Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 103 - "Okay, you win"

“So Dukey, have you begun to study for exams?” I asked Duke, as I was leaning back on my chair, my chair on two legs, whilst biting on the end of my pen.

It was a long and boring economics double, I had long given up on my work and decided to speak with Duke.

“Ella, exams are like, two months away. Why would ANYONE begin to study for them?” Duke asked, swatting me away.

“Um, me.” I said, in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Me too.” I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see a girl named Melissa. She wasn’t an outright bitch so I didn’t have a huge thing against her, but she was a little rude to me at times, and she did anything she could to talk to a guy, and Duke had been her target during economics all of this year. It wasn’t a flirt type of thing, it was more of a ‘if I talk to you, we’re friends right?’ thing. Duke brushed her off every lesson, but now she was convinced they were friends. She was also annoyingly loud and ditzy.

“How are you studying? Heavily or lightly?” I asked her, being bored enough to strike up a conversation with her.

“Heavily, but only for economics. I only care about doing well in economics.” She stated.

“…why?” I asked her, finding this the most ridiculous thing ever.

“Because if I do well in economics, I’ll do well overall.” She said.

I decided to shake my head at her stupidity, economics was only one subject, and all subjects were added together…

“You should totally follow my study methods, Ella. I get in the high 70’s, you’ll do as well as me.” She said, in an attempt to brag.

All right. Time to bring this girl down.

“I hope not, Melissa. I get in the 90 per cent range…so if I study like you my grades will go down.” I said, shoving my seat forward to make the four feet touch the ground and turned to speak to Duke, who was laughing hysterically.

“Okay then, Mr. Devlin. Please tell me you’ve thought about which college you’re going to, applications are already open.” I begged Duke.

“I sure have, I’ve already applied for two.” Duke informed me.

“Which ones?” I asked, gaining interest.

“If I don’t apply for Domino University as my first choice, will you be mad?” He asked me, sounding scared.

“No. It’s your life. I’ll only be mad if you don’t email me.” I shrugged, knowing how frightened he was and obviously had been dreading telling me this.

He let out a sigh of relief.

“Phew. Okay, then Domino University is my second choice but I, well I’m interested in going to Berkeley.” Duke admitted.

“I was thinking of Berkeley as well.” I informed Duke.

“Really? I thought you were hell bent on Domino University?” Duke asked.

“I am, but Seto’s being really persistent. He keeps telling me to keep my options open in case life doesn’t go to plan. Not bad advice I guess.” I shrugged.

Duke nodded his head.

“There’s not really that much incentive to stay at Domino anyway. You’re going to Berkeley, Tea’s moving to New York to do dance, Joey wants to travel the world and get laid, Bakura is going to Egypt, seems like it’ll only be me, Tristan and Yugi.” I stated.

“I know, it’s so weird. I can’t believe the golden group is splitting up so soon.” Duke said, taking a sigh, which I followed.

“See, if it’s so soon, you need to study for your exams.” I smirked, grabbing his textbook and opening it in front of him.


The next Friday night, Seto had decided to take me out on a date, considering we hadn’t done that in a while.

We were doing the traditional dinner and then a movie. However, we were arguing about what kind of restaurant to go to. Seto wanted a classy restaurant, I wanted casual dining.

“Come on Seto, we do the classy dining all the time, I’m sick of it. Let’s do casual for a change.” I whined to him.

“Ella, classy is perfect for two classy individuals such as ourselves. Besides, nothing but the best for you.” He smirked.

“Look, the restaurants you take me to are really nice, but I’m just suggesting this once we go casual. Just for a change. You need to try casual for a change too. Besides, it it’s a really bad experience you’ll have ammunition to always say bad things about it, and you’ll never have to take me again.” I stated.

“Okay, you win.” Seto smirked.

I sighed softly. I don’t know why it had to be a ‘war’ just to try a new restaurant? I guess Seto will be Seto.
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This is a nice filler part haha, I mean it's boring and not much happens, but at least it's realistic.