Status: Just Starting

Brought together by another.

Send me away with the words of a love song

Amanda and I got to the house first because Jared, bbm’d me that they would stop at a corner store to get some snacks.

I replied with the simple, chips, cheddar popcorn, pop and gummies.

He then went on “ You know Jordan thinks your hot right?”

“Umm, why would he think that?”

“I know my brother!”

“Well obviously not to well, he could have any girl he EVER wanted. I don’t think I could even compete with that.”

“You’re doing a good job.”

“Whatever, just be here soon.”

We eventually reached our house, Amanda dragged me into the bathroom and started applying lip gloss to my mouth and was spraying perform on my neck.

“Um, do I smell or something?” I asked.

“No, of course you don’t, but you need to get ready, the boys will be here any minute. And you will thank me when Jordan puts the moves on you.”

“Jordan Staal would never go for a girl like me, how many times do I have to say that? I’m a small town girl, he would most likely go for the high- maintenance bleached blond bimbo. I will NEVER stoop down to that level.”

“You’re kidding me right? You’re fucking gorgeous. I don’t know what guy wouldn’t go for you. I’m honestly surprised that Jared can be your best friend without thoughts. I’m sure if you gave him the chance he would. He’s a guy, he has weaknesses.”

She made me laugh, always overanalyzing everything.

“You know Jared loves you. He wont admit it because he doesn’t want to scare you away”

“I want him to ask me to go out with him, on an actual date, being friends with benefits is losing its charm. I need a realationship, not a fuck buddy.”

“Then just tell him!”

“I can’t.”

The weird thing about Amanda is, that she really cannot say what she is feeling towards Jared, she can talk to anyone else about it, but wont tell him.

Just then I heard the door open and I saw Amanda run out of the room and to the front door.

“HEY BOYS!” She screamed and hugged the two of them. I then walked out of the room and saw both Staal’s with bags in each of their hands. They had loaded up with snacks.

“So what are we watching?” Jordan asked.

“Whatever you want, we have almost anything. So go make yourself at home” I told him.

Jordan and Jared went to the movie station and looked through them while Amanda and I got bowls and cups for the snacks.

“Brittany, can we watch saw?” Jared asked.

“Sure, if its what your brother wants, he is the guest here.”

“Ill watch whatever”

So that’s settled, but it still made me uneasy. I hate scary movies. Jared is always there for me to cover my eyes in his shoulder. But he is going to be sitting with Amanda. Jordan will think I’m fucking weird if I do that so early.

Even though I did not want to go watch the movie we did. Amanda and Jared sat there all cuddly together and she was leaning into him.

Jordan was on one side of the couch so I grabbed the blanket and covered us both with it, even though I sat on the total opposite side.

The movie started. Everything was silent, Jordan saw me flinch when I knew something was coming, he motioned for me to move over. So I sat closer to him. But not close. I didn’t want to intrude

About half way through the movie Amanda left to go to the washroom and Jared went to “check on her”. They came back after the movie was done and he had put in Saw 2.

Amanda’s hair was messed up and she couldn’t even try to hide it. Jared then walked in with a little smirk on his face. Amanda giggles as he went in and snuggled into her.

“Way to be bro!” Jordan yelled across the room, causing Amanda to blush and put her face in Jared’s neck. I lightly slapped him in the arm and he mouthed “what”.

“She is fragile with this subject”

“Well if she really was, she wouldn’t be banging my brother with us in the house.” He laughed.

I smiled and leaned into him more. Jared and Amanda offered to go refill drinks and snacks. While they were gone Jordan lifted up my chin and kissed my lips.

I felt a connection, I tried to fight it but couldn’t, his tongue fighting its way into my mouth. He eventually won and we were in unison.

Jut then, I heard steps and pulled back. There stood Amanda and Jared. I saw Jared lean into Amanda’s ear and say “I guess I’m not the only one getting something tonight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry guys, ive had writers block. Buti hope i can start updating again :)
id like to. get back into the mode.
but i think this should hold you down for a little while so i can update my other story too <3
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