my hair, and started to walk away. Once he was in the middle of the cul-de-sac he waved his hands in the air and then yelled as loud as he possibly could. "Madison Storms was blushing!!!!!"

He turned around, facing me for a second and winked at me, and then he jogged down the street into the shadows of the night. I rolled my eyes, he was such a kid.

I walked back into the house and checked the clock. It was about 8:30 P.M. so I had some time before dad came home. I went back into the living room, and found Cristy watching the end of Family Feud. She looked up from the TV to me and smiled, and then she went right back to watching her show.

I told her that I was going to take a nap before dad comes home. She nodded and said, "Goodnight."

I walked upstairs and went into my bedroom. I didn’t realize I was so tired until I climbed into my bed. My eyes lids drooped, and I knew I was going to be out like a light in a moment. Just like I thought, I fell asleep within the minute.


Around midnight

I awoke from the sound of someone shutting the front door. I knew that it was my dad, so I dragged myself out of bed, down the stairs to meet my dad. He had just come home from work, my father worked hard so that my sister and I could always have a decent life. When I hopped off the last step, I noticed my dad standing in front of the door.

I stumbled towards him, even though my feet were still half asleep, my mind was fully awake. By the way he looked at me I knew my mother had probably already contacted him.

When my father saw me, he smiled; I could tell it was a little forced. “Aren’t you up late honey?”

"Yea, but I need to tell you something important." I said, my voice croaking.

He stayed silent like he knew what I was going to say. Even though I didn’t want to talk to my dad about this, I knew I had to.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter has been edited! :)