Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 100 - "The sorrows of being a teen girl in love"

I only had 2 days left of spring break and I was NOT making the most of it. Domino was different to the rest of Japan, and because of this we got a week and a half off, instead of a week. But of course my Monday and Tuesday were compulsory acquired by Seto, making me work for Kaiba corp. those 2 days.

I had stuck around the Accounting and Marketing departments the past 3 days of working full days at Kaiba Corp. but Seto said I had a ‘special mission’ today.

I spent the first half of the day slinking around Kaiba Corp. mostly running errands for people, but after lunchtime I was to report to Seto for my ‘mission’

I walked back to Kaiba corp. with Anne after going out for some cheap and healthy sushi for lunch, and made my way up the floors of the corporation in the elevator, until I reached the top floor, which was Seto’s office.

I walked in without getting permission from Emma, and made my way behind him to hug him from behind.

“As much as I enjoy this activity Ella, what I need you to do is quite serious and I need you to take a seat opposite of me.” Seto instructed.

“Okay.” I nervously said, taking the seat on the other side of Seto’s desk.

I had no idea what this ‘mission’ was, and I was beginning to get quite nervous. Even though Seto was a very serious and conservative person, and was even ten times worse during work hours at the corporation, he always allowed for quick cuddles, and I’d never been asked to do a ‘mission’ before.

“The department of immigration and border security of Japan have contacted me. They’re monitoring a man on a tourist visa. They believe he’s trying to illegally work in Japan, even though he does not have a working visa. He’s applied for a job here, and I need you to interview him so we can collect evidence to pass onto the government.” Seto explained to me.

Whoa, this was fairly serious, and quite a small mission.

“Okay, I have two questions I need to ask before I can proceed.” I stated.

“Ask.” Was Seto’s reply.

“Firstly, why do we need to collect information in the first place? He’s already committed the crime and gone outside his visa. He’s applied for a job even though he knows he’s only on a tourist visa, he’s got the mens rea – the guilty mind, he’s well aware he’s committed the crime. That’s all we need to convict him. Why do we need to collect more evidence?” I asked Seto.

“The more information we collect from him, the easier it is to convict him, and the longer we can ban him from applying for another visa for Japan. There’s also a secondary reason, which I think may incorporate into your second question if I know you well enough.” Seto smirked.

“Alright, you know-it-all, what’s my second question?” I asked, crossing my arms and trying to appear confident, but I knew Seto knew me well enough, and he’d know exactly what I was about to ask.

“You want to know why you’re going to be conducting this interview and not someone more trained or professional, right? ” Seto asked.

“Damn straight I do!” I grinned.

“Firstly having a young, pretty thing like you makes it easier for a guy to open up to and he’d feel more comfortable to disclose private information to you. He’d probably feel more able to relate to a pretty girl such as yourself, rather than a middle-aged man. Secondly, the authorities made a second claim about this man and why they want him deported. They believe he, well, to be blunt, he has a younger girl fetish.” Seto said, looking grim and shaking his head in disgust.

“He hasn’t, well, acted on that has he?” I gasped.

“Not as far as anyone believes. But they think he has the ability to do so. Therefore, as you’re the youngest employee of the whole company, you’re more likely to draw out this sort of information.” Seto explained.

“I see. Well, how is this interview going to be conducted?” I asked Seto.

“In a moment I will pass you his file, just for you to flick through. However, we will be fitting a very small earpiece in your ear, which you will wear your hair over and it will be undetectable by him. We will be able to hear through this, and ask you to ask him questions. Secondly, the room you will be interviewing him will have a two-way mirror, so we will see everything. Therefore you don’t have to be nervous about conducting this operation by yourself, or be nervous that he will harm you.” Seto explained, sounding very serious.

I sighed a breath of relief upon hearing this information. I was technically just going to be an actress and a face for this operation, and nothing more.

Seto handed me a folder, and I dropped it and gave a loud cry as soon as I saw the name and photo of this man.

“S-Seto, I can’t interview this guy. I kind of dated him for a short while.” I cried out, and began to breath in and out heavily.

Seto said nothing, but grabbed my shoulders in an effort to comfort me. Then, he spoke out.

“I can assure you I had no idea Ella. You can choose to be replaced if you wish; however I don’t think it’s a good idea for either of us. Because he knows you on a personal level this could help the operation even more. And if you were to be replaced, you’d be letting this guy, a guy you briefly dated, become a fear. Whatever happened between you and this male, are you afraid of him? Do you bow down to him? Because if you punk out, you do.” Seto gruffly explained.

“You’re right. He ended up rejecting me for an ugly girl, with an ugly personality and figure to match. I can show him what he missed out on, and what I upgraded to.” I said proudly.

“Do tell me the story between this guy and you, I’ve only ever heard about the abusive ex.” Seto smirked, taking a seat smoothly.

I sat back down and sighed, conjuring up the easiest and quickest way of telling him the story.

“This guy, Oliver Thomas, he was obsessed with Duel Monsters. You are his greatest hero. Anyway after a few dates I could tell he wasn’t boyfriend material, obviously couldn’t stay committed, and had a wandering eye, yadda yadda yadda. He wouldn’t leave me alone, was obsessed with me for about a year. Anyway, after I dumped my first boyfriend, the abusive one, I admit I had a moment of weakness where I was incredibly lonely. I rang back this guy, and told him my feelings. He strung me along for as long as he could, and held great pride in doing so. When I thought I had a chance, he let me go crashing down by rejecting me for this other girl, who let me tell you was not very good looking, and was not a very nice person either. So, uh yeah, that’s it really.” I explained, and then looked down at the floor.

I’m Ella effing Campbell, I’m the stud, I’m the one that gets the chasers, I don’t do the chasing. But that one moment of weakness shattered my pride, and left me clueless for a while. It wouldn’t have been as bad if he didn’t string me along, and make me thing I had a chance. But in the end I was the one who won. He was a loser, going nowhere in life. He did me a favour.

“The sorrows of being a teen girl in love.” Seto smirked, and I smirked back.

His jerk personality was what I needed as a reply, I didn’t want a heart filled apology and ‘hug’ for what the other guy did, because I just wanted the topic to fly over, and it was a good thing what he did in the end anyway.

“Well, let’s go downstairs and you can be acquainted with Mr. Raidon Yamada and then we can get this interview underway.” Seto said, standing up.
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WOOHOO Chapter 100! Finally made it. Only 10 to go 'til the sequel :D