Rain Falls in Eden


The ice with the six-actually seven-of us broke pretty fast within the first week. Though we rarely hung out with Jon, we saw him a few times and he seemed like a nice guy. I realized Brendon was extremely annoying, but had his sober moments. I learned that Spencer wasn’t exactly quiet, wasn’t exactly talkative. And I learned that Ryan wasn’t as quiet as I thought he’d been. I actually liked the whole lot.

Well, until Brendon burst through the door one morning and jumped on me as I was sitting on the couch, reading yet another magazine.

“What the fuck?” I said, staring down as he situated himself so his head was in my lap.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he said.

“Ugh,” I said, pushing him off of the couch, only to have Ryan do the same. Spencer went and sat in the armchair. I love you, Spencer. “How did you guys get in?”

“I gave them a key,” came Amanda’s voice. She came into the room, looking-thank God-presentable.

“You what?” I asked. She smirked. Though I’d never say this out loud, Amanda was not smart when it came to boys. That’s why I didn’t exactly like Jackson. He knew how easily manipulated she was and took advantage of it. Not sexually, or anything, he was still pretty immature for that, but just in general. “Damn you! Now they won’t leave us alone.”

“You love us,” argued Ryan. I pinched his nose and lips together so he couldn’t breath, and held it until he batted my hands away. “Bully.” I laughed.

“Where’s Hannah?” asked Brendon, sitting down next to me..

“Getting dressed,” I said. Ryan reached up and flicked me on the nose. I glared at him before shoving him off the couch as well.

“I’m done,” said Hannah, strolling into the room and sitting down, putting her head in my lap. I narrowed my eyes.

“Do I look like a pillow?” I asked.

“You’re comfy!” she said. Brendon and Ryan nodded.

“Whatever,” I said, propping my magazine up on Hannah’s face. “What are you doing today?”

“We,” corrected Ryan. “Are going to the boardwalk.”

“What makes you think we want to go?” asked Amanda. I smiled. She had her moments.

“And,” said Hannah. “It’s about to rain, dumbass. Look outside.”

They did, and stuck their lower lips out.

“Fine,” said Spencer. “We’ll watch TV.”

“How exciting,” I said.

“Thank you, Oh Sarcastic One,” said Ryan, pulling on my pony tail. I shot him a glare. “And I highly doubt you have any other alternatives.”

“On the contrary-” I began.

“And no, we’re not going outside in the rain,” said Hannah.

“Fine,” I said, crossing my arms.

So TV it was. Spencer picked out a sitcom he swore was amazing, so we watched that for a while. The coffee table was moved to make room. I sat on the floor, leaning against the couch. Gradually, more and more snacks and cans were strewn about the floor and end tables.

We were onto a scary movie now, and, despite the fact it was only mid afternoon, everybody was tense and freaked. Then again, we did have all of the blinds closed and lights off. Hannah and I amused ourselves by pointing out things in the movie that were dumb and unrealistic, and making stupid comments.

“Oh,” I said. “Surprise, she tripped.”

“Again,” added Hannah. “What’s this? Fourth? Fifth?”

“Fifth,” I said. “But who’s counting?”

“Shut up,” exclaimed Amanda.

“You’re ruining the movie!” complained Brendon.

During one incredibly tense part, the part where the creepy music is building in intensity and volume and you’re just waiting for something to pop out and scare you, Hannah and I exchanged conspiring glances, before shouting, “BOO!”

The result was, in one word, amazing. Everybody jumped at least five feet in the air. Spencer littered the floor with popcorn, seeing as how he had the bowl. We got a scream from Brendon and Amanda, and swears from the other two. Everyone completely missed the scary part in the actual movie.

“That,” breathed Hannah, rolling on the floor next to me.

“Was awesome,” I finished, clutching my sides in laughter.

It took us a total of five minutes to regain composure...or, at least, close to composure. We both were red in the face, with tears leaking out of our eyes, and were gasping for breath. When we sat up, we were greeted with four glares.

Ryan and Brendon exchanged a glance, nodded, and, suddenly, I was pinned to the floor with skilled fingers digging into my sides. I swear my ribs were going to break from laughing so hard for so long.

“St-stop!” I laughed, squirming underneath Ryan. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hannah in the same situation as I was, only with Brendon.

“Payback’s a bitch,” he said, digging his fingers in my sides again.

“Okay. Okay! I’m sorry!” I said, trying to breath. The tickling stopped, and I had my hands raised in surrender.

“Thought so,” said Ryan, standing up. He held out his hand to help me up, but I ignored it, getting up on my own and turning to glare at him.

“You’ll pay for that one,” I warned him.

“Oooh, I’m scared,” he said, putting up his hands. He looked around. “Brendon...Brendon! You can get off her now.”

“But I’m comforta-“

”Now. Preferably before she cries rape.”

They mock-glared at each other for a moment, then Brendon hoisted himself up and pulled Hannah up.

“Bully,” she said.

♠ ♠ ♠
I kind of sped through the whole breaking-the-ice part. I can't write those well. Hoped you enjoyed! Thanks for the comments (psychotic-yet-funny as they are *cough cough*) Chao!