I'm a Fighter and He's the Hottie

Chapter 9: Tristan to the Rescue? Hell No!

Chapter 9: Tristan to the rescue?! Hell no he's a Jerk!!

I saw Jake's fist aiming towards my face. I quickly dodged it and took a large side-step. It caught Jake off guard for a second, but he regained his footing and faced towards me.

He grinned in a animal-like ways and said, "Not bad Maddie. You've improved since the last time."

My eyebrow twitched and I said, "Jake knock it off. Come on, do you want anyone else to get hurt?"

He snorted and hissed, "Don't call me Jake. It's Andrew now. Don't tell me you forgot about that?"

I took a step back and said, "...Andrew, give Jake back."

"Come and get him." he smirked and aimed a jab at me.

I blocked and stared at him. Why now? Why would Andrew come out now? Last time happened for a completely different reason, so why now?!

I wasn't paying attention and I felt something connect with my head. I stared wide-eyed at Jake grin as he kicked me.

Then everything blurred, and went completely black.

The last thought that came to my mind was Crap I should have paid attention.


Tristan's POV

I watched from the sidelines as Maddie and Jake/Andrew were fighting. I was really surprised on how good he was at fighting. I've only seen him fight a couple of times and they weren't that bad, but his movements now were, quicker and more refined.

Maddie was keeping up really well. But, she seemed like she was holding herself back a little. It seemed that she didn't want to actually hurt him. She stopped for a split second and was caught off guard.

I watched her get kicked hard on the head. She fell down and by the way her body hit the floor I knew she was knocked out. My eyes widened as I realized that she lost. She almost never lost, and she hardly ever let her guard down. She was thinking about something important, I'm sure of it.

I watched him circle around her limp body and smirk with satisfaction. Then something inside me just snapped. I instantly felt furious. I've never felt this angry to this extent before and it felt really bad. I almost didn't feel like myself.

I took a step forward and said, "Not bad Jake...or should I say Andrew."

His eyes flickered and then narrowed on me, "Ahh, you must be Tristan."

I smirked and said, "How did you know?"

"Not hard to guess, by Jake's description." he said looking back down on Maddie.

I chuckled and then looked down at Maddie, "So, do you know how I'm supposed to get Jake back?"

"Usually a hard whack would do it. Are yo-" he was cut off by my fist colliding with my fist.

I snorted and watched him collapse to the floor.

"That should do it." I muttered as I walked over to Maddie.

I crouched down next to her, I examined her face and I brushed her hair away from her face. I noticed that she had a streak of blood trail down her left cheek and over her lips. I stared at her plump lips for a moment before I shook myself out of my daze. I took my shirt off and dabbed her cheek with it.

When I finished I glanced over at Jake. He was out cold. I smirked and said, "You missed your chance kid."

I carefully picked up Maddie bridal style and headed towards the back gate, where nobody would see Maddie and I together. I carried her to my car and headed home.

I chuckled at what Maddie would do when she woke up.


Maddie's POV

I felt a sudden sting on my face, so I reached my hand up to touch it. I felt a soft material that covered it. My eyes shot open as I realized where I was. I was in a room that was peach colored. The bed was queen sized and the covers were light green and white. It had intricate patterns all over it.

What happened anyways? I tried to remember what happened and it came all at once.

"Oh god Jake!" I yelled as I scrambled off the bed.

I headed for the door, but when I flung the door open I saw Tristan standing right behind it. I was so surprised I let a small gasp escape my mouth.

He smirked and said, "Glad you're up."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Where are we?"

"My house." he said nonchalantly.

I could almost feel my jaw drop. I recovered and then said, "Why the hell am I here!?"

He started laughing like crazy. I groaned annoyed and said, "What's so funny?!"

He finally regained his voice and said breathlessly, "Nothing, it's just I guessed you were going to respond that way."

"Oh wow...that's hysterical..." I said rolling my eyes and tried to push past him.

"Wow, where do you think you're going?" he asked not budging.

I rolled my eyes again, "Why don't use that brain of yours and figure out the obvious."

"Well, I'm not letting you go. I need you to meet a couple of people." He said scratching his head.

"I don't wanna meet them. I want to check on Jake." I said feeling a headache build up.

"Sucks for you don't it?" he teased and then pulled out a photo, "Lookie what I got."

I snatched the photo and let my jaw drop again. It was a photo of Tristan kissing me, while I was asleep!

I glared at him and said, "Give me all the pictures now!"

He seemed unfazed from my yell and said, "Not a bad kiss, even though you were asleep."

I could feel my cheeks burning but tried to ignore it. "Jerk."

"Like I don't know that already. Oh wait don't tell me it was your first kiss?" He said raising and eyebrow.

I looked away feeling my cheeks burn even hotter. I probably looked like a tomato by now.

"Oh well that sucks, you had to be asleep when you had me kiss you." he said teasing me.

I couldn't help but snort, "Heh! Like I wanted you to kiss me! It doesn't even count, I was sleeping."

I thought I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes, I but ignored it.

"Well then, this will count." He said smirking.

Before I could understand what he was doing, his lips were crashed into mine. He started to kiss me roughly. I tried to push him off but his arms were wrapped around me like chains.

He finally let me go so that I could push him away. When I could see his face, it was set into a smirk.

"Counts now right?" he said grinning.

I ignored him and slapped him. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"You really are a jerk, you know that? To think I thought you were finally becoming nice." I said walking away from him.

I could feel that he was reaching out to me so I said, "Don't you dare touch me. I don't ever want to talk to you again. So buzz off."

I walked down the aisle looking for the exit. I rubbed my eyes quickly so that none of the tears would overflow.

In my mind I kept repeating to myself that Tristan is a Jerk. This time I finally believed it. He can go to hell for all I care. He thinks he can toy with women; well I'm not going to be one of them.