I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 7: Time to Face Her

Chapter 7: Time to face her

My stomach churned as we reached the front door. I didn't even know what I was going to say! All I knew was that I had to convince her that I don't want to live with her. That's lot easier said then done. I frowned and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Jake giving me an encouraging smile. I cupped my hand around his and squeezed gently. I knew that he had my back no matter what. I took a deep breath and opened the front door.

The whole house was silent or so I thought when I heard someone yelling from the living room. I quickly ran into the living room to see my dad and mom glaring at each other. My dad had a rim of tears forming in his eyes, and his face was red, probably from yelling. I looked at my mom who had the same glare as him.

When they noticed I was in the room, they cleared their throats and sat down on the cream colored sofa. I stifled a sigh and started walking up to my mom. At first she greeted me with a confused look then it became sad. I took a long deep breath.

"Mom, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. It was really childish of me and I'm sorry. However, I do not want to live with you." I said looking at her.

"Honey, I just want you to at least try to live with me. I understand that I left you when you girls were young, but I came back to fix what I did." she said with tears forming under her eyes.

I took another deep breath and said, "I'm sorry to say this Mom, but you can never fix what you did from before. It's the past and you can't go back there. I've lived with Dad after all this time and I don't want to leave him, like you did to us."

"Why not?! I'm trying to fix what I did! Why won't you let me?!" she yelled the tears escaping down her cheeks.

"Calm down, I'm trying to make you understand without going berserk. Did you think that after all this time you could just come back and continue from where you left off? Cristy and I have had a good time today with you. Can't you just start off like that?" I smiled trying to reason with her.

"Yea, Mom you can't just come here and start it off like that. You have to be our Mom again. Start all over from scratch, can you do that for us?" Cristy said standing up from the couch.

Mom hung her head down and said, "I understand. I won't force you guys to live with me. It seems you would rather live with your Dad instead. I'll leave now."

"Mom, we said we wouldn't live with you. That doesn't mean we want you out of our lives forever. What we're saying is that you can come have dinner with us as much as you want. Just like a regular family again." I said hugging her.

At first, she hesitated but she hugged back and I could feel her tears roll onto my shirt. Cristy then walked over to us and joined in on the hugging. I looked up at Dad to see a smile on his face. He came over to the circle too and hugged us too. It felt finally like we were a family again.

I looked over at Jake who had tears running down his cheeks and he was smiling like an idiot. I stifled a giggle and gestured him to join the hug group. Within 5 seconds he hugged us too. I smiled and cherished the moment.

I hugged my Mom and said my goodbye to her. She was done with trying to force us to do things we didn't want to do. So, she would be coming over to dinner with us every Sunday. She left with a smile that was so happy that I will never forget it.

I walked outside and took a deep breath. I let the crisp smell of Autumn fill up my nostrils and clear my mind. I smiled at how today wasn't a total disaster, except for the little accident at the park.

I shook my head at the thought of Derek trying to kiss me. It was totally disgusting, I can still smell the faint liquor breath he had. I shivered again and thought about how Tristan saved me. It was strange but for once I was actually thankful to him. Then I remembered those words he said right before he left. I could instantly feel my cheeks turn beet red. Was he actually worried about me? Why was he there anyways? He was like filthy rich why would he go to a public park?

I then mentally slapped myself. Why was I thinking about him!? He is a jerk! Jerk! Jerk! JERK!!!

I heard a chuckle so I turned around to see Jake laughing at me. I glared at him and said, "What!?"

"Huh? Oh nothing." he said still laughing.

"Don't make me hit you on the head." I warned him and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Okay, okay. You just looked like you were doing one of those one-man comedy shows. Your expressions changed like 10 times in the last minute." he said in between his laughing.

I blushed and said, "I did not! I-I was just thinking about something that's all."

"Heh, okay whatever you say." he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine with me."

He suddenly pulled me into a hug and said, "I'm glad everything worked out fine tonight. I was seriously worried about you. I couldn't even help you. Sorry."

I blushed and tried to push him off me, "Hey, what's with the sudden change of personality?"

He didn't budge and I could feel him taking a deep breath, getting ready to say something important, but then exhaled. I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything. we probably stayed like that for 5 minutes before he said, "Well, I gotta go home. See ya tomorrow Mads."

When I finally got to see his face it was back to his usual grin that I loved so much. I smiled ruffled his hair and said, "Yea, see yea tomorrow."

He grinned one more time before letting me go. He patted my head again and started walking off into the night. I smiled after him as he waved his hand at me. When I couldn't see him anymore I walked back into the house and saw Cristy heading up the stairs.

"Hey, Cristy can I talk to you for a sec?" I called after her.

She turned around and walked down the stairs, "Yea?"

I smiled and said, "Were you happy you got to see Mom today?"

"Yea, I'm happy. At first, I thought it was going to be very bad but, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought. Even though we had a rough night, it still ended up pretty good." she smiled shyly.

"That's good. Well we better get some sleep we still have one more day of school before Thanksgiving Weekend." I said as I started scooting her up the stairs.

"Okay, goodnight." She yawned and walked into her room.

I smiled once before walking into my room. I slipped on a gray pair of sweatpants and a black tank top. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and walked back into my room. I finally then snuggled into my bed and almost instantly fell into a dreamless sleep.
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