Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 101 - "Karma baby"

I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out before I left the secret room with the two way mirror to go into the conference room where a guy I used to date was sitting, ready for me (unknown to him) to interview him.

Seto had ‘adjusted’ me for the interview. Because of the hairpiece, he took my hair out of its ponytail, and made it as messy as possible for the ‘sexy sex hair’ look.

He used the hair tie to tie my blouse tighter at the bottom than it already was, to make the blouse tightly hug my body. He then made my bra straps tighter to show more cleavage, with the first three blouse buttons undone.

Then he rolled my business skirt up to be very short in length.

I turned the sound recorder on, and quickly bounded into the room.

“Hi, I’m Ella Campbell, and I’ll be your interviewer today.” I said quickly, rushing over him ready to shake his hand.

He’ll look up at me and recognize me in 3…2…1…

“Ella! Oh my god, it’s really you, you’re looking so gorgeous!” The pervert Oliver said, immediately not taking his eyes off the adjustments Seto made and hugging me.

Seto must have seen the look of anger on my face, as he hissed for me to be nice through the earpiece.

Screw that, I wouldn’t be downright rude to him or push him away, but I was going to give him my specialty: being subtly bitchy towards him.

“It really is me, I work for Kaiba Corp. now.” I weakly smiled, trying to lure him into a false sense of security.

“And you’re interviewing me? This is great, you can automatically give me the job!” Oliver said, sounding excited.

“Firstly, Mr. Thomas, let me remind you that I owe you no favours, as you were the one who harshly rejected me in the most painful way as possible. Secondly, Kaiba Corporation does not hire based on personal association, Se-Mr. Kaiba has made that a golden rule being the tight businessman he is. Thirdly, I don’t make the decision on whom to hire. Someone else from HR will listen to the tape I supply to them, so be careful what you say.” I said sternly to him, losing my cool.

I expected Seto to completely flip out at me losing my cool, but instead all he said was ‘good girl’ through the earpiece.

“Aw thanks Ella, still looking after me after all that we’ve been through.” Oliver stupidly said, not picking up the harsh tone I used in the statement.

I successfully was able to refrain myself from giving him a glare, and asked him a few employment questions – he was applying for a job as a janitor.

I noticed his questions were getting shorter and shorter, and his eyes were fixated on my chest. Seto informed me through the earpiece that this was the perfect time to change the conversation to a ‘friendly’ one, in hopes he’ll give the information we’re after, even though he knows he’s being recorded.

“Oh Ella, I made a mistake.” Oliver said, getting up from his seat and moving closer to me.

“You’ve probably made a lot of mistakes. Be more specific.” I snorted.

“I made a mistake in letting you go for Sam. She’s fat, you’re voluptuous. You have a beautiful face, she’s ugly. You’re a nice person, she’s mean. You’re gorgeous, she’s not.” Oliver stated.

I decided to ask him the question that plagued my mind for weeks on end. Why her? If she were a nice person, I’d understand. Looks aren’t everything, and I know I’m not the nicest person in the world. I’d do anything for a friend, but I can be quite a bitch if you get on the wrong side of me.

“Then why did you choose her over me?” I asked Oliver, biting my lip, wondering why I was taking this so seriously.

I hadn’t even thought about Oliver until today, I had forgotten his existence and I got on with my life after he rejected me, but I guess it’s human nature to be curious, and why not ask if I have the chance?

“Honestly? You were 17 at the time. She was 16. She was younger.” Oliver shrugged, as if that were a reasonable excuse.

Seto stayed silent, the last instruction was a minute ago and he said to just create general conversation. But this conversation was giving me a sure fire way of busting him and getting him deported.

“Oh, that’s reasonable I guess. I mean, you’re 25, you’re not getting younger, so you should take the best you can get.” I nodded.

Yuck, I know, he’s 7 years older than me. Even older than my ex. I was naïve, and he played on my mind and my insecurities to take advantage of me, and I woke up to that, until I got lonely one day…

So far, he hasn’t committed a crime. But I know him, and I’m going to dig deeper.

“You’re right, but I messed up big time.” He replied.

“Oh?” I asked, knowing I could really get him.

“I got her pregnant, and now I’m stuck with a fat cow and a stupid kid.” Oliver sighed.

BINGO! Say goodbye to Japan, I’ve gotten enough proof to get you deported BIG TIME!

“Well, that sucks. It might suck as much knowing that the California age of consent is 18, her being 16 and you being 25 means you break the 3-year rule and you’ve committed a felony back home, which means the authorities could deport you for lying on your visa application form for saying you have no crimes. Sucks hey?” I laughed at him, hoping he’d finally pick up I’M NOT BEING NICE OR SYMPATHETIC I’M BEING A BITCH TO THIS COMPLETE CREEP!

However I do feel good I caught this guy without either Seto’s help, or the guy from the department of immigration.

Instead of being scared that I knew a way that I could get him deported, he came closer to my chair, his face inches from mine.

“You were always a smarty pants, and a hottie with a body. Why don’t we start over? I can leave the fat cow, I know you still want me and love me, I can see it in your eyes. We’d make a perfect couple.” He said, and I pushed my chair back, got up and shoved him away.

“I never loved you, you stupid jerk. I BROKE UP WITH YOU, and I only wanted you when I was desperate in a time of need. You only went with that ‘fat cow’ because you knew deep down I didn’t want you, and I could easily find someone else, you were always very jealous. I conclude this interview, have a nice day Mr. Thomas.” I said angrily, turning around ready to storm out.

However before I could grab the sound recorder and storm out, he grabbed me by the arm, stated ‘I love it when they play hard to get’ and pulled me into him.

Just before our lips touched, a crash came from the door, and Seto raced in and pulled us apart, the department of immigrations officer Mr. Yamada hot on his heels.

“Oh my god, Seto Kaiba! I’m your biggest fan; I love the way you duel! That’s why I applied for a job at Kaiba Corporation!” Oliver said, going all fan boy on Seto, which made me snicker despite the circumstances.

“You are to NEVER touch my girlfriend ever again. You are to never talk to her again or ever harass her. Otherwise you’ll have more legal issues than just getting deported.” Seto growled at Oliver, who looked at him with his mouth open, and then turned to me.

“What can I say? I’ve moved up in the world. I don’t need pathetic unskilled JANITORS like you, now do I?” I smirked evilly at Oliver.

“Mr. Oliver Thomas, you’re under arrest for breaking the rules of your tourist visa by applying to work, as well as lying to get a visa in the first place, on the grounds of you just admitting you committed a felony back in the USA, which was not declared on your visa application.” Mr. Yamada said, shoving Oliver out of the room, and out of my life once again.

I had to smile to myself.

Whilst Oliver never ‘broke my heart’ back in L.A. when I was 17, and I only wanted him in a moment of weakness, it still felt good to get back at the guy who manipulated my mind and took advantage of me the first time we dated.

Karma baby.