I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 8: Getting Tricked Into a Date And Jake's Other Side

Chapter 8: Getting Tricked Into a Date And Jake's Other Side

I yawned as I took my seat in History. I looked at the board blankly and tried to register what it meant. It was talking something about the Revolutionary War. I gave up when a foot hit the back of my seat,; at first I thought it was nothing so I just ignored it. However, after like 5 more knocks I turned around annoyed.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I growled to the person behind me. You'd never guess who it was, Tristan. I rolled my eyes wishing that I never turned around in the first place.

He smirked and said, "I just wanted to get your attention, thats all."

"Uggh, well sadly, now you got it. So what do you want?" I said in a bored expression.

"Wanna go on a date with me?" He grinned and put his hands behind his head.

I snorted and said, "Yea, definitely. NOT."

He seemed unfazed by my reaction, he just bent down and whispered into my ear, "You'd never guess what I have in my pocket."

"Do I really want to know?" I rolled my eyes again and started to scoot closer to my desk.

"I bet you'd be really interested." he smirked again.

"I don't care." I said and ignored him until the bell rang.

I looked over to my left at Jake, he was glaring at Tristan and glancing at me at the same time. I stifled a giggle as I watched him. When he saw me his brow raised questioningly. I smiled, stuck my tongue out at him and looked up to see Mr. Cutler enter the room.

"Morning." he said and waited for his responses.

The class was filled with mutters of morning. He started to talk about the Revolutionary War and how it started. I groaned internally and started taking notes. I then felt something brush along the back of my neck. It made the tiny hairs on the back of my neck rise.

While still looking at Mr. Cutler I reached behind me and grabbed whatever it was. At first glance, it looked like a picture. But, this picture was with me and Tristan. It was from last week when he hugged me in the park. I instantly blushed, and crumpled the picture immediately.

I was about to turn around at him and glare, but I felt another piece of paper brush my neck. I hesitated to take it but grabbed it anyways. I thought it was going to be another picture, but it was a note. It said, 'Now, do you want to go out with me?'

I wrote 'Why should I?'

Tristan wrote 'I have more of those pictures.'

I scribbled 'So?'

He wrote 'So...I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if, somehow the picture spread across the whole school.'

I re-read slowly what he wrote. Is that considered blackmail? I answered him and pushed the pencil so hard it made a hole in the paper.

'Fine...one date. Then you better give me ALL the pics.'

'Okay, princess, whatever you say.'

I groaned to myself and crumpled the paper. I can't believe e has to do this just to go on a date with me. I was finally thinking that he wasn't such a bad guy. I was so wrong!

The bell rang and everyone started packing up. Tristan's voice from behind me when he said, "I'll pick ya up on Saturday at 5:30. Can't wait."

I groaned louder and said, "I hate you."

He laughed a humorless laugh and said, "I know."

I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the room. I looked over at Jake to see him staring at me.

"What? I got a date with Tristan..." I said looking away from him.

He studied my face as he said, "You don't like him though?"

"I know." I said annoyed.

"Then why?" asked finally making eye contact with me.

I fought myself to tell him that he was blackmailing me into going out with him, but then he'd probably like kill Tristan. I mentally slapped myself. Why do I care what Jake does to that jerk!? Maybe I should just tell him, he could beat him up.

I had a small feeling in myself telling me that I didn't want Tristan to get beat up. I shrugged it off, but figured out a reason why I couldn't tell him. If I told Jake that Tristan's blackmailing me, he'll get mad and pick a fight with him. When he does he'll get suspended or expelled. I can't let Jake know that the jerk is blackmailing me.

"Maddie?" Jake said raising another brow.

"Uhh, it's complicated." I sad as truthfully as possible. "But I promise it's only a one time thing."

"Okay." he said massaging his temples.

"C'mon let's get to Language Arts. don't wanna be late." I said pushing through the door.

"M'kay!" he said happily.

I giggled and pushed him in the direction towards L.A room.


Lunch Break

Jake and I sat behind the school, where we usually ate. Everything was going fine until, I heard some yelling coming from around the other side of the building. Jake and I quickly came to where the commotion was. There was already a small crowd forming around these two guys.

"Dude! Give it back!" a short red-headed boy said.

"Awww! Look the little baby wants his little note back." the other guy said.

The short red-headed boy's name was Tim. He was in my in my L.A class. The other guy was none other than Derek. That guy always has to cause trouble. It looked like Derek took a lined piece of paper from Tim. Since Tim was jumping like crazy to get it, it must be something very important.

I wasn't going to let this continue on any longer. Derek has been very troublesome the past few days. I guess it's time to teach him a lesson again. I glanced up at Jake who grinned and nodded his head.

"Alright guys nothing to see here. Scram." Jake said starting to shoo the other kids away.

I waited till it looked like it was pretty cleared up so walked up to Derek.

"Give the note back to Tim, now." I said in a polite way.

"Heh, Nah I'll pass thanks." Derek said and was about to rip it.

I instantly grabbed his hands steadily and said sternly, "Don't make me pissed. I wasn't doing good yesterday but I'm much better now."

I saw a moment of fear in his eyes that was soon replaced with a smug look, "Why? Are you going to get your boyfriend again to help you out?"

It took me by surprise when he said that. I couldn't say anything and I felt Jake's eyes flicker on me. I even felt Tim fidget but didn't dare look at me. Crap I didn't think this part through.

"Why does she need her boyfriend here?" A voice said.

I looked around to see Tristan leaning against the building. I glared at him, but didn't say anything to him.

"Didn't I tell you to leave her alone?" Tristan said walking up to us.

"Yes, but that was yesterday. A brand new day is a brand new day, what I always say." Derek said with a smirk on his face.

"Don't be a smartass." I said shifting my attention to Derek. "You know you can't take me on, so shut-up."

"You better listen to her." Tristan said stopping right next to me.

"Derek give back the note to Tim. This is a stupid matter to be fighting over. Unless, you're looking for a fight." I said with and eyebrow cocked slightly.

"I'm always up for it." Derek said getting into his fighting stance.

I was getting into my fighting stance when Derek was kicked to the floor. I was shocked, I looked up to see Jake with his foot on top of Derek's head. His face was set into a mad glare. It's one of the rare kinda that I've only seen twice in my whole life.

Jake was stepping on Derek's face when I said, "Jake, enough. He's already out."

He didn't say anything, he just slowly came to a stop. I took the note on the ground and handed it to Tim.

"Get out of here now. Got it?" I said looking at him.

He nodded quickly and started running around the corner.

Crap, Jake's gone berserk. Now I gotta get him under control or else this can get messy, for anyone.

I took a step closer to him and said, "Jake..."

His attention shifted to me and his eyes glared almost animal like.

"Whaaaat?" he hissed.

"You need to get ahold of yourself, remember what happened the last time this happened?" I tried to reason with him.

He snorted, "She asked for it."

My eyes widened in horror, this wasn't Jake anymore. It's his other self.

There's only one way to get him back, it's fighting.

I got ready in my fighting stance and his eyes lit up. He grinned once and started running towards me.

I prayed silently 'Please don't let this turn out like last time.'

Then I was prepared for the better or worse.